<br />{,ia.-~.~~~ A (I) month prior to its due date the amtuai mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder
<br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban thve'opment pursuant [o the
<br />National Housing Act, as amended, and applicable Regulations thereunder, ar
<br />(H) If and so Iang as said note of even date and this instrument arc held by the Secretary of Housing and
<br />Urban Development. a monthly charge fin lieu of a mr~rtrage insurance premium j which shall he in an
<br />amount eyual to one-twelfth t 1 i t'1 of one-halt (1131 per centum ai the average outstanding balance
<br />due i)n the ante computed without talon, into account delinquencies or prepayments;
<br />(bl A sum equal tp ifte ground rents. tf any, uext due, plus the premiums that will nest became due and payable on
<br />policies of fire and other hacard insurance Covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessrents next due
<br />nn the mortgaged pmlxrn~ full as estlnmtCt Nr tFt+° ,lkrrrgngec=/ less all suns already paid therefor divided 6g the
<br />number of months ro rianse before' one month pnor to the date when sucia ground rents. premiums, [axes and
<br />assessments will became dr]tnqueni, such runts to b~° he(d hp Mortgagee is trust to pay said grmnd rents, pre-
<br />mtunts.taxes and special asse>sntent:; and
<br />(_ 1 All nayments nteniion.d in the twv+ preceding subsccunns of this paragraph and ail payments to lte mach under
<br />the Hate srcuted hereby shall be added t\+ethrr, and the ag~rcgate amount thereof shall he patd fi the ?tlortgagvr
<br />eech month in a smNe jrayntent to he applied by the Mortgagee ra the fallowing items to the order set forth:
<br />(1) premium charges under the canu'aCt of inaarancr ++'ith the Se+=retary ~,i ti,>using and t?ri?an Ik:velopment,
<br />ar tm~nthly charee7in lieu 4ri martiugr ittrurararc p,rrn:i+a»tt, as t he case may- be,
<br />7Ht eaound rents, taxes_ as:ecstnents, tiro :tnd ,ether hazard insurance }uenvunn;
<br />illl) uatarrst on the note secured herebt :and
<br />{IVrl armrtizataon of tha principal ,,; said nrte_
<br />any deticirncy ir, the amount of any uri: 'ti,;ceatr martl.ly' natment shali.:rnlr;s made goad by the ~tbrt-
<br />~agor rrior to ?ate one date c>f the nrxr such ,"~, n:r~,;. c. ::<t;tute ar, .renz c,i de;an;i under this mortgage. ]'ht
<br />\9origa,'<^e ma+- ealiect a "late charcr" rat :: caard ?, ....ruts i3d1 for rant dollar iS l } of each payment more
<br />:ban rift ~n t t ~±day s m cress ?. :set :ha e~?;., , siw n,,,. ltv. •iv cd m handhng drhncniem pa}-mrnts_
<br />7'#tat if the in;al of tlrr patment= ms<lr t+t the ~7urt'aor under of parae•rupit '_ precrd}n>; =hail exceed
<br />ttrr amount of payments acttiallt +++ade by the 1k\ngnr_+ec` fur .round nmt-. tatr~ and a,~e=~ment, or in~uranre ptr-
<br />mium-, a~ the ca-r mat he. much ex~{+.. ;t the ?.a<tn a. currant, at the ol,[ion of the )kutgagor. shall he credited by'
<br />tsar tior[~agrr on =ub~eyuent pay-menu is+ fx" made !,+ the 1krrt:;a~or, ..r refunded to the ltort,a,or 1f, however. the
<br />-urnthly paymena,< irtade be the tifurtgagor under of para;rap}r ' preceding 4hali not he .ut`ficient to pav Rrwnd
<br />refit. fare- and a=..=r~~rt+ent- i+r in:v;7u+ce premium. s_- the .:t=+• mat- be. when the -um," -hall bernmr due and p3y'-
<br />ahle. then the l3c+rt=affor=hsll pat to the ylon~:t:;cc• ant amounr Weer=-an to male up the deficiency, on or before
<br />z$te dxue when paymrn[ of -such r*tnund rent-, iaxr•,. a~-r-=m«nt- or in~uraner prrmitam= -hall be due- if ai any'
<br />there the ~9nt±°arnr ,ha!1 tender to the 17,rn_at•<-. in aecord:mt~e ++itlr thc• ar++ti~iun. ,>f the note -ecun•d hereby.
<br />full gstmr-m of Cher c-ntirr" indihttdne=- r:-nn-~rnt:-d th.n•ht. [hr• 1kxt~ae+xr .hail. in t++mputin the smcrunt oC =urh
<br />:nde:sre3ne•c., credir ro the a.+;.ctnt .+f t}t: 't,.r*,csgnr .ti} ~-,+menrti made un.lcr ?ht :'r.,, r.a:xrc .,f .: ,+f pua.;r:3pft
<br />hert~f whxh the Vk+niat_t~ ha- nor tx"camr• „oli_atrd t., pay ;+r rfir ~"cmtun +,f H+w~~uu and ;~rban [k-,rlr~ntent
<br />antt ant baianr•e rrmaintn_• m the fund- act emulated under the pn,\a~irm, ,ti ++t .arJ_*raoh ? herenf. lC there
<br />-Hall br a default und[7 oral «'f th+- pr+t+:=:wn- .+f this mt+rt_:a,ze, a•-ultin9 In :+ public :,ie ai [hc premt-e= rotr,rd
<br />'+err't++. are of the tk,rt~a,+rt- ac~u+n•~ rhr' pro pert: ++ttaen+i-.° attr`r dr"fan:t- flee ylt,n_aecc• ha}1 apply.:u the time +,t
<br />the .+,mmencemrn± ,.i -;'ch trn,t+-+-dtst ~~. ,u _, th.• tim+ ihr prop.~rty t- \lth<•rw:,r .:r+tuiaed.:hr h:tl:tnc,' than remain-
<br />;n, in the fund- a+; umulatt,e unti,•r „t narai:raph : tre+"eedine. 3- -t a rrdit s,3.+rn>r the :rmr,autt ;d ]r+inctpal thin
<br />°c-ts:uniR_ unpasd under -a... ,tt,u'. ~ttl -r:a11 nmpt•rh_ .+diu-t :,m {tavm+~nt- wnic5t -hall hs+.' l,ren'Fadr under:..
<br />,f par~rsplr ?.
<br />- ' yL,t .n,• ti; , ..lu ... ..~: ,. ':ent. plc" ... .. ,.. , "!i: .. :.. mnmi tCa:
<br />.,:.ir.r,. - r+ ..,,rt,. ~r• „ rc ,ar-r, na\ a... Br, r.: ,. ~nrr,. _~. .-.:. ,n... ..< ,~ t;c:eee mar
<br />;.a, ihr,,. . .,....: ~ 43."- .: .. p:i'. it?+\er the++ila ir.rtp ..-c r?, ;'. ht .I,+ri 4~arc'
<br />?~ur ~tnrti~>,. -,'.;: . - ae, \ li.::.::a\ t4r `r+ird ::r•.'z Cllr it, i...et--. r..r . r ... ,. - .:•ta 4m*rt.~:r-
<br />..~-'n1.- ~'R - .,,, ., ~ . iY rrf Ir,' ...,. C tht~ ,,a+r1_...r , '7'.r C ('t ,..i:rf.'. CC. ~..., ~c c. t.t i ... ~ .. '!1C, .,,'9 t`t.?tllrn.
<br />..rsc„cam vi:. ,..~..tt., r..._.,s:.,. r,r,^, n,.,.tr 1-,..._.~ ^ttreti ,.=err ,,-.:.t<t.. ht,U:{.:\':-
<br />.a~.arrg.,.... .,t +[< >_, -, ..+t•:,a± hr _.., ._,+ n, ~ ,:r r; rr _ - tr,: - :r -. ~vs: •rr ar.: ~ , ., +; _ .. the,: ,re-
<br />s,~ twr tz,_ik.n tn..er,or. ;,- .f..., ....:.. _. rrnm;t,n_ mr c.,+°tr~~ ^. •nr ttr ~ .. ;_..~..:+.r,-: r r. wcni,,,v
<br />.- ,.; 'rr nr,,.,iir •. rtlat rz•.z ..m -: n. ..,... ,.cell ~ r_,+r+. .., _atr.:.s , . the ~ 7, ~'~ia4t• .,.... '7. ~f„ ,r_:tRCr -. r:n:`. ]t... r
<br />?hr4'iy,'try• + ~+\* :inCt> .. • . .ir- r.y3 i,r the .'4. nC: r+i i-1te..4iY i. .,,_ ..--:, r.: t -.., c f.i .Ile ~:1 i'ril'.i.`
<br />uri3r t, to n.,I+.C hC t :{'+'' "Yr -. .au v., . ..... "l.,'-<n. ,. UC . _! u, ~it ..u .. ... .. , t ,.. it . . -f' ....i{.1 :lir1C'.1 J.f\
<br />tssl .tti.arid he tat+ t _.... , M,. +.. ~+ , .. , ... ~,, : n .arc .:. .rr:-~ "1 . .,xr .hc:+ s,._ '.t,+r ga,_cc...t aF 4
<br />x*n •.: sa+ pay an r'eri++rrs tnr +;..no.. , W n,' ra;+r'.^.ur.ur:. ::.,tf .bait ;+r :s.!c~ ?.- !i?r r n.,; .a- -_ . .^u tng ,gin the shi,\r ni:i+'.
<br />~n T3! be Seareu Sae". :'Ps ,=fly >t}3:~. ht~ - _ 1+t ~.:r~ ... -: t ..,Si =?;k<-...>u c Fiui ['~rei_
<br />;'_usr trc het-et++ a=stns t sn i,.. -.1 ••r^, , , tTrr l7 ' c•r. :d .....ii .. ,~" c at: .the n~+tr a ±d ._
<br />mums K:+trid heiCt`1 air ._. ....,4 e:! ~ .ai :.- ..x .,Ir : :. ,c .. r ::ft,? _, >idlt , .., ,'.f r:.: '~.}. r ~.e~e :. inr ~-,..,
<br />t ca, - ,
<br />„~, _,t tt#.£nt* "°\er*L1ez ::rh ) '~ {' _...: ., .^:" ',.L:.I.J ^. "'.. , ,.ai ..i ,.... t .... .. zf _.e tet`?K\:
<br />e" ,izat3 rem;.sn unp:.id' .4nd 'tc ti r-r..:rr. M.=': ., .. , •*,,; r+..:. , >,_t.t ,+t .~r.t:' „ ,, ar-.rr t.. r .++. nut F.\„r r'l
<br />;e{tatritxg satti ,~rcmt.r> ..ltd-nt rrnnn} the u . , .n ; . r.. r:+r ;rt-. '. +.tuc-. -:na : ,_,-`-ar..n., ~...\ , ,; of ;.s+d .r
<br />carats all rx}xssrs t>f rrpaux>s~ s,c+d t*rrmr±e, .,~ necr".:ry .Usamassxtn, nd rxt~nsee trs -used ;n rrnnn;; .+n+i msnaF<nrsg the
<br />,r+mt ~ =s5:aheC?ing rNntxls ilxrefri+m: ittc tai:ucc r:matnmg, if snt. io'+e applied t.,'+.zrd the dischar;?a „f ,uti m„nea^e
<br />rndtlttrdne;s.
<br />n. 77ra[ itr w'iit i.erp tkre imprr+ttsarni, n„x rw.++tang .+r hate'ter err. tru ,,n the m-.,rte_ lgeti pr,rt=;°rta .:n,.!red s-. ma} ne
<br />;c'ynired 'fr.`+rxt :tree is tt~ie =, ti'ie 17 i~rtE: ~c-r ~-a,r , h; -r rd hr; •a7ara. ,.,.,, :;n,! _:.ntn;rrt.:r, .n =......
<br />~steurtts.attd for such prnoas an rnas t+t rtz;uurd by the •t„r*.eatee .+^r.i u" , r:'mpl:r u nr du. .!n+ , rr ntum, .+n ,r.t,.
<br />:t ~i3'v~9SL+i,i fi*r pa: rs..2,i7 z: ...`.ich h , na=i rce„ -+:3ur rl. s", r'C.. :.. ~-r. ;,:hu-:, .. :, .,; E; ....:mod ... .1,-..;+C, .:
<br />pre+>'~u by Ghr A9crrtcagrt an„ the piahcies end rrnYw.:!n the rt,-f .hall }=r hr<d t•t me t1a gager .in a - - _.. cheu iherU,•',r„
<br />}+a)atek rlau=s+ to fa+xr rvf and to Corm :r. crprshie to the t;ortGSPee. in evrflr of to+, ;1,trt~gr.r a tl! g.-, r ,mmeut,,tr not;cr h+
<br />trail tt, tht !+itm~te, uh++ may ma-r pre+.of ,,f +,,,, rf no[ m.+.tr ,^-r.,npti, ht tt.,rtg;,g„r..rnd --..c7 t :•rrr:nrr :,rn:jtany~ +„n-
<br />.errf~d ie BCrtby authorized and dirrard ?., ^rai;r nav meni r,+r Ouch los+ duecth to the Afcrtgagrr mvrad :+f ?„ the yf on~ngor
<br />snd t}x tft+rr~.,~gee nrntt+ , snd i#+e tns•ur,ner pra.'erd,.:+r.;n°. ,art thearof . m;,} he .+rplird by the 17,:; tgeeec at n, .+^nan caber
<br />ter the rrdttetx+n.ri thrituiebtedrrt;c#+erct+..rctrre+# 4,r t+, ihr rii.~rfti„n r+t rrpau rf the t+r+., rl7\ damstre4. to cent of f;:rrriu.
<br />,ttre of tors trtcvtga~t cr other uansfer o7 ittle to the mi,rtt?agrd property nn rtnngurhmrnt ;, ~ tnr :ndrhtr.inc,e x• urrd beech; .
<br />nit si~hr,titk and mttrest a; the Mrvncagcu ;nand n, atry amurance paircies thee; rr, f,+r. r ,h:ahj,:;,, it the nw.h.,nrr ,rr gramer-
<br />§_ 3'h~atus sdditicmai and enRattral ~ecuntciarihr payment <af the m+te descnrxd..:nd ntl ,urre. ;;, hec.,mr due under this
<br />mortgage- the t.4x+rY~agcx herr6p sssigny to rt+e 1Nc+tt~re al! profits. r+enur+. a,+aitie,. rteht, ..nd iunctit, ^ecrumg n+ [he
<br />4ftxtgegar urrd{r aac and all oil amt ¢ai !ease, on 'said premises-with the right ;c: receive .,nd !rcrap+ 1„r the ,amc e+nd appiy
<br />ifacm to said indeM.tdatss as w'zlt !vefcxr as after deisuh to the ,o^dmon,:=f this n;.,rgage- ::ns! ihr ~1a-utFagr~ ma. Jem:+nd. ,uc
<br />frr and recn+r. any such payments u-hen due and pat nhlr, hu: ~hal1 not *+r r-y:a:rrd ,:r !,= Jr< 7h~> :,,-renmero? r, ?.+ acrminatc
<br />arrd ~+mt Wait attd void upon release i,f ihia mtx[page.
<br />"~+A 2tgaM rtQ ]~!
<br />