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I <br /> <br />6. If lte faits to pat any sum or keep any cavenant provided for in this mortgage, the lriortgagee, at <br />its option, may pac or perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum <br />orcing rot the above note. shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at t7te rate provided <br />far ht the principal indebtedness. <br />7. Upon request of the Mortgagee, B4ortgag,}r shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes <br />for the sum or sums advanced by Mortgagee far fire alteration, modernizatian, or improvement made at <br />the iliortgagor's request; or for maintenance of said premises, or fm• taxes or assessments against the <br />same, and far any other purpose elsetr-here authorized hereunder. Said Hate or Hates shall be secured <br />heretic on a parity kith and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in the note first <br />described abore. Said supplemental note or notes shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin- <br />cipal indebtedness and shall rte payable in appraxinxateh- equal monthic tpayments for such period as may <br />i,e agreed upon by the \lortgsgee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree en the maturit}•, the ,thole of the sum <br />o:• sums sn ach-anced shall be due and payable thirtc (:i0) dies after demand by the Mortgagee. In no <br />evc:ni shall the maturit?' extend beyand the ultimate maturity of the note first described abave. <br />tc. tie heretic assigns, transfer-, and sets over to the Mortgagee, to be applied reward the payment of <br />the note and all sums secured he::-ebc incase aI a default in rite performance of any ot" the terms and condi- <br />tions ttf ibis martgage ar the said note, all the rt:nts, revenues and income to be derived from the mort- <br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid; 2nd the Mortgagee <br />sl•:all bast poker tc appoint am agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of r~ntiug the s:une and coi- <br />7ec-ling the rents, rrcenues and incante, and it mac pac out of said incames all nec.~ssarr commissions and <br />,,~iknses incurred nt rant;ns; and managing the .ante and of cone. ing rentals therefrom: the balance <br />,eria:ning, if any, u, lk _ pl,lied to,card Ylte discharge of said mortgage indebtedness. <br />9- Ize -ea7 c~ontis,nous~r maintain hazard insurance, of such tc~ ru• types and amounts a lortgagee <br />m:=t fram time to tir,3e rtv,;:itY, on Lhe improcemerirs nau• or hereafter or. said premises and except a°hen <br />,u:~nient fee all such ptt:miurns has theretofore been made under (n) of paragraph _ hereof, will pay <br />pramptl;: fence due arc premiums Uterefor. IIpan default thereof. 9fortgage. may pac the same. X71 <br />:staranc~ shall itt= catritd in companies apprac2d Lty the .Mortgagee and the polieie, and reneteals thereof <br />shall ~ l.eld try the _liertgagee and here attached thereto lox parable clauses in favor of and in form <br />a~:efttabtr to the \tor2gagYr- Ir. Brent of loss t_liarzgago*.• brill Bite immediate notice ltr mail to the Mart- <br />ga#n-~, ,rho ma}• make proof of lass ii nat. m :de promptly be 'tiortgagar. and each insurance company eon- <br />rti~r. ed is''=;asebc authorized and direeied to make payment for such loss direc•th- io the Mortgagee instead <br />,.f to the Mortgagor and tl_~e 3iartgagee faintly, and the insurance pmce~cls, or any part thereof. <br />rn~. t,e ap;,'ed lac the 115artgagee at it, opt'an either w the reduction of the indebtednc_.s hereby secured <br />r to the restoratian or repair of the property damaged. In event of foreclosure of this mortgage, or atlxer <br />irrir~sfer of title to the mortgaged pxxtperh in extinguishment of ti,e indebt« secured iterettc, all <br />right,. title ana interest ni the 9iortgagor in and to any insurazxce padieies then in force shall pass to the <br />pu:rhaser or grantee. <br />lil. ~ additional a:ad co7laterai seeuritv`or the pat-ment of Tlie rate descrilrcd, : nd all sums to tteeome <br />clue under this mrrt~~-a~te, tl,e 9iortgagor hereby assigns to the ~Sortgagee all lease bar.:tscs, prafits, reel <br />sues, rctyaltit~, rights, <:nd t+ther benefits aceruing to the Martgagar under any and all oil and gas leases <br />nox'. ar during the life ~>f this mortgage, executed on said premises, Frith the tight tea reci~ive and receipt <br />far the :ame and apply th~nt to said indebted ne<ss as ts-ell before as after tlefau7# in the condition, of this <br />~m,rtgage. and the '_1lartgag<-r may demand, sue for and recover any such Itatiments when due and pay- <br />ab1~, but ahali nut tae tt~t;uirecl so io do- T'nis assignment is to zer-miriate and lterame null and i°oid upari <br />release of this mortgage. <br />li. He shall eat cuntmit .:r Ixrmit ~,a'aste; and shall maintain the prt~pertc in as grad condition as at <br />present reasonable wear an:l tear eaeYpied. L'pr,n ani~ failure to sa maintain, ?ttortgagee, at its option, <br />mac cause reaatnal3le rr:air;ts-Hance ~rork in rte perfarmrd at the cast of .lic•rtk_agor- -~nc amounts paid <br />tlserefar be Mcx~g-age ;l~x;i i,t,ar int~r~st at th{ rate praiided far in the princ•ipa] indebtedness, shall <br />th~reuxx}n btt~ime a ;:,art :7f the indebtedness seruroit by this instrument, t~taYah^ an+i cn a parity with all <br />other indetttxclneti. secure=d i;ert-t,}•, ar_d shaft be payable thirty t,3t~) days after demanca- <br />1'? I~ the pretni4~s: or a*tv part thtseof, ire t-ondemried under the potcrr of eminent domain, or <br />a<°quired ;.°tr a public usr• ;',e t?amaf:.: aw'arfled, Lhe prcx~•eds for the taking of, ar the consideration for <br />such acquisition, to file ex-tent of the foil amount of the remaining unpaiu indebtedness secured Fly this <br />mortgage- or laereb>- roc;?gnus' to t}=e Mortgagee, and shall be paid farthu•ith to said \iortgagee, to be <br />apgHed oa acxt,unt ~~* the last maz~ring installments of such indebtedness. <br />13. If tine .io;igagur fails t?t make any payu7t=uts lichen due, ar to cot,f<,rm to sod comply with any <br />taf ibe renditions of agr~mrnts w~~~ia=d i.s this nrurtgage, cr the notes t, bleb it secures, then the <br />entire pr?nc.}u-1 sum and accru=_xl interest shall at once hrt-:eme due and pa)'able•, at the r•1ti•ction of the <br />Mortgagee; and ibis ;nr>rsgage mac thereuFxan be foreclosed immediately for the ,nc~+1,~ of the indebted- <br />nESS lfereby ~i"c'urd. 7, it-,cilsriii7~, tie ci~5t e~f ei-tt 7i~'7 ii,g i$ie atiSiract i,f title ili,i7i the date' of i}ti3 mart- <br />ga$e it> the time of rc+mrrteari;rg such, suit, a reasonable attorne>''> ire, and any sum; paid by the \`c•terans <br />Administration an account ++f flee guarani>° or insurance of the ittdebta•dnes~ oecur~•d hrt~L}, all of which <br />shall be innludtui in the dccrx~e of foreck~ure. <br />IA. If the indebtsdxress aetured hereby be guarantc~d or insuri~rl under 'I`i#le fly, United 4tates ('ode, <br />srrulx Titer artd itegulstissns issued theretrrtdrar and in etfc~t as the date Hereof shall govern the rights, duties <br />and liabilities of the parties hereto, and aay prnr•isions of this ar other instruments cxec;uted in connection <br />w~itir said iadebisdness x.hieh are inconsistent with said title or Regulations are hereby intended to <br />r;anform thereto. <br />'t'he mv~~nant~s herein contained s'<all bind, and the benefits and adcantagt:s shall inure to, the <br />