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F-1$9225 <br />THE f QUiTABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES qg~ <br />THtS MORTGAGE, dated as of the..._., ..19t...... day of .... ,JdARary .... . 19 80 , henviceu Donald <br />Haller and Carolyn Haller, husband and wife, <br />a-huse post office address is ._ __-$heltDII, .f4ebr85IG&....t2~h76 .. <br />- <br />kterrinafter cal?ed "A}ortgagor," snd THE E{,)L'ITABLE L2FE ASSUkANCF. SCICIETI' CIF THE L'N ITL"P STATES, a Ncw Y.>rk <br />corparstion, baring iu principal ofticr and past oiti.:e address at 7'_85 Avenue of tlxc Arnericas, Ncw fork, Ncw i'rxrA 1(701 V, herein- <br />aftrr called '".Atorlgagee ": <br />WHEREAS, the Mortgagor is justh• indebted to the :Mortgagee in the snm of Qne Hundred. Fifty TdzQUSand. and <br />13eiJ1-00.. IA~llars ~ 5. .150,000.00 with interest, all as set forth in his ccrtairr pramisson~ note <br />{"'3otr"} of even date herewith maturing. ..February .1_ _.. , %9e 2000 <br />' NONr, THEREFi}RE, THIS ~fOhTGAGE Ii~ITN ESSETH, that, m sensre the payment of the principal of and mterest un the Note <br />and the prrfornraner .~{ the a>tznants then•in anG hrmin contained, and in consider„tion o3 the premises, the Aiort~a}*,or by these <br />prrsrnL+ does grant, barr;ain, scA, convey, t-ansfrr_ assign, mortgage, plydgc, warrant and .:entinn unto the 'sfertgaKcr all rice property <br />"thr.ifnrtga~ed73nprrty"`~ hereinafur desc,-ibrd- to-u5t: <br />i. 7"ne fallawin¢ described real pmp<`rtt~ located in the Caunr; o! .. .. .H811 .. .. ... ... - . <br />Stare e4 _ilebr3si[8 ... , to-H-$; <br />The Northwest Quarter (NWT) of Section Thirty-one <br />(3I), Township Eleven (ll) North, Range Twelve (12) <br />West o;= the 6th P.Ma, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />De£anit by the mortgagor under any other instrument securing the debt hereby <br />cured shall c~.stitute a dafault under this instrument, <br />ii. Tier h3vtba8ar's intrte>t as'itssu it: all leases -in.k•.; dinK Cixt n.,t 3ur~ntrd ta. tai-. ia> .nd mint. al i:~a.ces new z=r ii s•rcaftrr aflrc t <br />lap, for sl>;.rr-drs;°ribrj stal pre pr. t. cx a,ny part t3trrr<s1 <br />'i'OG£'(9-I£R i`4i"iii ~e mnta. i:sots, and Irraitts ther~i. rc-nrnnnK..hau~rvra anles> rairer s. i-: t rc>crdea herein .:r iu a sr paratc <br />tastruttarax taf assiPotttrnt uaia. rite Mortgatror the rxt_,iri, prize 7~~ anv deiau3t rn '.h< Pa}rarnt .:i the ti:;xtt .rr nn Per#:n niar+ic .;{ an)' <br />adrersaesa ~attsa3cr, tea cnllrct and retain such rents, issu and prr,zit, .> thrr lu~ ,nxr der -.nd pat F+le..,nd t f,4tlter al- with ail <br />and ttlar rite iearrotatx kxrzrdiunxnts. and appurunan.r> thereunto lxlun~,rni, 1:luding sntcatt. r, draitza~~r, :end watts iLh is of <br />eaxxp dried and dresrstptian. <br />TCiHA~°E Af1iP 3T1HCfL.O rite sstue unto the 4SoriKagrr, it> su..rssurs asst assigns, fatnrr. <br />P1tCaVfDETT. d1LhYAl'S, tha# if tlrr 45ar2pa€ua_ kris nears, rrprrstntattres. >u.crssots az assi}ns. :hall pav unto [he Mortgagee, its <br />stueemzrs arc assi¢as, t3sc said sum zaf money mrntuxncd nr the Nate and the iutrtcst th<rrrm >t the timra and nl..ce and in the nsanncr <br />~ the Nutt. and aft ot~ta• sums th a't :na; i>rccurn due snd ouiag to t#sr R'kxrt;agrr pvrswrt ri any ~:t the terms, cotenants <br />and rmaaditiens iterrttf. and przfatm all the corsditicns sndavenaats cantaiatd its this tnerrtgag. ' ~tf.+rr~ate., .Cher, these present acrd <br />~ s'staEt feetvby .grantsd shall cease, determine and :rr vt,id, tatherwiie to rrmaiu itr iitll forte and rfftct. <br />Ji.ND 5U$jT~.T to rJ9r rarsnaau and candirions 'nerrinaftrr set forth. <br />FIRST': T'he ~ lrrrn#s;' coveaanto and agrees, to the extent prrmittcd fry law, as follows: ;a1 to pay promptly when due <br />~_arad tatexest atad Wfrm'sutes rsf mattry providni ftu in rite Note sad in utZis Mwtgagr, ar tither; ~ b! to pay all taxes, assess <br />tantts and oiber thargts jiadutl~ditr3r, canal, resetvtur, or other water rfrasgea. taxes ar assrssmenu) imposed by law upon the Marr- <br />Pra}ust}', the 3daat4,a~re s irrtrtrst tlsrseia. w upon the M.artlta„,+ee ar cfre Note; prerstided however. that, in the event of the pas- <br />aa~e .st asy law c3raap}ag zh. Ix icrx 3.e ran.atir..n „t m., eKat;.-a .,.r ,l~br»~c u:ed 6; m.,<ab y<,,. >, r,: ..ff._r ai~i, s.#a.: rp.,h.-. rho ~nrir~ <br />.~a~_ a__ __- rsCttri~ <br />3tereby s§adl, at zlar aptitm of 23u i,+last~agee, hertmte due and payable: c} to keep the Marz~agrd Prapert}~ and <br />' tfirtran is goad saadixien and rrpax and not to xatamit ar suffer waste thereof, and ezrrpt as autlsarixrd in an}' srhrd <br />rtie atstseatsd hereto snd fvrmiag a pant 'httrof, tttiifres tc> rcmos=r nor prrmi[ the rzmuval of any timber. Guikdin}Es, ail, gas, minerals, <br />stflne, r~1t, d:y ict'tr'1;zrr, b'Ta~ +~' ~ ~ a>3fi>'~t ~ }=ix w~t~.n cc;s:.nt of the hie^gagea; id. to maintaiu and dr--beet is the <br />padres of 'camsratsex agamst such hazards on the lruifdinKs now rat hereafter located nn the ?Mortgaged Property as the <br />-$tay . is such er+tnQaniex cad aatounts and with such Ices payable clauses as shall br sarisfartory to the hiurtt;a tee: <br />that iA~the rreatt of lss the Moat~a~ee 7s r>cfsres~y rstthtsitzrd io xttk ar tomppromisr ckaims under said pokicies and the proceeds s~uil <br />be paitd_to the who may apply same nr nay part tftereaf on the indebtedness secured herrbv or [owards rise rrconstrurtion <br />or reposer of ~h <tt rrdeast same xo the MoTTBz; (rj to sy any lien, claim ar charge against the Mortgaged Property which <br />t7'3et sa3tr pt~ tort trite lira hrzsvf:{f?-w pay-aa demand afl legal tapenses, title searchzs, ar attorney fee: rtaxntably incurred <br />or -fsy tdxe ~tsrr to etsiktt t$rr Akzstr tst £tu:eclnsr yr protect the #ien of the MortKagr: +g'; that in the event he sha31 fail [r. cotn- <br />}+ky w~ The pao-isiooe o£ (a) tbtaugdt {f) above, the Moztgapre may talee such action as is necessa.y to remedy such failure and all <br />sass paud icy rite AAortgafge8 ptttmsant hereto w..~.l interest at the rate heteinafte: provided shall constitute a lien upon the Mortgaged <br />PTOPrTty, shall-}sc sneered b7 this hiostgag0. and shadd 1>t immediately due and repayable to the Morrgatee: - h? nut to sell the premises <br />eF-nay ptartiua thereof, :x, if doe Morxgagos is a tozpontirw, not more than -.- <-~ of its carrpor ate snack shall br sold, traded ar dis- <br />posed cf to pawns other than the present t)wartxpritsr to_the time the indebtrdnrss srcwrd hereby :ball hate bete reduced'csciu~ <br />