80- S~
<br />That -the Mortgagor will pay -the indebtedness tis hereinbefore provided. - -
<br />That the Mortgagor is the tiwaer of said property in Fee simRle and has good right and lawful authority to sell and
<br />convey the same and that ihe~sagse ie~tee andeFear of any lienap encutiibrance; slid Ehat A4ortgagnr wii2 warrant: and +Ieftrit{ the-_~ -- -.-
<br />title to said .premises agaiasl the -dal®s of -a!1 persons- whomsoever. - -
<br />To pay itiunediately wh@rt <lue'and-payable>alr geneial. taxes, speciaFtaxes, special as_ce: aureola, water charges, salver serv-
<br />ice charges, anri~other taxes and charges against said properly, and xil isxos levied un Che debt secured hereby, and tofurnish zho-
<br />Mortgagee, aip€im-reijtte§t, vvifh-ihe-viiginal .or duplicate receipts-t}aere£or. The ~iorfgagor agrees that there `shall }ie added to -
<br />-each monthly payment required hereunder nr under the evidence of debt sarured hereby an amount estimated lay the Mortgagee
<br />to rte suHicier.'_` id_ citable the 3ioitgagee• Yn pay, as they become clue, al} taxes, assessments, and similar charges upon. the prem.
<br />ist~s sah7ect ttaeieta; anp- deficencj• -tecause of ilae inaztfficiency of such additional payments shalt he fnr•.hwith deposited by the ~ -
<br />?tiortgagor with, the ;Mortgagee v}x~n drtnand by the Mortgagee. Any-riefault under this }aaragraph shall he deemed a defaatit in
<br />pay meni of fazes, a5ses5mentS; nr similar charges required hemunder. _
<br />The Mc+rigagor agr-•rs Y#tat there shall al_sca Sae added to each monthly payment a[ principal and interest required here-
<br />under an .vme>unt estimated by the Mortgagee ?>a h.• s:tiiicient to en:rtale the ~Sortt;agre to pay, as it txrnmes due, rho insaranre
<br />pr>amium on any trvsurance police delivered to the ]farigagee. Ana defici+rncy tx>.°ause of the insufficiency of such additional pay-
<br />mcr,Lc sha21 Ile fntthw•ith depcvctted by fhe Mortgagor with the Mortgagee u}xtn demand by the Mortgagee- .any default under this
<br />paragraph shall br deerneei a default in the payment of luau rarce premiums. ft the }xthry~ or pniicie. dep+>_sitrd are such 3'; F.ome-
<br />aatvnezs nr ail rsk pohcir=_ and the dr}x _its an> it:su9~icirm tr, nay the roll rr premium, the \Se,riga};ee may' apply the detwsit to
<br />pay premiums nn risk.:rquier~t tea he insured M• this maxtcage.
<br />Payments made by Lhe Morigagor under the at+ove paragraphs may, at the a,phvm of the \Sortgagee, tae held-by it and
<br />c u>rmingied with other sumh funds .ar it: awn funds for the payment of such item, an,i untai so applied. ~urh payments are herein•
<br />paerigrd as sacuriYy for the un}wid halanaw of the me,rtgage itadrhtedm>ss
<br />To p~,rure. deltvrr t:==. an;'3 n~ainam sue the k>rnrfit .>f the lk,rtgag•`r 3 :nog the life ni thi mortgage original pal icir~ and
<br />renewals ~ereef, deIiven~? at least ten dais tte:`ere ?lie ra:ptratinn .,f anc souk ;r„hn«~<. mxtrtng agamst fv:> and other luau cable
<br />har~tds_ aauslties, atul amflrtgencirv as the Mortgagor may' require, in xn amnvrt equal to the indebtednessv secured 6y this
<br />~-~.~ ~~. .:: ,.... - ~ -,an :.. ,~ Ma, - _ .. ~a7. ?<__ _vh±:,;?a.. .. .~ ts__ ,=f a::..... f;..... .... ,~hta _; ?hr ti_t. _
<br />grr In the went ant Y} ~ . as r.. ., r,. nv J , +r 1.-:~ t.~r: lay>+.~_ ,t. , v} .r+l. ,...1 \t, r mse~- mac t,mK Ur. msuneu.v~ „n ,hr
<br />irr~rn4 rac°nts, pay f.hr ;>r.•mxam tE..vrd.~r. and .~urh ;;im ,hall Ixti•,nrrrmvredtan=It dar an,f {tayahtr walk udrrtst at ihr• raur se•t
<br />fet23. in saaid note unirl paid and ,hall 4w ..svr=,i ht the mort;,asr Failure +tn tlae pari cf the ~1^rigagnr t*t furnish ruck rcn.•tvats
<br />as srn herein requixc-d or fxtlure an }'+ac ar,; sums advanced hrrrurder :hail, at ihr „ptt.m of the M++rt t;agee. +:~nstitut<- a :lefault
<br />under the trrra>` of this mr+rtgage. Tlae drlavrrv r*f ~u.h ;,;u.: i-s >halt, :n the e.-ant r,f rtrfault. ~,•nstti ute an a.s;};amrnt of the un~
<br />earr+ed premt'sm.
<br />any sours rcxYia~r.3 he t_}:e \ia:rtg:i:ee hi refs,>n ~oi 1;.?ss a+.* riamagr in=utrd against may tx a~tairr:t by~ the Morgagoe
<br />and app}ir3 tawrarc tAr }'+a, mint ~rt Yhr debt tarrrhv nw-urrd. ,tr. ,2 the option „f th.> \S;>rtgagce, such sa:ms either a-holly a,r in
<br />part _nay tae paid ~rrtrr tr, ihr Ma,n~aer,r Y,. }ar~ ,:.s.i :~_ rr parr sorb ?,;:ridings or to huiid~nrw huihlings is :heir pSa.r „r for any
<br />oLt•;er purpaasr uz abject at:sfarta,n Ya, Yiae 't4,.rr±;aa;t=r a~iih,:ui aff<+tins ih.- lien ,.n t?t<= m.+:rteage (or the furl am.,unt ~.•ru rr;i hrre-
<br />hy 2hr#nre such paymenr ev-rr tc,<.k }>jaee. .-
<br />T= }+n>inptly rY}>31z. reaiotr a,r rrhaild n y i,o,zdta~s +v im}..+r<„em.nu. nuts ,,: ttrrra.Y,v „n the }>rrma~.-. >`hx•h ;nay ltr~
<br />.nrrar damatrd err desir.,yr3 :n f:rr}a ,aid };rem:-+. rn ;;.. i .t,nd+tr,.n ar.,+, r=~}=air and fear fn,m any mcv~hania-'s hen ..r .,thee hen or
<br />i']aLm :+f Jaen ai.'at expressly suht,rdirsatcd to the hen tarrr++f. n;•t t:, suffer :v }+.-rural anti u:alat+i u3 use „( ..r ant nnasarrr to exist on
<br />sa+d }tnpc-t1y nc,r rr.. przmrt waste am .aid i,rrmi.rs. :a.,r i.+.ln any ttthrr art ..-h:-rehy- the },n,}arrty hr-rrhy~ t-r,nv.•y ed .-.hall ta.~come
<br />leas aaltratalt, sear to dtnarnist: ..r tmpstr iLS vaku.-• by anv art ur ,.m:s.a:,n t.., art. t„ :+:m}+lt ,. +th .ill r.•qutrrmrntc ,.f law u+th irepret
<br />to Tlx> ztxrYY;a}tcd prrmiv>s an=: t?ar usx• thrm,f.
<br />s!,er>=..i h.-tak.~n ,.r amxe.«i ~ 'et.. is
<br />Thst sh~uk? ihr },camases nz an} }urrr .>. ~„r, ., a. .n}:.-. _at „ .ond.-rrnauan
<br />prcrne,edar~. ,nr under the ngtat of emvarn[ damain, a>r an ady otfarr manner, ihr Ma,zteage.- .hall [+.> rmttl.-+S : , alt .rom}unsaiions.
<br />aanards. and say ailrrr pa5~rraenf a:r relirF thrsrtau. and shall tx c-ratitied. at its opt rtrn. to r+*mm.•ns~r apt'Ear i±r ate.-t pmsercute to its
<br />mta~ name site at•iicm or pn+ert+rdtng, cr Yo mate an}- bumi,reamtar :ar wit}rmem .n .~~,nne.-i t:va rith .uch taking c>r damage Ail such
<br />~- s+.ards,, daraagcs, right at ticrwn and pnaccrds are hrretay assigned t;* the MarxFager, wlaa may. after deduning
<br />flue-tefie® e~ lit sntpe~es- re.~aw anY ~nrSa ~a recrta~i by n i,r a}+{rty the sarn.= r.n an5~ indrhtrdnecs secami herztay- The Riuxt-
<br />sa~sr attxex ix+ taa++evrte .icla turL}trx atsignmrnta -.nf any n:aaprnaata,.n awxnis., :iamagrs, am? ro;iats -+i a.~r r+•n and •,,r•-x•ci..ls as the
<br />ALati~aCet tYY taQitare.
<br />Thatt m matte of failure 3n prriurm any <rt iYx• Y,aTnanFS iter in- th.• \larigagrr may da, ,va ihr ilr,rtgagnr's behalf rtery-thing
<br />sa that the MortswR~ tma5' also dal any act iz may deem tara4•+san t.. px+trmi tfm lien tlaetrof. that ihr !vlortgage+r wilt
<br />reQillt eg+tan +yemsed ap} tau>a~vs jteid +~ dicbu:ard by flat Alort~at~'+ ft+r any <d The alscawe pur}ti.>r•.. and su•"h rneravs tagethrr x•a[h
<br />ii~l tiaezseat at die ram in said rtofe tdtall laeccanr sta muc4r addrtiaxaal andeitttdrar+e faemb>' secured and may tae in-
<br />nhtdeal is say dacraee fur+am}vsietg Yfai3 nwrtgaie stet tae paid vut «S the tents .ar Ptt3rae'=!s of aaie of said psemi,ws iF nut othetv~ise
<br />flail; drat it ihali mot tie oldiiarwy u}.wn tfie Mart#afiee' ir+ rmquiw toil, ihr +ttlidity of any Len, encumbrances. ur claim in ad-
<br />aemlit taa abeam aniheriaed., hart ax this becalm ec+atainrd atwtl far cwu`irued ax trqutrmg the Merigagre to advarttc any
<br />teeaa7a der tttti+p Rtah ittegppytr por is rle any set hereunder, and that Mcariaagc a shalt na,t .m-ur any rrrwraal Iiat»tity tsrraux n} an>-
<br />h away da ~ ~ r3a: haxsua,3e+r.
<br />Ie the traemt of the default ty M+trisrtgus an ihr }ayairnt s+i any znsrallmrnt, xs rtquir.-d h5- itr~• ?Vote secured }arreby. or
<br />is the pa~f®tteaaactt +d ;he ohligahua in this tmcn•t~-age ar xn tltr nalr secured ilaere>by', ihr h'Iartgagew akaali tae rntitlc>rl u, dctiiarr the
<br />debt 3exatadd .fterrb5' due atal payatdr withwti ncttx`C. and tlae ?.4fortgttgc•.a shalt F,e eatttkd at to aptiun, without notice. either by' itself
<br />as $~ ~ ienersxr isx §e np~iasrsttd ]sY Y]ie rauri #h3h-ter. sad xit'hout regard in the a3rgaar~ 07 any security lrtx the indehtedne~ se.
<br />erFai+d ' ~ grAzr surd tale l~ iif' ihr tnorigaCra! lxtrmrts:-t. seal to collect sled recrixr liar retrts, issues am? pmfits
<br />and ai>3dl t!x stt~r, ~a eta ai r~zratiom sod m±tlinrtion, uptsn ihr itttletatadrrESa saeurod txy this mortgage: -raid rents.
<br />iawea ttatd faraRita ia+tg htrieh,y atuRaed to the Afmtgagae ss further axnvrity f~ the payvarnt sat sit iradehtedrars> c.+currd herekay
<br />lyre M+ai't6ai*a shall haver rife }xwrr to altpcaint any agent or agrnG ii may' dr.rr<• for tiu• purpose ni rrpurring mad t.:rn+-
<br />'uea; a,"iiYa= the it}aple', raNariiit; Mir rents, ta:vemtutaa and iraetiutir, slut it naaY }say out of r,xid iramisarae ail rzpr uses amerced ~a nvat-
<br />iqf ,sad ttstNra~q[T the taste; amE! nd tatile+cting ixe rc xttals ttaer+-tmm- The• halaoct• remain}ng if arty. xhelt ta.- applied toward the
<br />tlriaehetie ei tlae tttestitittae ~ This ;rsrtigrtment i> t.. irrminatr and trrntne null and void uprn release „f thi% mort6agr.
<br />>~
<br />