<br />stye of prepayments not permitted by the rotz) to ._......~^Q...-.. .- . _..........._...........; (ii that if the Mortgaged Property or any pardon
<br />thereof shall be taken or damaged under the power of eminent domain, the award for any prupcrcy so taken or damaged (including
<br />szvzrance damagas to the remaining premised shall be osid [a [tic hiortg:+gce and applied in full or in part at the option of the Mort-
<br />gagzc in reduction oY she indebtedness hereby secured: ~j? that the Mortt;agzr shall have. the right to inspect the Mortgaged Prapzrty
<br />aF such reasonable times as the Mortgagee may desire to determine. the Mortgagor's compliance avith the covenants contained in this
<br />Mortgage; Ik) tha[ the Mortgagee may release from the lien hereof any part of the aboa•e-described real pcopecry without reyuiring any
<br />eonsidenrion therefoq and (1i that he is laavfvllc seized of said premises itr fee simple, that the same gee free from encumbrances
<br />except as may otherwise be sprciticaliy oared herein oc waived in writing by the Mortgagee, that he will execute or procure any
<br />further nerssary assurances at title and does heretic avarrant generally the title to said premises and will forever defend the same
<br />against the claims and demands of all persons whontsoe+•er, and that his separate esta[e, whether vested, contingent or m expectancy,
<br />s hereby convened and he does hztrba• expressly waire, release and relinquish a!1 rights and benefits of any homestead, dower, cur[esy,
<br />appraisrment, zxemprian and stay laws of this state. It is agreed that the interest provided Eor in sub-section age above shall be 1 "+~, per
<br />annum or the highest lawful rate permitted by contract undo applicable Saw, whichever is lesser.
<br />JEC(]NI): That if the M.>rz4:utor >hali default in the payment of the Nate or in the performance oC an}' of the :;cnenants or agree-
<br />mcr,ts herein or in the Notr or in am• agrezment :ollatrral hereto mntxincd, or if the then aav--nee of the Mortgaged Property shall
<br />make an assi~rtment far the benefit of <rrditors or shalt file :: petir.rn !nr relief under rho Rankruptcp Ace ,?4 1398- as ,:vrended. nr
<br />ur;der any sitnil-ar statute, or >hall bz adjudicated bankrupt or itisolvrnt ar if any' receieer. liyuidatw or trwtce shall be appointed [ar
<br />arch then owner or any oY his property, thee, in such event, the entire indebtedness hueby secured shall, at the option of the Mart-
<br />gagze and without notice to the Martkagor, be +?ue geld collectible at oncz l:a- judicial foreclosure ptocztdinGS or as athrr+vise provided
<br />by taw, ar, witen availabk under applicable sea tuxes ar ruLs of practice. by advertasemrnt and sale, and in wch an event this provision
<br />shall be deemed as authorizing and r:,nsn toting apower of sale as mentioned in said statutes er rules: that in addition to the rights and
<br />remedies heron, the Mortgagee is heretic authorized and emaowrred at its option to exercise forthwith and from time to time am•
<br />turthct rights and remediz> available to tltr Martlagre under the laws of thz state wherein the '.long+eed Pr.+prrty is situate, such as
<br />the tis£tt to callzct the renu, icurs and pratits, or to have a reccicer appointed to : ollect :he sartc.
<br />TREAD; "1'he fodawdng schedule s'• is -see' annexed herrt.a and made a part hereof . ij no znn v. tit is section is inapplicable%:
<br />Ftll?R1ti: That the covc•nmus hereto .o;ttained shall hind, and the ben<^,its and advantages therroi sha'sl inure n. the tesprctive
<br />_ _ _~ =.a„~°'- _ - _ ~.d a--7~s .>i the panics hcrrtc. ".n this Atort.;ayr unless the t,?n;rexr otherwise rrgmtes
<br />v,+.}rds 4n the singular number induda the plural and in the plut.d inrludr the >!upulaz, and w.vds in ;ha• snas: alute vendzr shad iutludr
<br />the faminine and inn nru ter.
<br />3N ~rl~'NE.SS UIiE~Ei?F. ratF: of the undersis;nr.? as si2nrd, sealed :,:t.i .irlu~ered t^i. ~i„rt.~agr .:s ,...~.c 3ar~. ~v.?nth and year
<br />1„ r ,'~ ;_,,:?t~x(' . ! /F/ ~. +$e,?: E;( . a tiotary Puhlit in .+nd fa?r viii C:.+.tntti t.+i Mate. .i,? i:trcba .ernia- tit;:t
<br />Donald
<br />*~ thu... .+ ~ d:+v st ..,~`^'xs~:.tz'=~:. 7`% $Q_ personalh~ app+t.red brt~ur mr the within named
<br />~1•£'r 8II4; Carolyn H@11eZ,- -and ..Wlfe ~ - ... - _..... -
<br />tn ~ knows a, br **-1te inata'tdaai s- drscci}m.! to and w~#t at csr<uted and wltt sr namz s is a_r , sv6 cribzd to the w-ithitt ara t r°wn~
<br />Instrument, and ~dttiy a<irnzw3rd}'rd t:a cnr :teat- ry'!e}r >ixnrd and r•_r*_ute.i the same as t~1.81x
<br />fzet• and valtasiarv an and dzed. Yr+t t}ar uses grad i^wpas:.•s thctrin mrnt+unr3.
<br />L;SVEN ui:t#er my htand atl'tcial szal. the Sea and tress in this .ctrifi: ate fit st :.ba<-r w•rittrn.
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<br />V.H. lfsaecutcd by carpontian..-.urpcnate Corm tti acknctwlcdgemcnt must t. atta~hrd.
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<br />uriatutes~ '°i"r/"-4L~-~,~=„s'"'.'>~-~~ .. ~'".`. Donald Haller ..
<br />--~ seal
<br />sT~TE uF NEBitASKA ~ .>. .. w ~ - .. , .. ;ea:
<br />t~`T• Carolyn Haller
<br />