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I <br />` 8t?- X63'7 <br />78- tl(-6~~~ <br />2. <br />allowed by law or rederal regulation. Principal amounts prepaid prior to maturity must <br />be -in amounts equal to one or more subsaGuant principal payments. <br />3. That in addition TO, and teaather with, the monthly installments provided for <br />under the Terms of the atorasaid Promissory Note and any other notes or acreements for <br />additions( advances as provided herein. `•brt,,agor will pay es a,l advance payment to <br />;';`~rtgagee on the tirst day of each month until said Note and the total indebtedness <br />secured t;ereby is fairy paid, an amount estimated oy i-k:rtgagee to be su`ficient tc enab;e <br />'ha .~,ortaagee to pay al! texas, assassT~nts teeneral or special), rents, and other <br />>irilar charges The above descried premises, as the same become due. such <br />aavanca payments shall he Fail each ri>until together a:ith the monthly installments provided <br />for under the terms of said Promissory gore and any other Hates or a~reaments for <br />additional advances as p-:,vided herein. ,n a single payment and shall not be, nor deemed <br />.o ba, trust r'unis but may ba cemmine;ec ,tith other such fund; or the aenerai funds of the <br />'~'ortGagee, and no interest shall be pa}~ab!e in respect tnereofi. ^°~:.rtoagcr shall promptly <br />forward to ~'ortgagee all bills for taxes, assessments and rents and ~brtgagee will use <br />said advance payments -~~r the payment said bills. L±,rtgagee may, from time to time, <br />aT its ~.ptic~r:, waive, and after su::h wai'ar, reinstate ar.v and al I provisi:,ns of this <br />.araerap:^. requL such _..'.anue n3}`^ents, by not ice to ~rtcaror ir, writing. 1~ihi Ia such <br />Waiver .5 ir, e;fac', ~n:rt_ ~.r s„all r _ al! Texas, assessments and ;eats as ethcrWise <br />provided nerainafter. <br />-,. , . The rota! ~ ..,,._.oe a.r+ents made _ti -ne '•!ar*aa~aor shat! exceed the <br />amuJ;',; of p-a}mants 3ct:ai: ,,c~~ rra '•tirte3aae ;or -axes, assessments or rents, as the <br />~~sa may ,,a, sum.. ax~as_, a+ -~e ];;-,,~ ., the *3~. sna be _.~ditad ~y the <br />`-~', as Vec ... 5...75a ,u2^:' ~ a4•`nen is t~~ ^e '..3wz ~--)" r rt r -',~_ ~ _ ' - of ti'1 ~. _ t:3 ~^a hs~rtnar~~r_ <br />t, ca~aver .,~ ~..,tnt} 3..~.,.~_ r_ .~ -_ racv cy ,ee r aa^ ~r:a;l ,.~>t .. sufii,~ienty <br />_' SuC^ .::xB°,, dssc'-_ n. ..~ d^~ re~;tt> 3= '. na ,.c59 '".aY b2,~wr-~c". ,.~ Same 5,811 beCP,itE <br />_~e and -ana=;. ;.ne'- -">Lr s..,..1 ay to -..~ ,:r'g3gee :.... aiiv..,,. necessary" to make <br />„ +na i:B'.. ~.ic', ;Jr. ;. ,~r2``~? ~_,_ w^.'1 en" aJt:n `.3~c~5, ~55a55TL'nt5 ^r rents <br />_ al, ~t c_a. ,.. ~.. ,. t rna -~.•r=.acr steal'? tender t, Tna '~tarTagae, in accordance <br />,,,>n .._. _ ., _.. ,,, ,,. ~c~_ ~o ,_ t>dy, ", pay^enT _. _ 2.^ti~.. indebtadr,ess <br />,.,av.,..,:.~ "a4ti, .re -_a-~~ si;3' .. ~:.T+.:.:ino , ._ aTM,_„- ~: 1_~:l ....._.,'ecness, <br />~"c'd . . to Tie _~~~ -.. ~ - ~ .~ a„ ~ ~rea i ca i a°.c_ ac-~4.... _ ! a-_.. .;rdar , h r <br />.. `.e a.,OVa <br />. o,-_ 3;?t:. .. ::... = ._, __ ~ X8'3...' ~n 72r an> Of t^.c J--rcvis ..., ,., ,_ ivSt~rTga'ae <br />. `:S~i.. ., .. .. .c.c _ ',c 'Pi','=~~ .. v'Je. ~u 'r-,2re~+y ~.. ! '._ =1~r; ~d~ac ., ~.~;'_ re. the <br />=rJ;~arT w`' r ._~ ,.,Ter 3r'a_;', :. i•C :^ ,, Sn311 a~piv ,.. _~. ..,. .er 3a ~~~rTC,3gee <br />_.~., ce`arr:;re '-e _~ __ _~._. _t .oy^1a^.-s than renal.,, _.,r ._ _~~Jr;,.aTad <br />_ =Len TDc ..~.. raragrc-p' , 35 o _ . _ -aa ,'1st tna i ia• L,_~nc=5 z, =_r23 'd7 P,^l°. <br />_. ihaT~.,: ,^>? -., ,' .., -., ant^!y adaanca =aymeass _ _..._r,. .,ra:n or ;nth:} <br />"5'E„^Fa'1T5 ~~rav u8d`.... ., ^:38r 8 'c. fl ~ >3id i'YC~R: S~•:-~'. ,~,c- ,..-_ ,. . ~. ,, c. nCTc~S Jr <br />- rz2r,r~ts f:r a~_ _ ~. _,.....,.~- atie ._. agar .....t _ -, re--. _..~ _ ,.,G ^+o in <br />N '. tl 1. r~ ~. '+v. r~~ wad ..,C, ... ,... ~-.... _ ..~~ . t .~'1`~- -L' r- _ ...-= v ..... .~ <br />~_-..._It aV(^C,.. ..3'r' ~C ~_ t, .C.. _ ~~ ', _31.~. ,... .. _. .t C ~ G\.:i .._ ... ~.. .t'.. <br />Y <br />. +_., ~ - „i2- ~,ada ~i?c^~ -c 't ~n _. .__ ~..', ._: __ ,. ,.x.r' , •.3:f^c^', She! . <br />°. ~ t ~2cC '".cry. ..,. <br />... 1(, ~?-. ~`-, C(i.". ~ , af.a5 ... _. __ ,t _ ,.7C' .._ ~. _r Cam.... -`-':'7~ Y ~ s11'-.!!a, <br />-..arges icv ._.. 3r: ., __~c __cv .ni :. < , - .. ' <br />.,,. ~Jr4"'C. rc"' c ,i'ry _c~_- _v 1 .,-~ _ , ._. .,. _, ~. _ ._ ~ ,n; _ .z_ u_.. .~rai .~--are, <br />_°.,. .,, :3af bvi7 °.t'ro5r -. ~rt=a `c-c: .,- _v, ~ __.^t, -.~ ~, ^ti:: e. _ iu w,. _eC w; .., <br />3£>r"+~r`.-~ ., ,.. ~:.a11 tae ~2~..,=a ..~ ...,_ '.!L'~.'t~due, <br />:_ ThnT "~c:+rtg3gs?'r w. i t ncc c ;r, t,: r~ vc?: v, -. .,.~ r•rc .. -:2=. .. ~ :- :HST #OSS <br />.•r+...7• ..", ii~Tn ;'1_ ;. .L v'r., 22r ~-=; ..1 u3£'.J '. 5'. anaar .. c..'.. ter. __:ar3Ga ~ndOrv2- <br />r_ ,. pl;_ 'IJ:-.y°' Ira Jra;T,.e anEr? yJl-':. :. DY ?:L7r•_ayv'?; , ..:. 3.~~ ', ic:.. *':ar, tr-:e <br />_ ai~':al9n.e of tnr ~:rde.: .e.. :c55 ._ ed ,ore,.,.:, wi'~ „ss, 1* 3r,~„ _ _ tD =.ai7 <br />_> 3t,:`*l, i'. ? Jet-^~~n} r ~~.;'r43`17d> 3C: J.E,~T3i 12 t-~ tk~ t"<S>-:;C~cT ~~„~ _..J =.1'.vuld sJC.`l rOi i~~~~ <br />- ~ ;'L .~,~~ ~.v.-..?3!71 arty ~,....._ I_~. ?r a- __~ .. ~ i. t^~ _,. a; i.., ,: ~t".:p.~,vr° ! i8bl I it': tG <br />`~i lira and:., r,t , cs'i} i 35S ~. ~ai`137"' .G. +t°~ T>v i , ~.: µ: ~ tJr y^ , _. ~, =, wrl tter, <br />.=,e ~r_a~zur:7 insure,,^,ce :- __ ~~rc....-,. s`ral t ., an al~a~unt su, . _ ~ al ! times, <br />_. p.,~,_~. tTtc ?ssc_;atron. ,- '~~rTya .. tal;5 ._ Yr~c.a _. r*a.:- _t- .uch insure;,~e, <br />., r'c ..:~^^~. ~~.o3..f;az? Par@i , a".e ,~._-SG~1„' Gi': ma ,' ._ tt~ ~, _~.t;r_ _„d pay tlrr <br />• , , n -,-+u a z <br />~a~n i13S~raT}ti,2, _.r~ al i *.r,^ana}S ~' 3dVan wed with intereST a'[ I I - i'rOm T.;':e date ~f <br />~JCf^ ;,aymanT snail ~e raped by R3ortGr-ear :,~~:n 4amar,c7, ar:,d sn3i1 to ~rc::rei [,y this <br />Ji3. That The t.*~rr;agog Will ,seer the buildings r->^ ,aid prer::,e: .,. ~~-,oc repair, and <br />eiTf~er c~rmit nE>r permit w3s'fa upv't said aal'~d, nor suffer fire sar~,a ;,r4~r:ises ._ pr~ a=ed <br />ic•r any unlaWtv;l purl; s2. Mortgagar further agrees that withour me wwriYterl ,YUnser.r of <br />-itme Faaeral SavirGS ana iruan no _w, ldi?_..~ or adaiti3r:s .: ~.., tin- ,..:_. - ... al ':e <br />~.rectetl ;and ail parking and larlcscapad areas shall se saTisTU._.torii~; ,ainre;~lred,, <br />'~. That In the event the premises ur ar,y psrt xherec;f as taasi:~. .~.1 ~a.„a:ec .. reast,n <br />of any pzblic it;~provemeat ar r_ondamnatior ;- .eEd;r:_,r., ,r ,neon right :? c:r:i:~er.r .,^':,~ir., <br />~r in arty r,tt:er manner, "rcrtgayee shall pe enti tlca <,r ~: >tl_,. r ~,r : _, ear- , <br />