<br />Ux~oast Covexexrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1, Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrawer shall promptly pay when due t a principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the No[e, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2. Fords for Taxes and Iosmance. Sltbject io applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender nn the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a stem (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the }•early taxes and assessments which may attain priarity over this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents an the Property, if soy, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus oae-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />Tht Funds shall be held in as iasrimtion the deposits or accounts et which are insured or guaranteed b}' a Federat or
<br />state agency lincittding Lender iI Lender is such an insntution). Lender shall apply the Fends to pav said tales, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may rat chargz for so holdin¢ and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />ar verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrawer interest an the Funds and applicable law
<br />ptrznits Leader to make such a charge. Barrawzr and Lender mac agree in writing at the time of e_eecution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest an the Funds shalt be paid to Borrawer, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to be paid, I.tnder shall not hi required to pay tsonower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds shaving credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Fund. wa_c made. 77te Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />' by this Mortgage.
<br />If the amount of thi Funds held by Lender. together with the future monthl}° installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the dot dates ai texts, assessments, insurance premiums and ground cane, shall exceed thi amaunt required to pay said taxes,
<br />~~'~~sPnts, insttraatt premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such zuess shall be, at Barmwer's option, either
<br />ptompth' repaid to Bartvwrr a- ::rtdittd to Barrowrr an menthl} insta3lmenis of Fundc. If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Linder shag not >x sufficieat to pay rags., assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />Bet-rvwrr shall pap to Linder an}' amaunt necessan' to make up ;he drticienc} within 30 days from ihr deli notice is mailed
<br />bt Linder to Borrawer requesting payment thereat.
<br />Upoa pa}'ment in foil of ai3 stuns sa:ured 1•y this Afongagr. 1-ender shall prampU}' rtfund to Borrawer any Funds
<br />held by Linder. If under paragraph ig hereof the Propiny s n+ld or the Proptrt,~ s otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />shall apply. na iattr than imtttediatdy prier to ihr wli <+1 the Pronrny or its acauisitian by ltndrr_ ant' F,mds held hr
<br />Leader at ihr time of anglication as a credit aga,nst the sums secured by th,s \fangage.
<br />3- AydicMiwt of Paytntats. Links applrcahiz law pn,s'idrs otherwise. all payments received bv' Lender under the
<br />Note slid paragraphs 1 and . hereof shah be appl,ed by Lender first in ga}mznt of amounts payable to Lender by 8arrower
<br />ttt~r paragraph ? htreaf. ihttr to interest payable on the :Vote. then u+ the principal of the Notz, and Ihtn to interest and
<br />principal an any Futter Advaaezts_
<br />8. : Bens. Barrowir shalt pay ail tsxzc a~ iscmznu and other charges, firres and impositions atiri6utahle to
<br />the I'mpirh' which may' attain a priarity avrr this ~Iongagz, and leaczhold paymznu ar ground rents, if any, in thz manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof ar, if not paid in such meanie, b}' Barrover making payment, u-hen due, dirct-tly to the
<br />pa}•a thereof. Borrawer sha21 promgtiy furntsf; to I_tadrr all neuc: s of amounts due under this paragraph, sad in the event
<br />$arz'awtr shall mske gayattnt direrh'. Barron-zr shalt promptly :umish to Lender rzcziats rridrncing such payments.
<br />8arrower shall prxsmptl_v discharge any lien ,shish has priann~ .>rer this llangage: pmvtdzd, that borrower shall not hi
<br />tequitsd to discharge env such ii~n so long as Bo:raw°zr s'ttall spear in ur,ung to the payment of thz obligation szcurrd by'
<br />svult lira in a manatr acczptable to Linder, ar shall in ecx»i taith rontia such lien h}'. or defend znfr>rczment at such li_n in,
<br />toga praxedings which ap~~att to privrat the rnforcemrnt of the lien or iorfein,re aY the Prapzm' or env pan thereof.
<br />5. Hatm'd lasmaete. Borrawer shall trip titz ,mpro.iments now rvisung or herzaftrr erected on the Property ;nsurid
<br />agaiaai till by fire. hazards included within the term "extznded covzrsge', and such other hazards as Lrndtr ma}' require
<br />sad to such amaunu and 1'a; such pern~cis a. Lender ntav rrgwre: pn,sided, that L.enh~r .hail not require that the amount cf
<br />scion wveragr exceed chat amaunt of co~zragr reyu,r~d to pav the sums ,cured ?`. this Afongagr.
<br />The ittsutantt carrier providing the insurancz shall bt chasm b}' Barrovrr subjzct u, approval by 1_indrr, provided,
<br />that sueit approval shall not be tutreasaaabl,.~ w'ithhzld. All premiums on insuranre polices shall hr 1. aid ':•. the manner
<br />proxidod under paragraph ? hrra~f or. ,f not yard in such manstir, 6y Borrawer making paymzat, when der, ~:recuy to the
<br />tr,s, ..`..' ~'
<br />AB instrancr policies and rrnrvals thzrzof shell t,e in farm acxprabk to Linder and shall include s standard mangage
<br />clause in favor of and in form a:aeptablt to Lrndtr. Lender shall ha.e tuz right s., h~>id thz pourers sod srne>.als thercrof,
<br />and Bm'raritr shall panmptl}' Irunish to Leader all rirxva! reuses and a1i rr.~ipts of paid premium,. ]n !hz zs-rnt of lc>v,
<br />Bo,~:~r shah grvt my>.mpt acurez to tat i~urancr camrr and L.endrr. Lender ma} main pmot of lass if not m-ado promptt}
<br />bS' Basrnwer.
<br />U,tr3ea 1-ender and &arri cars niheruist a`grer in uriung, insurance ps keids shaft bz applizd tee tr~totation .u repair of
<br />the P'mp~'ty . pravtdsi scull zrstotauon or rrpa;r is rcotx mica!1} teavhlc :rod for ,rcuriq of the Mortgage is
<br />cwt thaotn~ impairs{. if such restaratn,tt oz tepatr r not r.,+n.+mioali} iravble e-r ,i thz sz:'ur,n~ et th,s \fortgagr would
<br />ht tmpatrtti. the lac+,ra>ti^~ pea-mil shall bt apgiitd io the soars ,raures: M th,s Mongagr, u,[h the eyczss, it ens, yard
<br />to Bturtnvtr_ Lf ilrc Praptry is a;aarfdartd h} Bsvrawit, or r Fxirraver sari; ro respond to Linder wuhi^ 3tt days from t}x
<br />dart rxrtttx n marled b7~ Lender ±, Barroarr that the ,nsurnt: ~r :enter t,@crs t i >ruir ., , t:,un for insurance hznrtits, Linder
<br />:s antlzertred to calitxt aad appiv the insurance prxeeds at Lzndrs's option rrthrr to rntoratian or repair nt the Proprn}
<br />.•uu to the scans stcuixd by this ifartgage.
<br />Ua3ws Lrndtr sad Batrawtr athtrwisr .agree m wrong. am such apgucauan oi' pti>terAs to prncipal shall not evtrnd
<br />ar F>~+>,~t+nt iiu due date of r:+u mantirly ia,7aitttient, rifzrred t,+ u. paragraphs 1 and '_ ucnot or change the amount of
<br />loch ins2all:ueaw. If coder paragraph iS herzai the Proprtac „ acyuued b} Lender. ai; right, title and ,nterrst of Barr<,wir
<br />m and to as}° iastuxnx policies and in and to the procr+ods thttzat resulting fa>m darnagr to the Proper} prior to nc~ sale
<br />nr a+x}uisitxm t:haL paxs to Linder to for exttnr al the slims sz.:urzd ha th,s ~loneagr imnrediatei} poor to .uch sale ar
<br />aaqu~itmn.
<br />6. Aeaervasise sad !+iFamleeasaee pf Pr+iPt;t!; I.easihtdfk; Caodommitiaes: Piariaed Unit iktelopments. BorroH er
<br />strait letp tl~ Prct{.ttty xri good repair slid shall not commit waste oz permit ;mparrmznt or drtzriaration of rite Proper}
<br />sad stall comp!}~ cash tie prirvisic~s of any lessi if rho Mar[eage ,. on a Irasehoid. It this 'lfor[gagr is on ., unit in a
<br />condamint!im rK a plan»etl unit deselapzatni, Borrower .hail perform all of $t>rr++~,.,er', rbugat,ons undo thz dcdasatien
<br />ar ~avtaanis creating or gavtrning the >:1'+ni4im,nrum or planned urn dz1zla,pmrm, thz by-tau, and regulation, of the
<br />caoiominrtan ar p?anatd unit devek+pnient, and censtiturnt dauments_ if :+ :.+nJ.,nvnium or ;.tanned !~a~[ :frsrLrpmea!
<br />ndcr is executed by &arover and reseeded tagethrr w,th :h,s hfoneaer, t`,r ,osrnants ad agreement, .,+, +u,~h r.+Icr
<br />shall etc m~psstietetf into and shall amend and su,-t. gizment ihz mot-rnants .:r:d agrrraxrents t,f this Alostgnst as rt the ri.irr
<br />weere a pRrt Deaf.
<br />7. h^Met~ ~ fsndtr's Socarity. If 8arrower tails to prrfarm the cnyenants an.1 agreemenu contamrd .n ih,s
<br />?liorrgaat, ar i£ aa}' ecu~ ar praczeding ,s :ottunrn,x.1 which materiall}' ailr.tc t.zndzr s ~ntrrest in ihr P^oprrt.
<br />inrlttdisig, but list limited ta, etriinent domain, msatlenc}. c.,dr enforcement. ,+r arrangzmrnts ,~r pnwtedisgs ,moivmg a
<br />baakrsipt rr dot, tbxn Lttidu at L cadet's option, upon noucz to Barr.rwcr, n1n} ,Hale such appearances. disburse such
<br />sums and take xuch a.'tiorr as is tr~essary io pester i.endeis interesr, ;nclud,ng, but not hm,ted t,,, disbursrmeut .'f
<br />reasonable aitofney's Errs slid retry r,pat the Pn-,perty to make repair. It tender rryuitcd err+,ttgagc inu,rance .,~ .,
<br />canriition of making the loan socwod b} this hfortgagc. Banower shall !+al !hc ~rrmiums rcywred t„ mainrein ,nch
<br />iraauaance in effect until stick time a; the rtge~: etoent fez such msutarcz r;, nunares in ac. ordarie w,!h Bos r.,w er', :,n,t
<br />