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<br />~~-...~~r~41 <br />To HnvE ,sera To Horn the same unto the ~Iortt;•agee, as herein pro,•ided. Iortgagor represents to, <br />and covenants „•ilh, the Mortgagee, that the Iortgagor has go,~,d right Lo se~ii anc'. conee5 saki premises; <br />that they arc free fram encumbrance, esctipt as here inotherwise recited; That the ~Inz-tgagor ,till warrant <br />and defend the same against the lawful claims of ail persons whomsoe, cr•. Mortgagor hereby relinquishes <br />all rights of homestead, alt marital rig'.tts, either iu la,c or in cyuit~, aad all other contingent interests of <br />the Biortgagor in and to the abos e-desct•iln d prcnzises. <br />PROt~tnEn At.wa~'S, and these presents are executed and delic•ered upon the follo,ring conditions, to <br />wit: <br />~Inrigagor agrees to pay io ilte Mortgagee, ar order, the aforesaid itrircipal sum ,i ith interest from date <br />at the rate of Eleven and one half per ceniznzt (11 • ~r_) per nnunr on the unpaid balance unt-il paid_ <br />The said principal and interest shall be parable at the otlice of Mortgage Pius Incorporated <br />is Enalewoad, Colorado , or at such of?ter place as the holder of 'the note may designate in <br />writing detiyered or mailed to the Mortgagor, in monthly instailnzents of Three Hundred Sixty Six and 67/loot <br />I)allats f$ 36b.67 ).commencing on the iirat day of ,larch , 19 80 ,and continuing on <br />the hest dad- of each month thereafter until maid note is firlI}• paid• except that, if not suonez• plot!, the final <br />payment of princilk,l and intere.=t sltali lie due and ~Z1~abie on the tint dad- of Pebruarp, 2010 : aiI <br />aeccrding *..o *.te terms of a certain promissory note of eren date herewith executed by the said !Iortgagor. <br />The Alortgagor furthe r agn>es: <br />1. He will pas ilr> Irni>~b*.edstetis, as herc•i::b.~furt~ prodded. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any <br />time, „'ithoui premium or fr•?, the t•ntia•t• indc bteduc~ss ~~r ant !reef the*.•eof not less than the amaunt of out. <br />insisllma~t, or one hundred dollars (3140.441, whichever is lei. Prepayment in full shall be credited on <br />the data received. Partial prepayment, other itan on an installment due date, aced not be credited until <br />the next #oilaa°itsg installment due date or thirty days alter such prepaymeni, whictever is earlier. <br />Tagpther with, and m addition to, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable under <br />the terms of the note sc~c~ure•.l hereb>•, Alartlalnu- ss ill 1?a}' to :liortga~n~, as trustae, (zuzder the terms of this <br />trus# as hereinafter stated) on the first day of each snontlr wztil said note is fulh~ paid: <br />itt 1 3 sum equal to the ground rents, ii z .}~, next due• plus the premiums that ,rill nest became clue <br />and payatii,> ,.n lx,iicies of lire and ~:ther hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, <br />plus lases and a~essnzents nett due on the mortgaged property (all as estimata~-1 by the ;Kort- <br />gagee, and o3 ss~hict the'tlor'gagar is notiried! less all sums already paid therefor divided by <br />tape rasm:.~ r ~,f m,nths to t~iapsr before ono :~:.,nti, , rior #ii tlzv elate when such ground rents, <br />premiun>,, taxes and assctsrrents „;11 be, nr.:~ d~•]inquent, such sums to be held by Mortgagee <br />in ~•trst to pay said ground r~ refs, premiums, taxe s and slxrial as_se ssmenLC. <br />i~d T.'iz aggro gate of theamixrntspayable pursuarri to subparagraph (n) and those pa~alsle on the <br />rime st~rar~ai here'c,y, sltali be paid in a single payment .•arlr month, to tx applied to llze fallow- <br />ingitem- in the order stated: <br />tt! gmund rrnt.G Lase;. asse~menis, lire and cth~>r hazard insurancY premiums; <br />t tt 1 intere s# on the note sec~_-~ci hereby :and <br />lttt) amorrzatian of the principal of said note. <br />~n}° alefrr_•n.•t° n the antrsunt of .znv -uch ,tr~grc•1^:t+~= merntlrly iuiyrnent shall, un;~-cs made ge~ad <br />try ?ire iioe•il;ugc,r prior to the due +i,are of th. nctxt suelr payment, c•ens±i#ute au a". "nt of aefault <br />under this morgage. ~t 9lc,rtgagre•s c,l,tion: \lortgagar will ]say a "late charge" not exceed- <br />ing four lx•r c, ntum (y*, ! of any iss.tailmrrt,:~hen paid mare than fsfteen (IS) daysafter the <br />due date tlsz-: ~~~.,f to rover tine csxtra ewn:~n.:> ini oli tai in handling d~'l;nquert nayntents, but zueh <br />„late t~arg'r'" ;hall r=ot Ire: pa aUle out c:f tltc- pszx~±=iis ~~f a;sy sale made tts saiisf}° the indebted- <br />aess s e-ureti lst rti~k y. ual~ urh presc:~ 3s rc sud?cienz to discharge the emir= indebtedness and <br />$II pmper c~ is and expenses securi-d there"t,r. <br />3. If the #otat of t#ie payztzents made by the Mortgagor under ;u) of paragraph 3 preceding shall <br />exceed #2:~ ansount of pa,}'mert#s actually made by the iltsrtgagtr~, as trustee, #or ground rents, laces and <br />ass~nertta or insurance premiums, ac t2!e• rase may be, such eeress shall be credited by the Mortgagee <br />on subsegrrent paj3nen#s to be made by the Mortgagar for such items or, at Mortgagee's option, as trustee, <br />s'hnll be refunded to Slart~gor. If< hawever, such mantlzly pas-menis shall not tee su#licient to pap such <br />ites~ vrherz the sa~•z? shall becot.~e• duo and pad°able, tl;oa tl;a 94ortgr,,gcr shall prey to rte 33art~ng~, as <br />trustee, sqP amount nec~ssan to make up thn deficiency cs itltin ±hirty t 30l days niter written notice from <br />the Mortgagee slating the amount of the deficiency, which notice may be given by mail. If at any time <br />t3te Yartgagor shall tender to the Mortar--. is a~;ar',lat:re u ith the provisicros of the note seeureci <br />hereby, full payment of the eatare indebtodnesa represented thereby. rte llortgagre, as trustee, shall, <br />in conirputing the amount of such indebtedness, credit to the acevnnt of the Mortgagor any credit balance <br />aetrtmalaisyl under the previsions of ta) of paragraph `? hereof. If there shalt be a default under any <br />of the prnc'iaions of this mortgage resulting in s public sale of the premises eavered hereby, or if the <br />Mortgagee acquires tlse property atherw•ise after default, the \lrtgagee, as trusts-o, shill apply, at the <br />of fide ror~nnces-lent of s~i ch pr<rc~~eding$, or at the time. rte ptaspzrt}> is ottenvise acquittd, the <br />ataoturt then rnmainittg to credit the Mortgagor under (ul of paragraph 2 preceding, as a credit on the <br />interest accrued and unpaid and the balancse to the principal then remaining unpaid on said note. <br />1. The lien of this instrument stall msnain in full force and offset during any postponement or ercten- <br />aio$ of #7m tiitne v# }ra}znent of the indebtedness ar any part thereof secured hereby. <br />5. He tc°ill pay all graund rents, taxes, assessments, seater rates, and othe:• goverruneutal or munici- <br />pal tbarg+e8, fines, or impositions, levied upon said prerrzises and ttat he will pay all rases levied upon this <br />mortgage, or the debt secured thereby, together with any other lases ur assessnx refs which may be levied <br />underthElacesof:+7ebraskaagair~t`_'te3iortgagee,ar the 12ga3 halderut said principal note, on account of <br /> indebtedness, except wren pa}~rnent for al! suet items has theretcafore be•=n made under (a) of para- <br />graph 2 hereo#, and he will promptly deliver rte official receipts therefor to the Mortgagee. In default <br />thereof ~se_Mr~~tgagee rrsay psY rte same. <br />