<br />31-04-0394 ~ This form is used in connec-
<br />ey lion with mortgages insured
<br />$o~~, g MORTGAGE under the one- to four-family
<br />provisions of the Nations]
<br />Housing Act.
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made attd executed this 29th day of February ,A,D.
<br />i4 gp ,bysndbetween Stephen O, Christian and Feggy M. Christian, husband and wife
<br />of the County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, patty of the first part, hereinafter called
<br />ilte Mortgagor, artd Mortgage Flus Incorporated
<br />a corporation organized andezistingunderthelawsof~e United States of America
<br />party of the second part. heteittafter called tht Mortgagee,
<br />WR'NESSETH:That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Forty Five Thousand One Hundred
<br />rid 10 s -------------------------------- Dollars (S~g y100. d0 ). paid by the Mort-
<br />g~ee, IHF trcetpx of witech is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold a b these presents does Gtant, Bar-
<br />gain, Sell, Convey and Confmn unto the Mortgagce, its successors and assigns, forever, the following-desetibed
<br />real estate. xituaxed in the County of Hall , aml State
<br />of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />The Westerly Sixty One Feet of the Easterly Sixty Six Feet {W61'E66') of Lot Six {6)
<br />in Block Three f3), in Westerhoff's First Subdivision in the City of hand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />also known as: 3111 W. 18th, Grand Is1and,NE 68801
<br />sd the Sixth Principal !lQeridian, a~rttainirtg in all city property
<br />trteax sutve>
<br />arncs according to Govern-
<br />ltd HAV E AND Tfl HOLD the premises above described, with all the appunenaoces thereunto belonging and including
<br />ail heata~, pium~ng and hghtmg fiuttres aml cqutpment now or hereafter attachtd to or used rn connection with said real estate
<br />uttso the Mongagee- aad in its sucxssors and assigns, forever. The Alorzragnr represents to, and covenants with, the Miutga-
<br />goe, tbtl the Mortgagor has good right to sell and eaavep said premises; that they are free from encttmbtance: and that the
<br />Alritt~gor w~ warrant arni defend the same against ziu lawful claims of all persons whomsoever: and the said \4ongagor here-
<br />lry names a~ rights of hmncsiead, am3 ail martial rights, either in i2tw or in equity, and ail outer contingent interests of the
<br />Mori in and w the aMive iesaitted premises. the inttntitttt beingto eattvey hereby an absolute tick, in fee simpk, includ-
<br />ittg aiitiBins ~ hc~estead, stud other rfgltts atul interests as aforesaid.
<br />~tOViU£D ALA°AYS, sod tlsest presents arc exmuted ttnd delivered upon the following eandisions. to wit:
<br />Tate fdaZgagtu agrees w flay to the idotigagee, cK older, tht principal sum of Fortti_• Five Thousand One Hundred
<br />i~>~hs ~_____^,___~,,. Dollars tS35,100.00 9, witfi interest from
<br />rite ttatFmid l+alantt ttt~ . 3be said Thirte~ ~ Per eentum t 3.00 riper annum on
<br />prmcp+al and interest payabk at the otItce of p~rtgage Plus Incorporated
<br />is Er%9levood, Co=.^-ram , er at such t±thcr place as the holler of
<br />t#te~emaydesig3natciawritit~,inmon~tl}murlimeatsof (according to schedule ? at*_ached to said
<br />nom) w _ Dollars ti-~------------------- i. commending on the rust day of
<br />Rpril , i9 80, and on the lust day of ear h month ahcreafter until the principal and in-
<br />terest sae fogy paw, eaequ that the final paytneat of prittapal and interest, if tort runner paid. shall be due and
<br />payabk ~ the fgsz day of 3+1ar^~t ?Oln , ; all accurdutg to the terms of a certain promis-
<br />snry ao# of rues date lurewatit eYeetned by the sau3 ~lortgsgnr-
<br />The Mores m orrfer mrue #ulig w protect the seatrtiy of thts Mortgage. agrees:
<br />1. That he will pay rite indebtedness, as htreinbefart provffied. Privilege is reserved to pay the debt in whole, or in an
<br />arnauate~uati to rate ter at(>Iae mamtitt}. payaaeatts ~ the ptirtcipal that are next due on the note, an the first day of any month
<br />prior to maturity: i4~attided, frowvevcr, 7Lat wzittea notice of an inientioa to exercise such privilege is given at least thirty t30t
<br />thtys prior xo preps}°mertt.
<br />2. That„ tctptthet with, and in addition w, tix monxhly payments of principal and interest payable under the terms of the
<br />nose hemby, the M will pay to the Mortgagee, on rite first day of each month anti! the wilt note is fu13y paid, the
<br />tolMwiuti stuns:
<br />ta) Amount sttfficiettx to pnmde rite ht>idtr hereof with t'unds to pay the next mortgage insurance premium if this
<br />insxnataent and the note txxured hereby are insured, or a monildy charge (in Herr of a mortgage inrumnce pm-
<br />aariatrl if they are held by the Secr-:,sty of Housing and Urban Development, as follows'
<br />;1) if mtd so iortg as said Holt of even dart and this instrumen! are insured or are reinsured under the prc+-
<br />visitms of rite Natiotnl Housing Act, an amount suffuient to accumulate in the hands of the holder t+ne
<br />PrEYi0Y3 tY,T1i~Orrr~ aTi CiUfOtlT® F ++A-- : 143M i 1 O-7 ]:
<br />