<br />
<br />TO HayE axn To HOLD the same unto the Rortgagee, as herein provided. Mortgagor represents to,
<br />and rnvenants with, the Mortgagee, that the \iortgagor has good right to sell and convey said premises;
<br />that they are free from encumbrance, except as hereinotherwise recited ;that the Mortgagor will warrant
<br />and defend the same against the lau-ful claims of all persons whomsoever. ;Mortgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />all rights of homestead, all marital rights, either in law or in equity, and all other contingent interests of
<br />the :Mortgagor in and to the above-described premises.
<br />PROV2DEp AL4yAYJ, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to
<br />wit:
<br />Rortgagor agrees to pap to the iFIortgagee, or order, the aforesaid principal sum with interest Pram date
<br />at the rage of Thirteen per centum (l3 ~o) per.tnnunt on the wtpaid balance until paid.
<br />The said principal and interest shall be payable at the office of First National Bank
<br />in Hastinc~, Nebraska , or at such other place as the holder of the note Wray designate in
<br />writing delivered ar mailed to the Mortgagor. in monthly installments of Five Hundred Thirty-Six and 51/100---
<br />Dollats {$ 536.51 ), commencing on the first day of Apri I , 19$0 ,and continuing on
<br />the first day of each month thereafter until said note is fulls paid, except that, if not sooner paid, the final
<br />payruent of principal and interes*_ shall be c?ue aml payable on the first dac of March, 2010 ;all
<br />according to the terms of a certain prumissorc Hole of even date hereii•ith executed by the said 11lortgagor.
<br />The Mortgagor further ag~ies:
<br />L He will pay the indebtedness, as Here inbet'"ore provided. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any
<br />time, without premium ar f«•. the entire indebtedness or any part thereof not les_e than the amount of one
<br />installment, or one hundred dollars {5100.f23), whichever is Less. Prepayment in full shall be credited on
<br />the date receia~rl. Partial prepayment, athex than on an installment due date, need not be credited until
<br />the nest followirte installment due date or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is earlier.
<br />?. Together with, and in addition to, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable under
<br />the terms of the note secured henbc, ?liartgagor a ill pay to Mortgagee,,t_c trusttv~, (under the terms of this
<br />trust as hemin~fter stated) on the first day of each month until said note is fully paid:
<br />(a) A sum a~t}val io tlae grnurd rents, if an} ,next Sue, plus the premiums that null ne_rt become due
<br />and payable un twlicies of fire and other hazard insurance cav:ring the mortgaged property,
<br />plus tales and assessments nest due on the mot4gaged prepertr (all as estimated by the Mort-
<br />gagee, at.d of ~iltich the 3iiu•tgagor is notitiE~d) ]c-s all sums alreadc paid Therefor divided by
<br />the numtxr of month;. to elapse 1>zfra•e un,- month prior in the date when such groand rents,
<br />pt~miunis, taxis and a~~~,;sm~-nts gill br~umc delinquent, )uch sums to be head bS- Mortgagee
<br />in trust to par said ground n•nis, premiums, rases and special assessments.
<br />(b) The aggregate of thti• amuunL payable pursuant to sabparagraph tat and Chase pa)able on the
<br />note serund hers°b~, shall lx; paid in a single pa~-mznt each wonth, Yo bz applied to the follow-
<br />ing items in the onjer siateti
<br />{t) ~nxtund rents, taxes, ass-ssntents, fire and i,ther hazard insurance premiums;
<br />{n) interest on the Hate ~~ured hereby; and
<br />tlil) ~amc+riiaation of t]ie principal cif said Hate.
<br />any defiriencc in the antntmt of any such aggt•e}*atr, monthly payment sltatl, unless made goad
<br />by the \1a~rig-agar pric+t• to Lhr due date .,i the next ;uch pati incur, ~c,nstitute an event of defarilt
<br />under this nrastgage. Atllc,rtr zg,=e's uptian, llurtgagor will pay a "late charge„ not exceed-
<br />ing four per r,~ntum t t') of an} ittst<tli mc•nt .Then paid me+re than fifteen { 151 days after the
<br />dne d5ie ilrirrii,f ici raiser the e-sire i'x}a•tise fill',+?ye,i in lisridiir:gc'aelingitent paytents, but such
<br />"]ate eltarge" shall not lte parable i~ut of the procecvls of any ,ale tnade to satisfy the indebted-
<br />nesasecured hereby, uvless sorb pre,cerds are sutfiriettt io disrhar}re the entire indebtedness and
<br />all proper iYisLS and expenses sixutri] thereby-
<br />, If the total of the payments made lay the Mortgagor under {n) of paragraph "' preceding shall
<br />exceed the amount of payments actually made by the Mortgagee, to trusu~e, far ground rents, taxes and
<br />is ar insurance prc>mitmrs, as the rase may be, such excess shall be credited by the Mortgagee
<br />on anhaegtxat payments to be made by the Mortga$C1r for such items ar, at Mnrigagrv~'s option, as trustee,
<br />shall lac refunded to Mortgagor. lf, hawever, such monthly payments shall not be sutTicient to pay suc•.h
<br />iti~ wheat the same shall become due and paS~ble. theft the Mortgagor shall pay to the .liortgagc~, as
<br />tattst~ any atnotrat wry to make up the defirienty within thirty { ;tt) days after a ritten no*.ice from
<br />~ Mortgagee stating the amount of the deficiency, wlrit3t natiee may be given by mail. If xt an>• time
<br />the Mttrtgagnr s3tall tender tct the Mortgagee, is aecarrdance with the provisions of the Hate strured
<br />heretty, full pa7,•mest flf the curse indebtedness represented thereby, the Mortgagee, as trusta~r, ;hall,
<br />in erunputing #Ite amount of such indebtedness, credit tza the account of the Mortgagor any credit balance
<br />aecumulatetl under the provisions of {ct) of paragraph 2 hereaf. If there shall be a default tinder any
<br />of the praviaions of this mortgage resulting is a putslic sale of the premises covered hereby, or if the
<br />Mortgagee acquires the property otherwise after default, the iiurtgager, as trustee, ,hall apply, at tl:e
<br />talm ad' the Connme~emen: of such pt+oeeedings, ar at the time the property is otherwise acquired, the
<br />astaraunt they retaining to credit the Alortgagor under {a) arf paragraph 2 preceding. a_K a credit on the
<br />interest aecrved and unpaid and the balance to the principal then remaining unpaid on said note.
<br />4. The lien cf this instrument shall remain in full force and et~ect during an:v ;wstponement or exten-
<br />sion aaf the time of gay-ment of the indebtedness nr any part thereof secured hereby.
<br />5. $e will piny all ground rents, taxes, assessments, '.rater rates. acrd other gc>rernmeutal ar munici-
<br />pal Charges, fines, or impositions, levied upon said premises and Utat he will pay all taxes levied ulwn this
<br />mtu4gage. or the debt secured thereby, t,r ;ether w ith any other taxes ur assessments which may be levied
<br />under thela>ivirofNebrasl:aagainstthe'+iortgagee,ar the legal holder of said principal nnte, un account of
<br />thin indebtedness, except when payment fur all such itetrts has theretofore been made under in) ut para-
<br />graph ~ hereof, and he will pwomptty deliver the o[Scial receipts therefor to the ~~lortgagee. In default
<br />thereof the Mortgagee ttuty pay the same.
<br />