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live of prepayments not penniaed by the note) to ...............-$~-- ........_._.._.__.........: (i) that if the. Mortgaged Propert}' or any portion <br />thereof shall be taken or damaged under the power of eminent domain, the award for any property so taken or damaged tincludirg <br />severance damages to the remaining premised shall be paid to the Mortgagee and applied in full or in part at the option of the Afort- <br />gagee in reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured; j; that the Mortgagee shall have the riGht to inspect the Mortgaged Properly <br />at such reasonable tiruts as the Mortgagee may desire to dtcennine the Mortgagor's compliance with the covenants contained in this <br />Afortgage: Ik} that the Mortgagee may release .4om the lien hereof anp part of the abovo-descrihtd rsal property- without requiring any <br />consideration therefec, and l; [hat ht is lawfully seized of said premises in fee simple, that the same are free from encumbrances <br />except as may otherwise be spccitica]ly nored herein or waived in writing by the 6lortgagrc, that he wilt execute or procure any <br />further necessary assurances of ride and does hrrtbc warrant gencraliv the title u? said premises and will forever defend the same <br />aGainst the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever, and that his separate estate, whether vested, contingent or in cxpectancp, <br />v hereby conveyed and he does hereby espressl}• waive, release and relinquish all rights :rod benefits of any homestead, dower, curtesy, <br />appraiserrent, exemption and stay laws of this state. It is agreed chat the interest provided for in sub-section !gl above shall be I Z:{, per <br />annum or the hi3hest lawful rare ptrtnitted by contract under applicable law, whichever is lesser. <br />SECOND: That if the Mortgagor shall default in the payment of the Note or in the performance of any of the covenants or agreo- <br />ments herein or ire the Noce or in ant agreement collateral hereto contained, ur if the then owner of the Mortgaged Property shall <br />make an assy;nmenr, for the benefit of credimrs t>r shall tilt a grtition for relief under the Bankruptcy Act nf• 1893, as amended, or <br />under any similar statesce, or shall be adjudicated bankn+pt of insolvent, or it anv receiver, liquidator ur trustee shall be appoin ltd for <br />rack then nwner or ant of his proper[}, then iu such n~tnt. the entire indebtadm•ss hcrebv secured shall, at the option ut the 41ort- <br />gasme and xdthour notice to the Mortgagor, bt due and colltctibir at once by judicial foreclosure proceedings or as otherwise proadded <br />l+v law. or, when availalalc under applicai>lr statures or rules of pnetice, b:' advertisement and sale, and in such an event this provision <br />shall bt deemed as authorizing and constituting a power of sale as ntemioned in said sees Rrtes or rules; that in addition to the rights and <br />rcntrd4ts herein. the Mortgagee is hc:ebv authorized and ampmvtred at its option to txerise forthxith and from time to nme any <br />further rvhts and remedies available to the Mortgat;et under the laws of the start wherein the \IortGaged Properh' is situate, such as <br />tier right zo collect the rents, issues and profits, or to have a recticer appointed to collect the vmc. <br />77iIRD: The foIlowing schrduks ~ is .are'. annexed hereto :end made a pact hereof .;if no corn-, this section is inapplicable?: <br />POCRTH: That the awrnants }rcrcln roatained sha13 bind, and the brurtiu and advantages thereof shat) inure to the respective <br />bras- utcutua_ administrators, suc.essot s, and asaitin> of the parties her, to_ 7n this Murt-~agc unless the contut otherwise requires <br />wt?ri=s i;r the sia~*ular numUc•r the piuzai anti in ihr pivrai inriu,ir the .i;;~uin, and x•,}ni> in the mas.uiine gender >haii inciua'e <br />the tcnrininc and the neuter. <br />IN NlTN CSC \L'N£li£i)F, :ach of the undersi;;ned ha, signrd...caled and delivered thi> 11,+rtga,;c as of the dav, month and year <br />ttnz about wri±trn_ <br />ilitnes`ca: .~~s'ye~'~..._%i/ _- _~-a-_~_.~. ':,.z~ _..:: ~ .o"t ",-.~.. Jral' <br />- Constance L. Budd <br />_Seal'. <br />STATE ttP ~~$~.5~ - ._ - cal <br />(~ ,3 ~.. LeZtoy^;~. ~~a <br />~titL'!v TY tlf~' HALL } _^~.~~".ti., -,-.i,--~-r. _-A'~- .oral <br />1•, J"`~''=.^s <° f~'9 ,~' -""~*~'~~ ~ - a ti,.ta; t~ Pu b!i: ~ , .^,d t.xr sai3 i:~xutttti and St., hereby aertiiy t7rt <br />.m trs i..._ f 3:+a of ~-~ ~a'-""t = ~"'' 7 ~d , nrrsonaliv appeared hc,'ott nse the within -:..u rd ~+On5 t8I1Ce <br />Budd ~t LeRoy G, Budd, each in her & his own right and as spouse of t}:e other, <br />u, ;nr mown rr, he *.h indav 1 at 4 ..rib d t.: a;:d tai., ra:: utrd and wn~,x n-n.r. s. tr' sul* nbrd t-. t1 r within .r „ ~_. u;:,; <br />itx>trumtnt, and doh as l.nitx-3: dprd t., mr ;hat they ,tuna d and : arcutr.i =n= ., ne as their <br />.,z- .:;d a. tnx.•,.tsrv _t ar+d ~:?, fcr the ..>..... rT.; x. rhr._...:ar:t*..t+nr a- <br />t:11'£,'v under my hand and ic:ai .,rni, the ,iav .n3 :ra: ue chi-, .:rrrii i. ate :i:.: <b~.a-r x^~: to r.. <br />Scat" -~ <br />Mr cumtniasiun rspirss r"'"`d~~~ ~ »"~? 1r >...C..~L,~'k` ~-- <br />• - _ ,t ra 1'tclic <br />~~~r~I W~ <br />N-a. Ifexeinted::y corp.aatiun-;carporatt .>rm c.ia.i:n.?xi3rd,,rmrnt must i+r anac~ed. M~~1tjYrai~ <br />-~, -,, wa.~r-~..anN <br />±~~ ~: <br />~ <br />o <br />~ *-~ ^' <br /> ' <br />m <br />~ ~ <br /> <br />~ <br />~ ~ ._ <br />~ ~- <br />' <br />~ _ <br />, <br /> ~ ~ _y <br />,~ ~ <br />~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ <br />.¢ <br />w <br /> m <br /> <br />W ~` <br />., <br />~' _~ _ <br />~ _ <br />