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80- _~~~~~~_,~~~, <br />(t) month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the <br />National Housing Act, as amended. and applicable Regulations thereunder: or <br />(If) If and so long as said note of even date and this instmment are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development, a nzonthfy charge r in lieu of ¢ mortgage insumnce premium/ which shall be in an <br />amount equal to one-avrlfch (L?1~) of C,nc half (i J'--1 per ~~ntum of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note. computed without takine into aca~unt delinquencies or prepayments; <br />(b) A sum equal tit the ground rents, if any, next due, plw t!tc prratiums that wilt nest become due and payable ott <br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance ecwering the mortgaged property, }ilus tales and assessments next due <br />an the mortgaged property Ia11 as rstim¢iesl _hz the .13cut.Cagrel }r>S ail sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months to elapse before one inondt nrior nt the irate aalten such Ground rents. premiwns, taxes and <br />assessments will become delinquent, such sums to be held by ~lorigagrc in trust to pay said ground rents, pre- <br />mtutns_ taxes and special assessments; and <br />(rj dll paymen#s mentioned in-tlte tw°o preceding suitsrciiom of this aaraeraph and all paytttents to be made under <br />the note secured hereby shall be added taerthc7, and the aggregate anzouni thcreol shall be paid by the Murt~agor <br />each month itt a single payment to be applied by the hlongager *.a ilte following items in the order set forth: <br />(ll premium charges tinder the smtract of insurance with rite Sc`crrtan of Housing and Urban ~vriupment, <br />ar monthly charge ifn lieu r?t nuurc¢,~e irrsurmrer nn°nuarn i as the rase may hr_ <br />(1l) gr<,und rrnte, races, acessrnents :ire and xebec hazard msuran:e prtnanms; <br />(fill} Interest on tltc note secured lttrrby : and <br />illrl anzortizatioc, of the printapal of lard note. <br />.any det7cirncy In the amount ,7t am stun a~reeatc munthh :~a~ anent sha}i, a:nicss maait good by the hfbrt- <br />gagor prior ta, the dur date of the nest such pad nte~:;. ~. ~:stuutt ar+ etent ut -.ieiauit under this nrnrt~agr. The <br />~offtgagre tray ~lkct a "late char" not to ezcerd t, ,.r ~rnts t~,tl ; each dadlar i~ I l el each payment more <br />than S17tern ti ~) days in area. to rows the rxt:'a rsn+a,>r tnaalr:d itt handlsng aelmqurnt pay tnrnts. <br />a. lltat if the total of the pavment.~ made 6y~ the tiicirt::,acor under • `.' of paragraph '' pn>reding -hall exceed <br />the sewunt oipa»uents xrtusily made by the lkrnga~es~ far _>nmmi rent-, 7a\e>s and a~ses~mrnts ar insurance pre- <br />aiatn~, a; the rase may be, -urh exresc, if raze luitn is current, .tc the atpriatn of the ytoreg;zgor, shall he credited he <br />rue si°riga€ee au _va~goem pnyraent~ to nr• mane itti the ii4~r,s*a„ntrr, or rrfrtndeti to fine 41on~aror, if, rows er, the <br />*awihh payiaeats trade ix• the Mrutfi;agax under : ?,,i ai paragraph ~ preceding shall not lx sufficrrnt to pas ground <br />rent, taxes acrd a. e=.intent: to inwt~ttre pt~>mium~, ate' the t~a,r may be, wfion the same :hall ht>cvrmr due and pay- <br />able. there rlae \3artgaga7r :dta11 pay tQ the 4fitsrt~++axrr env amount ncre~~an to make up the deli<•irnry , on or befom <br />ilte bate when payment of such _a[t,uttd ihrtts- taxes. a;=essment~ or insurance premiums -hall be due. 1f at any <br />tatae alre ag7or ~ta11 tender w the gortaaa,.ee, in iecordanre with the provisions of the note st>t:ured hereby. <br />full gay~nemt+af the ea#im indelxechre~~ represented tlremh}. the 1lorigagee shal}, in comparing the amount of loch <br />irtdebredt~ss, c~rt~tx ro t}te ar :vunr ai :hc ~iart~sgor sIl navments made under alto provi.i~r[, of : o_ of puas;raph ' <br />hereof wlticlt tlte'Nuttgagee has- m7t beavme abliEated to pad to [he ~erretan of Ilou=ire sod 1 7k,Plopment <br />and any bal7mre reraain6zte in She fitttds accumulated under the pit,vi-inns of i : of o:tra_rtph '? herc>t7f. if tht>re <br />sdtsll be a default under any of the prom-ions of this trtc+ntra_e resu}rin~ in a public -alt` of the premi-e- caten•d <br />hrviehy, or if tl7e tlo»~sgee artiuim~ the propc•nt nihrrwi-e after default, the lk,rteaf±tr hall apps;. a: tht• timt> of <br />the aY?)6lperiretaent of ~trh prcrreedings, or u the time the propene is otherwise aa~quirod, 411e bai:tnre [ht•n remain- <br />±ag Sn ~e fand> ara-umulasrd un~r ~ ?? of par~ranh :' pmr~ding, .;e a credit :irainst the 3mt,unt ,rf principal then <br />tc>~aininE unpaid under =aid nn#e, sod shalt pr.,perl) adiu-r any patments s+hia'h hall ha,r ittvat made under :..! <br />of p",> -', <br />. 7lctt ihrtil'crigagru will },a~ ground renal. talcs, as,r.smrms. water rate>_ .,nd .~thrr }:uar~nmr^=, a3 t+r azunicipa( <br />a~iart~s. ;fines- cx tmPa~Sitit,nc_ far which pr„aisxtn ha: nt;t Erin trade hrretnirfore, ara to d:.fsu;t the€rui :._ z1.,ng~seee ^ta, <br />pay ttrz cr[me_ arn# chat the ?tii,rigagatr w t71 pre innate drliarr rite ,+tftcta3 rc.eipt. therefor t<+ the \i~t,ri,aerc <br />'+. 'f'<te ~origagor kifl , ay :;l] tssz ~>anirh mass t+r it-,ard upon the ltangitere'; tntrrr,t 7n .t7a rr:;! e,tatr nd impr.nt- <br />tments,:end witicti mat i>ti lraird upon tni, mortgage ar the dtt+t .erurrd hrrrbt t;,ut anS} t, the . ttent ih:sr ,ucb t, oat pr,nihtt- <br />~ i7y Saw and on<a~ t., the extrnr that such veal} not make ti»:wn usutiousi. ^ut rsaiudtng :,na inr,nnr i::a. ~t:te ,~r 'trdrral. <br />impels;tciatn~aaizt.anciurtl*i3atheitFcasir~~ript.halve,ngsuthpatimenihtththr\lortrai;er 1~,,,n,i,xh,tia,nt;ithr~undrr- <br />tafiing. ax if tltr ~lattglxga~ s~ }+r~uaibited by any ?aw n.nw or !trrraftrr rsisnne fta,m paytng the >a hale ,,r :tnz par[ion of the afore- <br />sair:txxrs, 4u~~r~:•rr.dr;;tfa „at;;:~:;° -,.hits°tirta<t-~a thx,f.. ;+:~~r uhf .r>,.., fsir a <br />.[w ~t3ec"tx~ ftri'+e'ides butt aa, atsr:,utn cat },alai 1,y tltr Liartgagtar ~E7ai{ l+r trraiud~on #str ma+n gaer vez•t. tEt: \lortgas~rr;-,hail ~haar <br />tax tr err ratter; da}~' written rnacr t._, 21re c:wr,rr a,f ti,r aaa+ttr<aged prrmasr>. requu7ng the +~anrrm of lire inortgaer <br />edit-!f ax~ticc t+e ty.ea- rite said debt shall trrnmr dur. ~ti~aak anti .>>iir.nble at ~ rtpitant,n alt ,aid niset~ da} s. <br />ta. Iluu slrtueid he foil to Pap. ara} +um au keep any:tia•c i~nt nrattidrd f,v 7n liras ilort~agr. ;hen the \1or#7;agrr. at it-, up- <br />:inn- tnas.tsat t~ petYa',rm thz -tXttne_ ;uzd aN as#+rnrlitvrrl sa madC xha13 t+r atida[§ to sty pri~n,-tpa ,um .,wine on the aura r nanr. <br />! rte arcrard treat-l,y, and shall hear intrust at the rate ;rt fonh in the ,ara rarer. anti( paid. <br />'. 'fli& ate hrrcl+} assipts., iranitera ;:red arts .,ter r, the M1ltvtga,,,>,rr, to hr upphed ta,w and ihr pea mein rf the Hate and a?i <br />,ums ~.attrrd lterri y to rase ,f a tiefa~t! in the prriartrrattcr c># nny of tier trtrn>, :rn3 , a>miitia;n, ui thts >lortgatr ur the >;ud <br />txve. all flit runs., rr~taues ;lad inca,mr t~+ hr deriard from the rmutgagrd during auch liner a> the nictrtgagr itnirbird- <br />txaav~raA reii74ta unprtidt and tine '.i.vzre shall haler tx,wrr ta, appcnnt ara :,tent ur agent, ii ma} desire fi,r the purpose t,f <br />=~ pxsases ~ reetsag iltr ,erne 3nc1 :;,:',ertinr the rent:. r, -roar. acd income. , r' it mad pa; eat[ of .area m- <br />v ~ exf,tsrses of rrpaviatg slid lgetnisrs arui stra-rssary a:a,u7rnrs+iaxn and rzptasrs invrred in renurtg and managing the <br />i..~ ~arf ~ rtara}'•< t~eltcam; tf~ ha;enx rrmaisnsttg.t soy. tc+ 1,ta;ipli€-sl toward T.ttr Gir+-hatec uti .aid marigaac <br />YA- <br />it- Ibex he wi7i l the iapnrtwrmcats ru,ww rxrti~ cv itarrafter erected cm tier mongagei pra7prtty, insured a> mey he <br />rend iria~ tlmr ta, trace by the Llavtgatce :against ,os 1*y tlrr acrd lather hsZard•. csiu:,;tirs ..nd onnngrncirs 7n uch <br />~ lcs ~ch~cxic+ds as may bt rttlawrta.; bt rhae Mctrtgag~ ar7d wilt roar nrompt;: - a?tca due, sn} prem7urrs an ,uCh <br />ixtt•c,c pae7r,reSpa fcx }oaymeW c,f xvttirh alas n:x t,ern made herernhrforr..a11 tnsurar7cr shat! t+r . arrird in camp~me: ap- <br />prara~l Lg,~ ~r'tlx~ aired rlst pc7licres xnd renzn ats~ zlttreo{ shalt iu new by the Maxig;#grr .Ind has r .,ztacisrd thereto !,?nn <br />pazafitir tics in fit.u ai ar,a1 in form accrptabte to the ~lttngattee. in carol a+f t„ns linrtp,rg+'+r a 7ri glee imnredratr nouar h} <br />tlWrii to t#e 1Aerriip~x_ ,t-ha> may make privet t,i bass ii trot made pra,mptly h} llnrtga~or..snd r.,.n ;tssursn.r aump77ny con- <br />+ is Debi zcrtt+x,ti;izd anti $ir~rctrd to make fire}-incur far +inh icr,> direst!}~ ta7 the 7<lorigattec cnstraa of to ihr lort};agur <br />and '+ianer jtaat3}-, and the insurarrre pra•et,tds, ax ant part thereof.. ma} i+e applied hi lair yl,irtgcgcc .,t it+t,puan rrthrr <br />k t3ereductian:rf tltt naFebttdness trcrrhy secured nr to the restoration,u repair of tttr }+r,+p eery dantagrd. in e.rnt ,~f i„tr.lo- <br />aure c+f t6ir7 rr arlter trxnsftruf title tc 11ze rua,ngaged pratpen~ in rxiirtgztishmtnt t I ci7r inaebta acre., aa.'urrd hereby. <br />a1lri~tt. title led intcreat ui the hiongagaw in ar«d leant Insurance puiicir. then in fors ,had ^s+, 70 tar }.urtha,c* t,r granter. <br />4. Ilut,rrs adtliti[atu{ cruel eazlkatrrai src7trity #or the payment of the tx,tr def.rihri. ara :-!i +um: to bc. s,me due under this- <br />tatrri~pc, iit~, ittrehy assigns to tits Mcsrtgager a}1 profits. rrvenurc- m:chera. nghn acid henriits ac: niing tai the <br />"ttrttltir--a9s' read all nil and P,a+ }ease. on said premises, with ihr r7)vftc t,+ recritr and rtteipr #ot the ,amt and apply <br />them u, said i~txss as wcH before aa.atter drlault in the ronditiatn+,,f this , t„rtgagr. aitd the tiortgaget ma3 demand, sot <br />late aced reutttr an; stte•It payments when due acrd payable, but shall Hart t>r revurred ,cs u+ ,t.. Ties a,signmrnt is to trrminacr <br />and txcvau null and void apoa release of this marngage. <br />F ttp SiaaM 170 77) <br />