8a-- •g8
<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable taw. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shalt become additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this I+fortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shalt be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting pa}mtent thereof, and shalt bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissible under applicable taw. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />aay action hereutxkr.
<br />8. Iospertioo. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to an}' such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />interest in the Propetty.
<br />9. Condemnafian. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemua[ion or other taking of the Praperty, or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned''
<br />and shall be paid to Lender,
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Pmpenp, the pr,cceds shall be applied to ilia sums secured by this Martgagz.
<br />w$th the zi--zss, if an.°, paid to Borrower In the event ,,,f a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. there shall br applied to the sums secured h}• this ?\Sortgage such propartion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums stlured h}' this 'Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking beats in the fair market vatue of the Pn,perty immediately prior to the dart of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, ar if. after notice by Lrndrr to 3orrawer that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower tails to reslx,nd to Lender w-ithirz ?0 da}s after the date such notice is
<br />coaled, Ltndrr is autharized to varier[ and apph the proceeds. at i rrtdei s action, tither to restoration or repair of the
<br />Propertc ar to the suttm secured by this Moneage.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower atiterwice agree in writing. an.~ cu.h application of proceeds to principal shall not euend
<br />or postpone the due date of the mcn,[htr insraihnznts mferrrd to in paraeranhs 1 and '_ hereaf ar change the amount of
<br />s'xh insiallmenic
<br />20. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time for p armeni or modification of amortization of thz gums secured
<br />bv,t~'~ ar:.r,~~ ~_ .,._.a t,v it~+ r ,;_, an _ ~» ,,r S-uYew~r_ tali nit ener_ate to e[[[ase, in ate' manner,
<br />t}x liability of the originalfBorrower artdvBormwrr's suc:~_xuvv in inures[. lender shall not be trquired to comtrnnee
<br />praaedings against such stta^essar tv refuse ~ [rand t,mr f. s payment .,- otherwise modife amortization of the sums
<br />socurtd he ibis Mortgage by reason of anc demand made hs the ,,rigmal Born aver and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />It. Fotiaeataece by Lender i\ot a Nalvrr. >nv tornraran:e M f tndrr in rxerisine wry right or remedy hereunder, ar
<br />otherwise afforded by npplicablt taw, shalt not be a wa3vrr ,~~ ~=r pre.ludr the eternise of am• such right or rtme;ly.
<br />The pmccrrnotnt of iasurance or the pa}'mem of warts ,+r other ;irnc ar charges i+p Lender shall net br a waiver of Lender s
<br />right to acreltrate the tnaitrrih• of iltr ittdebtedtxcs ~^c:tred by th-:: \Sortgaee.
<br />22 R 1A retrtt+iies pros idrd :n t`?i. >Snngaer are distinct and cumulativz to one .,then right or
<br />retatdr ut>~r ,his Mortgage nr a}fatded ltc law ar rgviii. and cosy ht :-verci;ed ci,ncurrnt}~~, independently ar successiv^eh'.
<br />13. Seccess~att: wad AsiRas Boned: Jost wad Se.crd f.utbi6ty: Captions. The covznants and agreements htrei^
<br />xataim+d shall hind, attd the rights hereunder sh=_ii :pure to, rite rrs^z:uve succtsn,rs and as~cigns of I_znder and Bormwu.
<br />svbitct to the pmvisicros of paragraph 7' hereof Atl covenants and agreements of Borrower ;hall be ioint and xeveral.
<br />'Ittc caprians and Seadings ai~ the paragraphs of this 4largage are for ..oven+en.e only ar,d are m-t to ?+r us`~d to
<br />intrr}v-et ar drfrce the pro+isians !xrrnf.
<br />10. Itiatiee. Except for any notice required under sppiicabte law to hr gn•en in another manner, ia? any notice is
<br />Bamvwcr prrnidrd far m this Martgagc shat] ht g~vtn h} marling such nauce by :trti6ed mail addressed to Barn,wrr at
<br />ihr Praptrn Address ar at such other address as Barmwrr ma} designate M notice to tender as provided hsr~in. and
<br />fbl any notice to Lender xhall ire given h} cemfied mail. rztutn rza-~pt rrgttes[zd. to t tndtr's address stated herein ar to
<br />sorb other at}dresc ns Lcmkr map dtsierrate 3+} n<,ttct to Barmwzr ss provided herein. ..>ny notice pmvidtd for in this
<br />Mortgage shall he deemed to has°t been given to Borrower ar Irttdrr whtn River. in [he manner designated herein.
<br />15. [isiform !1l~agC Gorrereiag I.aw': SeseraltBil=. Thi: tarm of mortgage .embines vnifatm ravenar.' far national
<br />use and neat-uniform covsYtants u~iih limited variati:xts by ivrisd~cri,n to constitute a uniform szcunie instru^ent mverine
<br />teal property. This Morteagr sltal3 it govtrntd l,y the taw c,f ilia urisdietion in uhrh the Propene is iskatrd. In the
<br />tvtrti that an}° prov;sion ar clause of this Mottgagt .~: ttte Nou canflirts with applicai+k law, such rnnflict shag m t affect
<br />other pravisieas of this Martg~e v the `visit whi;:h can lx grvzn zffe=~t without iht conflicting provision, and m this
<br />ihr provis~ns ~~: tl~ Mtttg.gr and •!~ loll a^' .-t••.rla;•.„t , , !x s=v«r31.t.,
<br />1£ Bmoweri Crprc. Bormutr shalt tat f_rrnislttd a confaorrtzed copy of ihr tiatz and of this Martgayx at the time
<br />of esexatixm or after :~--ordstixet hereof.
<br />17. Ttsrttrv ~ the Ptroptety; Aarrntptiots. if all ar app pat? of the Pmprrr}• or an inte.est thtrein is sold or transferred
<br />by Btatrowrr without Leader's pr;ar written canstm, rxcludige !ai the crrativ+n of a lien nr encumbrance subonlinatz to
<br />rfeis Mtvigage, tL+i ttte t72ati.'~n itf a punhasr may ses:urirx ;ntuest far !n usrhald appiinncts, ice a tramfer by devise.
<br />drxareoX or by c+petaiitui of law uporr the death of a jaim tenant :=r t.i i t?te gram ni any trasthoM interest of threz years nr less
<br />nor coatainitig an option to purehartt, Lendu map, at Lender's „pir:vt, declare all the sums secured by this Mortgage to be
<br />itxsmrdin~l}' due and payable. L.rnder shall have waived such option s., aarltra[r if, prior to the sale ar transfer. Lender
<br />axed dte,pm•anat to +rhom the Property is to be st3}d cv iranslerred reach sgretmtnt in writing that the credit of such person
<br />s satisfactory tt, Lcndrr atd [tut the iaiere:t payable on the sums stcu.ed 6v this Aiartgagt shall be at such rate as Lender
<br />s:saB tar'~t- l# Lender leas waive" t3K apa- n to s -xkrate pry>v~r>j in *,his iaragraph '. 7, weld it Borrower's -succtasur in
<br />interest has exauted a written asrumptitat agrtemwt accepted in writing rte Lender, Lender shall release Bnnower from all
<br />a?~gatioat wader this Mottga8r. wad tht Note.
<br />I# Lender exercises such option ro a:cekratr, Lrndrr shall mail Borrower notice cf aculeratian in accordance with
<br />puagtaph 34 hrrex,f. Stxe1 native shall pmvide a period of not less than ?ll days from the date ilia notice is mailed within
<br />which Barmwrr may pay the sums declared due. ]f Borruw~rr fails to pay such sums prier in the ezpiretion of such period,
<br />i.radrr may, tvidxsat ftvthu traticc ar dcmaod cn &~rmwer, invcskr an} rtrnedra prrmiued by paragraph 7 g hereof.
<br />73ctrz-t3tsttrattsa t'oveK,tvrs. Borrower and Letuirr fvnhtt covraaa[ and agree as follows:
<br />Ift Acatlna6a~ RrFttrt~ Fstga m provided a Pwttgrspb t7 hereof, upwt Borrowers laracb of aay zovtnant or
<br />try of Bartsrar is Ibis 'kfatp`e., the roveaaots to pay when doe war snows secartd by this Afortgage,
<br />Leerier later ie amderamn dntB tmtt8 riatire to Sarronsr ac peter ided in paragtttpb i 3 hereof :petit}'tai: i f 3 the btearb;
<br />[~} pre exliae tralolei fe Hate sari ireaelt t3) a data net h~ tlitsa lil days from the dtge the aotiee is mailed W Borrower,
<br />by which each hreaei taattl be cersd: wad 1<) [teat faBrrr to cart sorb breach oa a before the dale speciked in the tpdce
<br />~ rtaeeM ~ ancaiaatim of tic saiew oecwed b}~ tits !Nome. foreciwarr by judicial procttdii~ wad sale of the Property.
<br />Tie natlee aiaB fabler ifarnt Benower of ~ riEpd to miectadt after acceleration acrd tit rigs[ fo assert in [tx foreclosure
<br />Pra!rsNfaB Ve ~ o[ a deffoi or aa} olive defense of Borrower to acceleration cod iorerlosurc. U tie breach
<br />i wet tweed ae or iefnre tie dart cpeelied i tit polite, Leader at Letdrr'c optiow mry declare ail of the autos secured by
<br />tfai fdeeftla~e to bt 9 dtae and payable without furihu demand and au} foreclose b} judicial proctediwg. Leader
<br />alrf ie atdtld b roBexY i [cart proce~ ~ npeases ui Forcriasnrt, inclu+>;rig, but not limked to coasts of dttcuuxtntary
<br />ovidetooe. arhatracta and [hie trpettc.
<br />19. lnewwetta R~it b lftaiattate. Notwiihatandu;g Ltndcis acccicratian of the sums uxured by thix Mortgage.
<br />BnrtowU dial! have tie tljlii to hart any prt~xdings begun hp I.rndtr u+ ertfnree thts ltar[gage disi~antinued a[ ans~ umc
<br />