<br />THIS MORTGAGE, dated as of the ._,._.22nd.,,. _ ,_.._day of...-.._.. tlugust .._ ....1979...., bcnycen Constance
<br />_ ..
<br />L. Budd and LeRoy G. Budd,each in her and his own right and as spouse of
<br />the other,
<br />whose post affice address is .- . .,.tilotsd River, ;!Iebraska 68883
<br />hereinafter called ".t/ortAagor," and THE EQtiiTABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNl1'ED STATES, a New York
<br />carporatian, has':ng its prindpa} office and post Dente address ac } ?$5 Avenue of the Americas, Nzw Yark. New York i 0019, iterein-
<br />af[erulled `::lvrtg.tgfr":
<br />WHEREAS, [ht Mortt;agar is jusdv indebted to the Moui;agre in [he sum of One_, Hundred _FiFty. ThouBand _ and no/100
<br />-- -. ~-----^ I~rilars ; 5 .~SQ sOOO.flO with Sntcrzst, all as set forth in his c: train promissory note
<br />";vcir'" o! rvzn date Irerr»*ith maturin .jantlary . ~ 2000 XZYX.
<br />NOl>:', THEREFORE, THlS MORTGAGE 11ITNESSE'i'H, that, to secure thz paymznt of the principal of and utcere>t on the Nair
<br />and the pzrfosmaute of ehr toanaats therein and herein contained, mtd in ton>idcra[ion o{ the prrmiszs, the Mortg,agur by chest
<br />prtstrts deter gran[. }sargaia, sedl, tonrrv, teen sire, assia;n, ntorc.;ae, pled,r. wa;rant an.l confinn unto the Mortgagee all the properry~
<br />"'tkr 3lnrtga~'+rd Property"'i hereinafter described, .e-wit: `
<br />l- The lollow-ing dtstribed real property located in the Counn' of Hall
<br />Snit of . Nebraska .. - _ , to-wit:
<br />The North Half of the Southeast Quarter (N'~SE~) of Section One (1),
<br />Township Ten {30) North, Range Twelve (12) West of the 5th P.M.,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, and
<br />'The Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SW~NW~) of Section
<br />Six (5), Township Ten (l0) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the
<br />6th P.M., Hali County, Nebraska.
<br />Together with all rights of mortgagor in the permanent easement and agreeirent
<br />for tsse of irrigatiat tell tJith right of ingress and egress as filed as document
<br />#78-OOL362 in the records of the Registe_ of Deeds of Aall County, Nebraska.
<br />Default by the mortgagor wader any othez 3nstrtnnnt secuzing the debt hereby secured
<br />shall constitute a default ut~lez this instrument.
<br />9l. The .M+rrrga};ssr's intrrtst as Irssc,r in all leases ~ including hvt not limited to, oil, >as ,.nd mineral lrasrs y.~sc yr hrrrattx of frc:
<br />ing *-irt alt. r~+c-z§^.strabrj real props ri cu an) part thrrrnT.
<br />T{'iGE779ER tl'IT9i t)nr ernes. i.sue=_. and pr:+Tzts thereof. rc,..°n~in~, haurs~rs, unit>= rixhrrwsse }`r.rt-idr.i }s:: <ta> ~,t sn a ,r y+ar:+tr
<br />instratttrnt ai asslhnts,ent-., unto tier ~1urt;artur t^sr right. prior to env default in the l+aymrnt of ehr Nate .-+- in perionnan_r .rt env
<br />agtrttntat irrrrundrt. to collect and retain su:.}r rents, is:ors. and pn~ti[s a> rhr~ iw.un:t .fur and payable, arsd t.sf<tlsrs al>u sv!tis ..l!
<br />aatl sis8t[}ar tfrr tanrrrtntx, itrrediti-¢nrnti., nerd agpwr[cnsarsr> thrrrurto Itrl.:n,;sn~. in.iu,3ir.:, irrigation, drasrsa,:c, and >*-efts rmht, ai
<br />reerfi 1Lin+d and deccriptix>rr.
<br />7'U ttA.l'f ANi? TO H{2Ll) flat same water the hits-t4:yet tt._ sur..saur<_ and as>i~n.. i.vevrr.
<br />YRtJViLaELi, A.L>dt.AVS, mat N ehr Mt=rzgagt,r. }wh hrit~, trprruntatis~rs_ succrsstos +s assi>`ns. >natl par unto the Murtcakrr. its
<br />att~ctssors sat assigns, flat said sum „f nwnrt mtnti[+n rd in flee .rtutr and the totter=t thereon at tlse tsmr> uud pla.e and in the manner
<br />sptx:ified in ehr 7J+tatt. aad a3 .'Lhn s:tms brat mat b.-..mr Sue aad uuins; to the Murt ~a,;rr pursuant t.~ and ,~f the tee nr s. ~ovrnaert>
<br />aad tsartdititms bcxraxl, aced ptrfr-mn all the c:r*_aditicns and aavtttants contained in this mun,;ake , "AI;=rttspr .` .then the>r };resent, and
<br />tht tsiau htrri+y rrastrd sisal`s tease, dettnn~-sr and be x~sd, otherwise to roman an full toter and cifsct.
<br />31N4? SLt$JF.tT to tier tt+cxtrants aad ~:mditicns hereinafter set forth.
<br />Ft1tST: The 1Narrgagc+r hereby :ovrnarrts and egrets, to ehr extent prtmi[ted by law- as ±olluw>: a to pat- prc,mptly when due
<br />!hr seed itstrtcst and ratittx nuns of moues pros ided frt in t}sr Note ana m Iris Mare ge, or tither: -. b r t p i aL lases, assrss-
<br />metfcs a~ all arkn t}ratt~+es sine3ndiw~, dish. canal, rtstrn+ir. ar other water rhar~;e ,rases +sr a-..- -meats sm p.+sr3 h, 1 w uo.;n ehr 4f.,r,
<br />gagz~d fir .fecrty-» tier r..3rirx:;apcr's intrrr..t therein, nr up..sn zisr 14e,rtgaere :x .i!r `i e,tr: pr. sided h,~wr.~rr. char. in rite rr~rnr i~l ehr pas-
<br />sage ~ aaev last tltaatgiag ehr laws far the tazation a: murt:gages cu debts uturrd try mort};agr su as to affect this Martga};e, t}tr enrite
<br />stx:srft~l htsxlrp shall, at else option of the R3 vtgagrr, hrromr due and pay~ablr: ~. c . to keep ehr Mortgaged Property and
<br />sapteACtmettts tisereoa itt good tastdstitxn tad repair and nut to retnmit ur retiree w-.str thereof, and rtcrpt ~ autheritrd in any- s: hrd-
<br />nk atrarxrd ittrtm acrd farming a part hereof, neit}srr to rzmave nor permit ehr tens oval ui any timber. boil dings. .ril, ~,a+, ntinrrai,.
<br />stone, rorit., clay, frrtilirer, gravel ar tap soil witltnut ehr prior written tunsrnt r.f the hi._,rtgagrr:.d; to maintain and deliver to rho
<br />~' pales of itts;rraaer against such lrazarrls urt ehr buildings nom - hrt_afte lo. acrd un the M,artgagrd }'ropertl- the
<br />>~ nag re~a r, itr such rotupanir-> aad amrsunts and r~az}r -uch 4,ss p,ez-6}c <lauscs a, shall br saw>fattorr :.s the'v1u r,agrr:
<br />t in for c~eat of lets ehr-Mcrxre is tzprrss~a~ authar~ized to settle or cumpprcamisr claims ^ndrr said politie> and ehr proceeds shall
<br />br p'tcid Lu rite Marry wi[a map app%y ame or any part therm( on the indrhttdnrs> secured hereby nr towards the rrcunstructiun
<br />a rrpait of said btti~dxn' gs ar release same to tlteMortgagrr;';e to pay any lien, r}aim ur charge a,~:ainst ehr Mortgaged Prespere}~ which
<br />sa~tt taT<e preecedrnce aver tart Ilea herrol; tf} to pay acs demand all }egi7 eaprttsr:, title se- cht.+, ur atturncr fees reasonably [recurred
<br />at by ehr Mortg:get tornllrct sire i+lturar fr>rrdasr err prutert the lirn of tl;e Mortgarr~ :p; that in the event he shall iasl t,-, c„m-
<br />ply with tht prorisitrtttts crf'a) through (f; alftrve, fief Mortgagee may take such action as is nrcresaty to remedy such failure end all
<br />settees paid by tllr Idartgat,+ct pursuant hsrrta wills interest ae the rata Streina(irr provided shalt constitute a lien upon the Ai<;rtgegrd
<br />4kaperty, Shall be stcveed by this Martgage, and shall be im mtdiacely due and rrpa}'Lble to the Mortgagee; th'. not to sell the premise>
<br />-~ any poetise thtrraf, ar, if ehr Alarfgagar is a corpantion, oat more than--- ?: oiler curpuratr et,xk shall hr s„Id, traded us dis
<br />psxed of m persons atlsa than the prrxnt owners prior to the time the indebtedness securrd hereby shall bare horn redo. e~i ~e. clu
<br />