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together with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging including <br />all rents, issues and profits thereof antes Mortgagee, forever. And Mortgagor hereby covenants that Mortgagor is well and truly seized of <br />a good title to-the premises above conveyed in-the taw; in Fee simple; and has good right and iawfu# authority to convey thQ same, and. <br />~" that The title so conveyed is clear, free and unincumbered except as otherwise Hated and that Mortgagor will forever warrant and de-. <br />fend the same to Mortgagee against all claims whatsoever. <br />This Mortgage is given by Mortgagors to secure the performance of each agreement contained herein, and tosecure the payment <br />of a loan in the amount of the. Total of Payments shown above, which loan being evidenced by a promissory note bearing even date <br />herewiUt and which is further described above. <br />® PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are upon the expressed condition, that of the Mortgagors in full-to the Mort- <br />~ gages a pramsssety note bearing evert date. herewith in the amount set forth above, payable in installments according to the lama there- <br />of together with interest as set forth *.herein, and shall pay ail tyres and asxssments levied upon said real estate before the same be- <br />cames delinquent,an3keep the buildings an said premises insured for a sum equal to the indebtedness secured hereby, loss, if any, pay- <br />able to Lhe seed Mortgagee, Ihrn theca presents to be null and void, otherwise to be and retrrain in full farce. <br />THIS 1~ORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE, AND CO'vTLitJE TO BE, FROM TLME TO TIME, SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT <br />OF SUCH SLTM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIME TO TIME IN THE FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE <br />MORTGAGOR, AND T•sVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, B[rI NOT TO EXCEED THE TOTAL 4F. <br />S*'~*12,8i~,t?8******~*?EXCEPT FOR ANY ADVANCES THAT M_AY BE MADE TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN AG <br />CORDANCE WffH THE TERMS OF THIS MORTGAGE. <br />Additional Terms and Condition: an the revert ~~f they :,,reement are made a pan hereof and incorporated herein. <br />Ih WIITESS 1VIiEREOF, the sai3 Mortgagors have executed these presents the day and year fast above written, <br />__~~ 3 <br />~ rip v., <br />fr <br />~ t Martptgor ~ <br />' SLATE OF ArE$R4SK4 j <br />~ ~S <br />sylnahis 3istay of JAIIUARY i?t_~'~_ , before me, the undersigned a Notary Public, duly <br />sad gtralitied far and in said state and Bounty, personally canx MF q' tirrtttr 4*ID ROBFRTA F <br />SL'?iT03'l, BUSSAI+ID ADID ?irIFE OF EACH OTBER <br />to me kae~tr t+~ be Lhe identical perx~tt or pers:uts u=hosc name is or rtames are sil-axed to ilre foregoing itstrument and acknowledged <br />the taecvtirxt tltereraf io I+t his, lttr or tltrer vi3luntaru a+ t and dee3_ <br />Notarial Sral tht day and year last above written. ~ `'~ <br />K3+iR '~ Ai~'~f3 c <br />SEAL <br />S3'A7e ~ t~>•+.~ttn NOTARY PtitTLl <br />. 1,1153 [~ % <br />~t day of /~lvJiL+l~J7strf~~'L" , 1 ~ _ . <br />\t'~?'li~l: ~t.l t)1?3fR alDl~ FC~R ADL~3TiOVAL TER43~ A\llt•O?vD1TlOiS <br />»tt. rx.~. <br />L.... <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />