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- - 10. That the't4ortgagor wi!! keep the buildings upon said premises in good repair, ~ind neither cinnmit nor permit waste <br />- upon said laud. nor suffer the said premises to he used for any unlawful purpose. <br />1!. That d the premises, or any part thereof, be condemned under the power of eminent domain, or acyuired for a public <br />use, the damages awarded, the proczeds for the taking af, or the consideration for such acquisition, to the extent of the full <br />amount of indebtednes upon ibis mortgage and iha note which it is given to secure remaining unpaid. are hereby assigned by the <br />Mortgsgor fo the Mortgagee, and shall be aaid forthwith n, said ,lfertgagrr to bz applied by the lattzr or, account of the next <br />maturing, instatlmen[s of such indebtedness. <br />!2. The Mortgagor further agrees tha[ shoald this mortgage and the note secured hereby not bz zligible for in- <br />surancc uttder the National Hauling Act within Sixty Days from the date hereof (written statement of any officer <br />of the Department of Housing and t;rban Development or authorized agent of the Secretary of Housing and tirban <br />Development dated subsequent to the Sixty Days time from the date of this mortgage, declining to msurz said <br />Wort and this mortgage. being deemed conclusive proof of such inrligit+ilityl, the Aiartgagez ar holder of the nace <br />may, at its option. declare ail sum<_ stcurred htrehy immediately duz and paya~le- <br />" 1?. That ~ the Mi~rtgagx faits to make am payments at mettey° w-hen the same txcamz duz, or fain io conform to and <br />campiv withany of the canditians er agreements contained in this mortgage, cx the note which it secures, then the entire princi- <br />pal sum and accrued interest shalt at once t+ecome due and payahlz, at the election of the 9iortgagee: and this martgagz may <br />thereupon be tarecbsed immediately far the whole ofi said manly. interest, monthly payments, costs, ground rents, taxes and <br />the cost of txtending the abstract of till( from the date of this loan to the time ofi commencing such foreclosure suit. and aera- <br />sanabk anarney's fee, alt afi which shall be inchidzd in ihr decrez of f.+reclosure_ and ihz contract emhadizd in [his mortgage <br />and the nt+te seeuttd berths, shalt in all respects be go.°uned. construed and adjudged by thz taws of Nehrasks, where the <br />saint is made. <br />The rnvertatits herein contained shall birui, attd the benefits attd advantages shall insure to. the respective heirs, executors, <br />administrators, su~rrssors and acsigtis of the parties hcrcto. A'henzvzr used. the singular number shall include the plural, the <br />plural ihr sir!`qufar- alai the use of aay gender shall be appficahle to all grndzrs. <br />The fottgiti~ cat>3itiotis, ai! and siragittxt, being performed according to their natural and legal import, this convevance <br />shat! be tad and slid premises released at tht t.apense of the Mortgagcx; otherwise to be and remain in full forcz and effect. <br />fN WfTN6SS WHEREOF. the 1Nortgagcufs) have hereunto set their handtst the day and year first <br />abate written_ <br />~~r/ <br />Stephen A. Glade <br />(S£AL} <br />((''~~ _ {SEAL } <br />•/"u ~.i- n~~ ~ SEAL 1 <br />za ode <br />( SEAL. <br />STATE OF!QEHRASkA, <br />ss_ <br />Q()l1NTYOf 8a3.3 <br />L;!a this 14th day of F€brua2.y , A.D. 19 80 , bt#ave mt. <br />a Bptax}• ;?t~lie in and far said Cattmty, personally came <br />Std ft-. Glade and Debra S_ Glade, Husband arui Wife <br />Notary blu <br />, personally io me known <br />,~~~ iAt:~irsf s whoa t~ s are ai6xed to the about and fort- <br />~ ~, ~ ~ *~~ acknowkdeed the said instsumem and the <br />eta t~t+taf to br ~ voiuntaty act acid dttd, fat xhe pur}mscs thtrein rxprtssed. <br />la try 1MfaC{7tnf, I kaut>hlro set my !read atd aAtxod by ay staff at Grand Island, Nebraska <br />oa tie land due fatsa ahttwx >atiitte+n. <br /> <br /> <br />STAT£t~:+fHliRASY..t ` . <br />FRsd for rtwrd t~s day of <br />u dc#tidt <br />tntanndod ~ N~oalt <br />~_ ~ <br />,PC 9i1_13A <br />A.D. 19 <br />M„and enured in Numerical ladex,and <br />of Martgagts. on <br />Rtgister of Deeds <br />FHA-$1{aM (10-77) <br />