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<br /> �� �Li.�
<br /> ti� .�'ar 1'�"!i� _
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<br /> ..�su.,_ --- - "Vri�fG[87J'�fG���_�aii3�''N - - -
<br /> 3. llryard nr Pr� �O� ����� -
<br /> Qerty In�uraqce.Norx�wer Fh�►tl iceep tAa impro�•ornent�naw cx►ating or lhereafur eroctrd on
<br /> � tt�e�!'tirapey'ty inaureclt�ainat l�sa by firo.hazardu i�u;luuwl wiii�iu d� ieiu� 'r,tr:��k:�cati�e:�ta" :k::�y�oth;.:h:�c:.:�
<br /> • incl�sdinr floode or floc�dinr,tor vhich l.e�der roquit�ao inwranco.Thia insurmco s1►KII be munt�ined in the amounta _
<br /> uid!or tAn�xria3a tMt Lender roqulra.'f�o ituur�ncC cu�ier providing t�e insurmca shall be chasen by Borrower '
<br /> cubjrx�t w I,eader'e appnsv4 which atul t nat ba unrcacunab�y withh:l�.it liorroa er fails to et�dnuin caverare deacribod
<br /> abova.Lo�xler m�ty.�t ;.e�''o optioa.obtaip co�ora,Qc to protoci l.endu's ri�htv i�tho Property iA accotd�nca Nit� =
<br /> p�tt,��i�7. _
<br /> All inawance nolicia snd renewale ehall be�aeptablo to I.atdee�t►d chs11 inclus3o a sundu�murt�ay�e cl�use. _
<br /> L.endcr alsall tuve the r�i�ht w }wld ttae policiw and reaew�la. it Lcnder requires, Bacruwer sFull promptly eive to =.
<br /> Lender vl rxdpcs otpa•.d premiuma and renewtl notioes.ln the evrnt ot la�s,flornawer ahall give prompt notice w the _.
<br /> insuraaca carria andl.cnder.lxader may make poaaf oi loso it not mado pe�omptly by Bormwcr. _
<br /> Unlr.es 4ender�nd $orrowet otherw iea s�roe in writin�,insuru�ce procoeds shnl l be�p�pliad to restoration or repair
<br /> ot th.a Property darn�od,it the c+eswr�don nr rr�ir ia xanamically feasibla aad 'under's sncurity is not lessened.If tho =
<br /> reator�doa�r rc�wir ie not eeonnmictUy fe�sibla or Ler�der's socurity would be le�seaod,th�inswmce procxds stull be _
<br /> �g�lied ta tha eur.:w�uml by thle Security Inetrument,whetl�er or nc►t then duo,with ta�r excesa p�id ta Bornower.It
<br /> Bsrc�oaer�bancbna the Property,or does not anawer aithin 30 d�ye a notice trorr►Lender that the insurance carrier has `�
<br /> oiteeod to settle a cldrn,than Lrnder m�y collect tho inaurana procoods. Lasder msy use the pcocooda to repiir or
<br /> rectQre the Property or Zo pry auma sxurod by thie Security Instrument,whether or not then due.Tho 30-dsy period will
<br /> b�in when the noticais given.
<br /> Unlese I�:ndar uid Borrower otherwise ag+ee in writin�,any apptic�tion ot procoods to principal ehall not oxtend or
<br /> postpoan tho duo dak of Ne monthly payments refernd to ia para�raghe 1 and 2 or change the imount of the payments.
<br /> Ii undet gera�ph 21 tho Y'ropercy is acquirod by Lenckr, Borrowcr e ri��t to�nY insurance policics and procoeds
<br /> r�:rltis�from ds�mtye to the ProP�*�Y Prior to the uqwisidon shall pass to I.eadar to the wrtait of the sums sxurod by
<br /> tLis Secvrity Instrurnent immediitely crior w the acquisition.
<br /> b,Occ�ccy�Freservatioa. 11t�aracteaaaoe sad Frotcetiae eaff the P�oprrtv;Sorr,oKOr's Laaa AFp�tiratl.uQ,: �
<br /> a.�,�nvn;s.�mo�� �i��y.esiublish.aad use the Propa�ty ss Borro.er's�xinaipa�residea,co within gsty d.a�s
<br /> af�,�r t�e execuvan ot this Securitp Iastrummt aa.c�st�ll contiaue w occvps �t�e Property as Sorro*ers princigal
<br /> ttia-?:�.-a.ro fos at leastoae ycar after tt�e d�te of oai:j.n,xti.uatese I.aidcr otlses�is��rees ia writia�.wtuch o�nsent shall
<br /> ara;�unr�omb]q vithAeld,or vnless wRaeuatint circvmsuncas exist whicb tre beyond Sorrow ec's oont�c�l.Borrower
<br /> sy11 aot desteoy. damage or impir the Ptopa�ty,allow the Propaty w deter;orate.or wmmit waste on the Property.
<br /> B„�rruwer s�a fi�in def�ul�t if aAq forf�iture action or�xnceedin,e,a4aetlxr ci�it or criminal,ia begun that in I.ender's
<br /> �ax3 iuth ju�,gm�tcovld result in for[dtur+�of the P'rnpa�t�ar os�er+ci,se masaially imp�ir the liea created by this
<br /> Secaarity lastrumeat or Leader's sxurity interest. Bortra�er mar cwe s�ch s default and reinstate. �a providod in
<br /> peragnph 18� by ctusing the �ction or proco�eding to be dismisaed �vitL s rulin� that, in 'Lendec's Qood taith
<br /> determiaation.pc�ecludoe toriature ot the HornoRer's iata+eat in the Plropertq or otha�materid imp�irment d the licn
<br /> created by this Socurity Instru:neat or Imder'c secwity inurest.BorraNer slult �lso be in detault it HocroWee.dw�in�
<br /> the Iwa applicatzon pc�oca�e, �ave materially t�Iee or in�ccurate iaformatioa o� statematts to L.ender (or taited to
<br /> proride I,ender�vitb�y materi�]intoemztioa)ia oonaectioa Mith the losa evidwoed by the Note,includin�!wt not
<br /> limited to,represe�u�ioae conceraia� Borro�rer's oecupaaey oi the Property�s� �xiacipal roeide��ce. Ii tlua Secw'ity
<br /> •_.._.___ • •_.�L_.a a____....__ �9.... t....:�t.. �� :,:� �1.� .... t Rn.«�vw�e+mweMw ta� tla;n
<br /> . uwa wuout i�tHi�awwx�w a,w u...» .2i�...n.'ui�.� ••:....1! ��.tC 0� !.� 1�..!��..-- �------�- --
<br /> the Prol�erty.the tea�h�old and the iee tide stiall n�t meree unlaw Lersder�eroa W t�he marQa in wr�itlt�. -
<br /> �.Protectioa of Leader'�Aithts in the Property.If Borro�va tals w perform the oovawats u�d a�roemestto
<br /> oonuiaed in tbis Security Iiutrumm�or thero i�a leYal proceedia�thit cnay d�nificsntly aifeet La�der'a ri�hts in tao
<br /> propercy (such as � proceedia� ia b�alcruptcy. pcobata, for wndemnation or tor[dture or w eaioroe lawe or
<br /> n�ulatione�.thoa I.au3cr maq do�ad py for Mhatover is aeooes�ry to protact tbe value ot the Property�ad I.eeder'e
<br /> ri�hts 9a the Property. Leader'e�ctictioas may iaclude payia�auy eums eecivad by s lien which h�u prionty over thie
<br /> Security lnatrumeat,►ppeuia�in oourt.P�yiaB rea�onablo�ttorneye'iae and entaYn�oa t1�e Property w msice repaira
<br /> Althou�hh I.eadet m�y taYe action undar this pan�raph 7,Leader doee not havo to do oo.
<br /> AaY amouats dicburoed by Lendex uader thie pra�raph 7 shaU b000me sdditioml debt ot Borroper secured bp thio
<br /> Sx�asity Iastrumeat Unleco Borro�x aad Lreada��ee to other terma of p�yrna�t,t&se unounta shall bar inureet
<br /> fmna tUe dau of disb�eat at the Nou rate aad s�ll be payabla,With intae�t,upon notia fram Lender to Bonowa
<br /> t'a9�n8 P�Ymeat.
<br /> 8.Moct�=�In�uriace. If I,ender re�irod moct�a�e iasucaaoe se�coaditioa of tnaicin,e the lws�secured by this
<br /> Sacurity Iastnuneat,Sorro�eer sh�11 pay tLe premiwas required to maiatiia tta mort��c�aavraaoe ia e�fect.Ii.for wy
<br /> re�on,tbe mortgaye insurance oover�e required b�i.reade�,r lapees or ce�ea to bo in effect, Borroser shall py the
<br /> pcemiums reyvired w obuia oovera�substaati�lly eqviv�leat to th�mort�spe insuraaa pceviouslp iu effoct,at�ooet
<br /> substaatiali�equiv�leat to the oost to Borrowa of the mort�aYe ins�uaaoe pceviouclp ia eHect,frou� as�vteraau
<br /> mort�t�e nea�ux+er ippTOVOd by Lender. If substaatiallp equivaleat mortp� insvrance covrn�e is swt availaWe,
<br /> Borro�er s�all paq to I.eadet ach moath a sum eqwl w ox,t�eeltth ot the pearly mort�a�e insuraace premium bein�
<br /> paici bp BocroWer ahea the iasitt�aa coveraee lapeoa ac aased to be in eifect.Lender will axept�use u�d retain tt�eso
<br /> piy�rneatis as a lo�e+e�erve ia lieu of mort�e iascuaace. Los+s reservo p�yrneats may ao loa�er be required,
<br /> F.r. aw u�
<br /> �-illMElca,uo� w.�•�• uu�we
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