.. _.
<br />~ '~"~~ OPEiJ EPJD P10RTGA~,E
<br />KALK01dSKI,sAND CHARLES B. BEER, AND i#. G. BLACKBURN herein called the
<br />iviartgagor whether one ar more, in consideration of Ttiv'0 HUtJDRED EIGHTY EIGHT THOUSAND AND
<br />~0lI0;~-------------------------•------------- Dollars loaned to said ti'rorfigagor, does mortgage
<br />~ t'o HOME FEDERAL SAVI,JGS ANU ELAN ASSOCIATION, its successors ar,d assigns, the following
<br />~ described real estate in Hall County, Nebraska;
<br />J v
<br />~ NEBRASKA.
<br />and
<br />~ LO?s SE1+EN AtrG EiGtiT :7 ~ 3) I': 3OSSELPf!4N SECOiJt~ 5118DIV1SlOPJ, Asti ACpITIJay TO THE CITY
<br />n
<br />OF GRi,ND ISEAiJC, rALi COi:NTY, \;:BR.AKA.
<br />To ra-record mort_ace tc sno:r corracr ~,;t;,r!t~ _cta _ :...,..
<br />and cell easamznts and appurtenances 'oa°'ner ,cir.; ar; _,,.~:...~:as, i^~prevements, #ixtures
<br />or appurTenances row or hereattar erected t..erean, inc!utlinj ai( apparatus, equipment,
<br />-,,,zs or rticies, whathzr in >ingie un.'s o.r ~er,-^ ily ,-... rolled, used to supply
<br />neat,rgas, air-concitioning, water, liyh?, ^::wer, ,--- _eration, venti!aticn er other
<br />serviczs, anal any other t!:ing now or her83=tar thzrein ~- rnerzL~r., the furnishing of
<br />,.„- _ la~t~~ - !~!ir•_r. ;m__i lar_ to the one new er here-
<br />at:zr u:. sa;alpramises~; _:~?~ a:} ~" aE: -. r;.,e, ~._,.,n• but r,.: :invited to, scrams,
<br />,~; ndor~snaaas storm d1%rs anu n i ndows, ~araet i r.•y .. ,. _ trizr , I ~x r coverings, screen Coors,
<br />awnings, Duii'-in dishwasnar= stores, ,;..igeraT~~rs, ~^~ s.ater heaters and all renewals
<br />~r re~:IacemznTS T';erecf :al; ~t w',ic~• are ir'*endad t~ .,~ and ara hereby declared to be a
<br />~.,,rt of said real esTate er;e-her pnysica ly at"aoneo gate or not.? The Association
<br />'s nerzGy subr_,ata,: -s tnc riq~.ts .., a~: r~rtya_azs, ,:enholaers and ownors paiC off by
<br />t?.a weeds of 'ne loan h~rc~f secured.
<br />T'~ 7~, „- ~ xi"1 Sa,.. - :,7ir_ irr;p r.._~,erttP.!1t9, #7 xt ure5,
<br />.~- H7Vt n:vt, Ht~L~ ... sa;C _.~__ „ __. _
<br />_„ ,T2nan CBS, a;:~ar8?::S 3ntl c,.., :r;an-, ~n'O =_.., ..>'_,., c'iJn, .TS _cCCe55~Crc ~Bnd ,~CSignS,
<br />..:refer.
<br />F'ivrTgagor .',:_.. ~_...::e^TII_ wiT. Saitl 'i5>:,C!3Ti_ ;TS -.~CeS_~.: and ,._5 i=, tha.
<br />'_ti•r-oaon _ Ia~..tu: s_ ~ad _ Bald _ =^ises, Thar . ev .;re ee c- cscur.?bra., ~_ and
<br />. :_''i 2'ortga~or rill! .C~rc'v2' w~~ran' ?na defend tn2 `i"-ic- 7... ;~... _~re-.SeS aP,a:`~5?•the
<br />l9«.?u1 claim= 3' ai 1 _C2r5C;?S wnc+ms~ever.
<br />- r•T;FT~'-._=E -- _'i'._. 7~ :E..~u~iZ~ i!i Tna paymen- _ ti_te r.x~:;:ase+r b~~ ~r_~r`ag~ar
<br />,77 ,.~~iSSOUS at i.. ~ear.~ _ ~_: d.a'e i.uRwi T'r :r ',.." ~ ai ,um ~_ ~8Y *0*^1 3bCL`P,
<br />. --_._ _,~ta ~ ~.~_: _~ ~ .rater. 5t, ~_ aayable ir, r:. ,-, > ir, i,*a1 i": ,~ wC~C~ mina t0 T..
<br />'c:^.;s, kiTh a r;na! maturi»~„ ..^Iwss soo~:er ¢aid, ~. 7ra - a3y ~,
<br />~_+,:+,? r;z !;older r.era~` ~:,,. ,3ve ~~~ ~~ptioa .~ ,._~er2rarz tre ^~aturity .., tha r :_
<br />~:; wri1Cn 'ni5 ~,r 3 _uc'' ~~ Je'i as Sc~C::r; > at any ~ ir•.e 'Ter ,~i _~T!- ~..
<br />. r_r ,ter ilr~, -_ I~nderJ _rL' _., -ne tt,~., :w-'.r trace prem~,es descrired U.~:n
<br />a veri Tten r,OT i_c 1P,r~~inp r;T1;S in avL'dn Ca ~, it5 II'tTE~' _~ .... SQ. .~n~ prtpaYR'T'nt ."-
<br />_r,.c3p31 nede :,y v~irTUe of 'nz ~xe~c -~ ?` .r,is wti., ~^.al, nz with"„ orepa}'menT
<br />r~#!:I ci:h. (~) „^Y aCdiTlenal a~>t3nC..- t^,zde .•r tna4=+s:..._i~T.,.. Tc~ `~k.r±~.agcr, ~,r ~'a?rT _Tay<:is
<br />~•uccessors in TiTtc, f:or an}' :,urposa, .. c op`.cr, ~. -nz ~+.ssccia-.cn, aT anv :lme ,;=tore
<br />*,a release and ~~ncal iatrcn ., 7nis '-l--ti.3~e, _.. .- 'ir.> _ncl ?r„ ?:,~,~*~arz sac~re
<br />~,.: +
<br />ai3'.anCCS .+.. ac. u, Ct Said _ri Cir~,al ^.".?S ,.no SuC,. :.~~. .once; ~di'anC25 'r7 a Sur. i.. exGES_
<br />~ot Tai' ~~Iv'nSr. ~Ir~iT't E4"i~T, ~H~~.,A'' ''~~' '.~i.---------------~ot~ars; rrovice, thaT no*^,i:~q
<br />i;erein CunTa;f:ed S'r;a~il be i:Jn5ic7er?d _~ li`^1i#inu Tnc anik:iinT '^3? Sha;iG.esiCUred herec}
<br />v:nc~?; a.u\'aflis(7 TC prate`.' Tr:e ..rC.:lr:-y Cr 'n aC-Ci:;r':7dr~::c NiTh ~=~ena11T5 ~in7air+e3 ... '7hi5
<br />~_~; ?47aga.
<br />~~=vi d~4, navzr#n+rics>, Tnssa =recants are open t.tl iol;o~vine _a~nditions; ,,,_' hhereas,
<br />'ilc~ s:.. _' ~=~'ltavs~.~r i5 3 R,c?te:2r Cr ;,~j-,~, ,.SSJ~C iw.t is; r„ ^.~_ v~xBCUTCd.a r:OtB in wri tirq 'C Sala
<br />-._.>~.iaTi~+: .. repay' SU ,. ~, ..Qi, n>3.;-, Ai T:- T;.re'>t, ~.. _-,~n;En tS aS `cT `Or Th ];..
<br />.a4tc, cn ~~ Y^,'f' and al I ar. CliTiuT'•3; .~Cva;:C+YS x~ith ....;errs t, any t}as 3Oreed TG aGide ^y Tr:c
<br />-,1. tuTi-.. at;d B}~-Laws of aic socia~ii~.r,, and _las end ,eyu!atior,s adapted t+y „~
<br />_v_rd _~ :ir,._,c=r_• and av'r~=tl ar;d}ao ~erz;~~; agrza:
<br />, . . ~: pay. tha i nde;;T2cness neret,y Se4urau ;romp' ; } ar;d i ;: . ,, i . „cmp 1 i ar;~ w i Tr. Tne
<br />ir*ns of TaE a#ar2said ?"rumissary luote~ and ary other notes or agreame:;ts for a~~ditionaf
<br />aava*;ccs as prGV i deo Herz i n and , # th s '~; t~agz ana -urthar agrees `hat st tija s~ i z opt i;,n
<br />off !4:rTgagee tr,a ti'x of ;;aymznt c, it:e inuentadnass !r:r'et~y secured, cr ~r;y ,l,rtion T••~ere-
<br />#, *.ray G~ extenaed or rcr;ewt;d, arsd arq par?ion of the przmiszs r~erein .ies~ribed may,
<br />ai tr;t,+dt rwticc, t,e relaaseo from, the tier, herzot wiTrout releasing or ai tectina the j~~2rsorlai
<br />iie;:,iiitq of the t~rortGagor hare;-{ to ?he payment or said inCebtea~~ess 'Hen remai^i•lq .
<br />ury:~id, c+ad r,rt sr an<e jn ?ne r~n¢rst,ip of said prarr~ise5 Shai I release, reduca cr c:ir:arwise
<br />a±#ect clny suer; passcnaJ I iabi 11tg or Tne f ion herec~y .:rea?ad.
<br />_. t,r,ders;gned rasarves tt:e r;r~ht to ;.repay t? i r ~ _ in wtrc~I< _~r ..~ ari on ,lny
<br />itiStalJme~nt paymro# ruaTe pricer rc f'',rc years fr,=rr, t!oe~dete f:ereo* by :,tt:e payrrenT ~.,i _,I
<br />.,ccrued in?bract to trace date of >uch prepayment tcgerner tii th a ;,re•vaymenr fee ar}u,, it°,
<br />;;s;k>„nt ,,, loo doy~~ interact un the amount :,, pre{:ai::, .,,:x if ,~;r;; :i.7 .. ter cr. .',.~.~. her.:
<br />r a1 E Ga no prepayment #ee. ':he prepayment tee s:> ~: ar ;:.:~ ~, ,i! i e~-:,, r _ •:an:::,,rr:
<br />