<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable taw. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mangage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Linder pursuant to this paragraph 7, with inte~*st thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by' this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree in other [curls of payment, such
<br />amounts shalt be payable upon notice from Lender to Bnrrewer requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest fron the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall hear intent at the highest rate
<br />permissible under spp(icable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph i shall require Lender to incur any zxpense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. Inspeetioa. Lender may make or causz to be made reasanable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shall give Borawer noticz prier to am' such inspection specif}•ing reasonable cause therefar related to Lender's
<br />interest ir. the Pmpert_v.
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of am• award ar claim for damages, direct or mnsequcntiai, in connection with any
<br />condrmnaiian or other taking of the Prapeny, or part thereof, or far conveyance in lieu of eandemnatinn, err hereby assigned
<br />and shall I+c paid to Lender.
<br />in the error of a rata] taking of the Fropeny, the pmcceds :hall be applied to the sums secured t+y this Mortgage.
<br />with the cite>s, if enc. paid to Borrower. In the went of a partial takine of the Propeny, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherw'ist agree in writing, there shall he applied in the sums secured by this Mortgage such pmpottion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that pmpanior. which the amount of the sums secured by this '`4artgage immediately prier to the date of
<br />taking bea;x to the fair mazket vahee of the Property immediately prier to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />psid to Bnrn,wer.
<br />Tf The Propem• is abandoned by Barrowtr. ar if, after notice by Lender to Harrawer that the candemnor afters to make
<br />an award ar settle a claim far damages. Harrower fails to respond to Lender wtithin 3t) da}s after the dais such natice is
<br />msikd, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the praceeds, at Lender's option, either to restaration ar repair of the
<br />Prapen} n.r to the sums secured he this T.lort_eage.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower atherw•ise agree in writing. am' such application of pr,ceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or p.~-rpane ;he due date of tltt monthly instaltmznts referred to in paragraphs 1 and '< hereof or changz the amount of
<br />such ins;allmenu.
<br />I@, iSorrorrer Nat Released. Ectensinn of the time for paymtat or madification of amanizatian of the sums secured
<br />by this Mangage granted by Lender to any sttecesmr in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release- in any manner,
<br />t'te ?ia?+;iiT}~ of rite c tiptoe] f3otrowYr and Snrmwcr-s suz.essnrs in imerest. i.endzr snail n. i oc aquit-ed i' - ~r ,ins=
<br />pra,cecdings against stash succtssar ar refuse m extend timz for payment or othttxxisz mc.dif}' amanizatian+afthe sums
<br />sc:uacd b}' ibis \tongage h}• teaser. of any demand made b}' the ariginai Horr,,we: and Borraw'cr's stta:essnrs in interest.
<br />II- For6earaare 6Y Lender \ot a R?aicer. Anx farhraran~ h}' I.cndrr in exercising any rieht nr rcmed}• hereunder, ar
<br />atherxx ise aftnrded M' applicable lsw, shall net be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of an}~ such right or remed}'.
<br />Thr ptxtcu;x:aunt of insuratxe or the paxmeni of texts nr other hens ar charges bx Lender shall oat be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to a:.xkratt the maturin' of the indei+tedttca secured h}. this 1Sangage.
<br />S2. Re>nra?ks Cteaeiatlse. All irme3ies provided in this MonCaee air distinct an3 cumtilatixe to am• ether right or
<br />ramrdy under this Man¢agr ar atlarded h} law or equity. and ma}' ht excrcistd cnncurrentl}', indrpendentiy nr .r,tc.-essiveh'.
<br />i_L Saceess'ors and Assns Bosttd; Joint and Several iaabt~t-x•; Caprioas. The :oa~;nants and agreements herein
<br />~•~nttaieud shill bind, and the tights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns ,af t-rndrr and Borrower.
<br />subject n, tltt prnxisiPrts of paragraph t? h~taf. .A?? cavenants and ac~e'etttcnri of Barrawer shall Itr taint and sexual.
<br />Tltt caprioles and 2xadings of t5e paragraphs of this Mangage arc for convemencc m}y and err nee to I+r used to
<br />irttrptei ar defiers tlx provis~ns hereof.
<br />Ii, Netie~ Escept fnr any notice required under applicable law to br given :n another tnannez. ia) any notice to
<br />Batr~t-et provided far in this Mnngaer shall tr piece b}- mailing such notice bx rezttftrd mat! addrcsstd to Borrower at
<br />iht Praprn}' Address ar at such athtr address as &,rrower max designate b} notice to ].ludo as praxtided herein, and
<br />t2) any o<Gce to Lender shall tx given by crrtifted mail, rttvm rrcrtp: rrquuted. to Lenders address stated herein or to
<br />sztc2t ether address as Lender ma}• desirnatt h}~ rn:tice to Barrewtr as proxidrd htrcin ~nx notice pmvidtd for in this
<br />M.ttgagt shat` he deemed to haze i+ettt g~:rn m Barrawcr or ].ender whtn g,arn in the manner dtsignattd herein.
<br />It, Laitara'Ka= Goxxraietg Law: $everability. This form of mortgage cambints unifarm covenants tar natinaal
<br />use and pan-unifamt .-. arnants with limiiw variati'xts h}• ;urisdictian to canstitvtt a uniform secttrn• its:-vnrtnt caceriag
<br />teal p€v~perq. This Mangage sha.li be gaa'erarrd by the iaw of Lire iur:sciicticm ~n w-hick the Prvprrty is {xated. In the
<br />event chat nay prexisian nr clause nt" this Mangage ar the Natr con$icu xith appiicabk law, such conflict shalt not atfett
<br />outer proxisioas of this hfosigage ar the Nate which can be gixea tfftct without tlx canflicting provisian, and to this
<br />sod the ptvaistans of fix Rfarsgage and the *; ate are declsrtd to Ix sra°trstak.
<br />16. 1lmmsrer's Copy'. BarrawTer shall t+t fumisitcd s rnnfarmrd .ar.±r at the 'vale and of ;his Aiongage at the time
<br />of eac+:udan ar a#ter rtcardatioa herraf.
<br />17. TraraFer of the Propel}; !iammption- If all ,ran}' pan et' tM Pmpem' or an imerest thttein is sold nr iransfttnd
<br />by i3orrawer wtthsiut Iendris prier written caasrnt, excluding tat the creatian of a lien or encumbrance suMntinatr to
<br />this INartgage, fb) the creation of a purchase m. ney :ccutin~ inurest f:+r househaid ap,~liancts, tcl a transfer bi' dta'7SC.
<br />3axnt x by aptratian of law uptm the death of :, joint truant or idt the grant „f am ]zaschold interest of thtet }'ears or less
<br />net aantaining an aptian to purcttsse. Lender ma}. at Ltndtr's optian. dtciarr all the sums szcvmd b}• this Mangage to be
<br />immedtaiei.• dt.n: arxd gnyahk. Lender shah Ira+Y waived such opuon io a..•rlaatc i1, prior to the sale ar transfer, Lender
<br />and the prrsan to wham the Freprrt} is to be x~ld or trnnsfrrmd rcacl: agreement in writing that the credit of such persan
<br />is sa€isf:atvy to Lendu and that [!u interest payable an the sums vr:urtd h} this !+lengagr snail bz at such raft as Ltndtr
<br />sha13 rsgtrat. If Lrndtr has waive3d the aptior. to aa-ekratr proxidcd in thi; paragraph 1?, and if Borrower's successor in
<br />interest has taecuttd a wettest asstrmpum agrcemrm acctpicd in writing h}' Lender, Lender shall repast Borrower from ail
<br />ohligatitms turder this Mengagr and the `sole.
<br />Lt Ltndca' eaen-ises at><h aption to a.:ctkrate, Lender shall mail Sarrawer notice of acaleratian in a.:cordance with
<br />paragraph 1.1 hereof. Such notsce ;hail provide :+ period of oat less than 3(3 days from the date the notice is mailed within
<br />which 13armwer may pa}• the sums declared due. if Banowrr tabs io pa}• such sums prior to the txpiratian of such period.
<br />Leader may, xanthaut further aoticx ar demand ar &n rower, invoke any remedies parmtrz.', t;r paragraph IS hereof.
<br />Next-U+-irx~ta C~y+xxzzs- Batrasvcr and Lzadrr funlxr coxenant and apex as fellows:
<br />1B. !araxleiafFor; B $cept as provided io paragraph 17 hereof, upon Borrower's beach of any rovevant or
<br />apsemnpt of latrarrer' ®ths Mort, iarVd~ the cosenan~ to pay whop due nay sums secured by this Dtortgage,
<br />1•.~ +~iur ~ ae teal ~ rtotirc xa lar~nnrvri >n prodded ib psragr~r i4 hercoi specify'iag: ti) the breach;
<br />(2) rite active rid is care sleek bench; tJl a date, aof Iota than 3@ days from tbe date rbe notice is marled to Borrower,
<br />Tsy trYSeb radii btraa•1t sitK see cared; ants i~fl that faBan to rare web hreacb on or 6eforc the date specifred io the notice
<br />stay erxait bt serdpra6en of [be sums secured sy rlt~ Montag::, foreclosure by judicial proceeding and sale of the Property.
<br />Sle rM3cc till faeEber igEarm i6nvawer of the right to ttittstate after acceleratlaa sod the tight to assert in the foreclosuro
<br />t tic ana-eziCawx of a d ar any odrer defense of 1Mrrawer to aectkratioa and forectoaura If the breath
<br />is oat eed ail er beiarc t!n d~ ~ the enlist, Lender at isader's optiaa may declare aft of the Bruns srecured by
<br />Batt ' ~ be ~ tbrir and pajabfit witkaut tariher demand and »Y farcriose by jndkial proceecliag. Lender
<br />nialf he ea~id b ulcer bt each praeeedht{t al espettses of fatvdarore, iadtd~, bat not limited to, ramtts o[ documentary
<br />avldentx. aYs~aca art titit rtpaalr.
<br />1!. 1@eerrnr~a Bt@id b ] Not+vi@tstaading E.endtr's acceleration of she sums secured by this Mangage.
<br />Borrtswtr shall have the rjghi to have airy grisceedings itEgtm by Ltndrr to enforce this Mangage discontinued at any time
<br />