~~}- ~T!'
<br />'fE2IS AGR~ made and entar~d into by and between
<br />Dale R. &piehs and 4lriia J. Spiehs, husband and arife, herein
<br />caliad the SBI.LSR, and John C. O. Cachran and ,7udy Cochran, his
<br />xife, as faint tenants and not as tenants in cowman, herein
<br />called BUYTR, agree and grovida as follow®:
<br />If the BUYER shall fire*_ make the payments sad
<br />perform the covenants heseinafter mentioned an hie part to be
<br />made an8 performed, the SELLER hereby covenants and agrees to
<br />convey anti assnre all his right, tide and interest to BUYER,
<br />xho hereby agrees to purchase the follaxing described reai
<br />estate, to-xitz
<br />Lot Bight {SD, Black Severn {?}, in Packer
<br />and 1Barr Addition, an Addition to the City
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />aubjert to any and a31 conditions, utility easements and ether
<br />restrictions and limitatiaas or" record affecting said real
<br />estate.
<br />As purehate price of said described reai estate, said
<br />S£17tER oaveaaata and agrees to laay to SELLER, the sum of ~1^,SQQ.QJ
<br />is tEse folla~+iaq iaansser, to-wit:
<br />the sum of S1,Otl0.00 to be paid at the time of the
<br />axecutiaa of this Agreement. the balance +°, the suuz of
<br />$15,500.00 shall ~ paid on the first {l.t! of each month
<br />bsginaing March 1, 1974, sad the first Ist) day of each month
<br />thereafter until the total sum togethe.; with interest at the
<br />rate of nine {9? per cent per annum era: the unpaid balance has
<br />bees grid in full, which payments shall ba made at the rate of
<br />8148.45 per sianth.
<br />It is further agreed that the BUYER shall gay an
<br />additional mc>atdiy sum to the 3SLLSR to statue for the payments
<br />of real estate taxer sad insurance the snst to De S20.00 per
<br />aoat3t baviaaiaa 73arch i, i974, and each max~th thereafter to
<br />apply tflvar~d ttie rsa2 estat+~ taxes sad $20.00 per sKrnth to
<br />-apply toxard current insuraaaa. In the avant that the real
<br />estate taxes err insurance an said premises ahauld inareasa
<br />dnrirxq tAe tine o! this Contract, err in the event that the
<br />atazawentiaaad sus~e are rat snfficiaat to pay ttze same as they
<br />beoofas dne, t1~ SCR may dssuad, and the BUYER shall pay to
<br />said +T.iR, an lacrerased eanthly sum equivalent to the increase
<br />is s^sal esters texas and insurance err a sum equal to permit the
<br />to kss7,+ the payments far real estate texas and insurance
<br />current,
<br />It is ar}rsed by and between the partlet that should
<br />default be wads its the pays~ent of any part of any o! the
<br />saaersl snms of a~sy, az any either of them, err any pact
<br />hsriaf, err in the payasant of taxes, interest or aaaaasmenta,
<br />err rpsr:rial ns~saerrntr, err any part thereof, az in any eavenancs
<br />herein to bs by the Dd7Y8R kept or performed, then there SELLER
<br />shall at his eleetiaa be discharged lro:A all further obiiaations
<br />hsrsuadsr, rise being of the essence in all payments sad
<br />oonditisas as the part of the it7XER is this agreasaent: and in
<br />case o! arty smch default, t1~ BCfYER hereby agrees. upon demand
<br />by the SY3+t.#~#, gnietiy sad psaaeabiy to surrender to the SELLER
<br />t~s pdesetsi+car- of the pretGitse and every part thereof, it being
<br />nederstaad that until such defanlt, the BUYER 3e to ha+re
<br />passsrraioa of tlaa said nreeises. It being further agreed that
<br />