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<br />sivz of prrpat'ments not permitted be the nntz? co .__ .. ~$~-.. .. - - _..- _.._....; (il that tf the Rinrtgaged Property ur any portion <br />thereof shaft be taken or damaged under the power of eminent domain, the award for an}' property so cikcn nr damngad din-.'lording <br />severance damagzs to the remaining nremisesi shall be paid to ehc hhxtgagee :md applied in full or in part at the option of the Mort- <br />gagzz in rzduction of the indzbtedness hen=tic secun•d: ~;: char the hlortga,ee shall have. the right to inspect the Mortgaged Pn>pert}' <br />at such reasonable tinter as the Alortgagze map airsiro to det,rmine the Mortgagor's compliance with thz covenants contained in this <br />\iortgage; ski that the Mortgagee msv :e}ease from tine lien i,. reof ar,r part of the abov<-dcxrbed real property without requiring any <br />mrsidzration therefor. and {ll that he is lawhtlic seized ,at <.dd pr;-mires in toe simple, that the same are f.-re Isom cncum brances <br />except as may otherwise be spcciiically noted herein or w~a;ved in writiay by the Mortg..gee, that he will execute or pronne am <br />fur'.her necessary xssuranres ok ntle and d.>es heretic waaa:u ~enerxlk the dde to ,aid premises and will forever defend the same <br />,against the claims and dzntands of zit persons u~ttr_ns:,rccr, and usat his separate zstatz, u-hethcr vested. continent or in espzttancc, <br />is heretic convzyed and hr dots heretic exprcsslc waive. rclca>r and relinquish ail rights and benefits of any homestead, dower, curtest', <br />xppmisemant. exemption and star laws of :his stace. It is agn~cd th.a the urtzresr provided for in soh-scrtiou ~~) above :hall he 1 _''';• per <br />annun; or the highzst law~fu: rate permitted ba~ awtract wader a}tplicahlr law, whichrczr is Ic>ser. <br />~E(:UN[3: l'hat it thz A7ortgagor shall default in dx nas rotas: of the ~lotc• or in the pzrfonnance of nnv of the rovenan is nr at,Tee~ <br />meats herein or in the Nnte ar in am- .+erern:rr.t , hereto ;•~,n grin, d, nr if the rheas :,tuner nt the nL,ng:aced Pn,perty shall <br />makz an assignment for the hcnetit of ,tedious or sha- ±iic a petition for relief under the Nankniptcc .A,t of IZ;93, as amended, or <br />under anv similar sutu te, or shalt br adt:;dicatr:? har.:,r:.rpt or insolvent. or if am' rt.'river, iiuuidanx or trustee >h.ill be apponatcd fast <br />.-~t3t chi-n owner o: am of his yropzrn~, :bras in .u.h error. the coffer indzbtedness heretic sccurzd ..half. at the option of the 11ort- <br />ax!•rr and wi*.heut notice to the Mortga~sar, i,e due and :oilr; tibie a: cove by iud?vial foreclosure proa•cdings or as otle zrwisc• pmridrd <br />by L-w, car, when available under sratutns ,?r oar, ,tf practice. be :,dce::iszment and sale, and in such an event this provision <br />shall L,z deemed as authoririne and conaitutin}t a pcrcrr of sale as mentioned in said statutes nr r:dez: that in addition ro the rights and <br />remedies he: vin. 2hr Mnrtcaeer is hrrzbr .+uthnri>rd and empowered at its opti,m to eecrisr forthwith and from time to time .aty <br />hsther righ~ and remedies available to the RSortgager nndcr the laws of the state wherein th,: ~iortga;;rd Prnnerty is .aituatc, such as <br />fret ri:;h t t. collect the :.znts, issues and pmiit>. o, ro hart :; rr. civet appnin ta;i :n collect thr >_une. <br />;'HLRD: The foilmdnc>chedulr s. is a r- aanr>,ed hurt„ _rsd ruada a part !azrzof it' no carte, this section is inapplicahlt=: <br />- <br />F{yCRTH= That the n,crnet:*., freer in .-.>ntatned .hail hand. and the bruet as lad adcantases *. hricol :hall :pure to the respec rive <br />ferries. earcutars, adminisnatnrs. >u cces>nr>, and ass3,;rts „f the patnr+ hc;eto in thi> \:urtga>;r unlr. the concert .,thenvisc requires <br />x•ords m the sin.;alar ,number inaude the plural .axt in the pLu.;? in:iudr the wnguiat, nerd ta~o:~d~ in the ma..uline gender shalt include <br />the itt::i^ine and the neater. <br />1'ti u-:?'\E_A !L`HE RPUf. rack r=f the n-±dcr.i-,aed ?.a> --, ,. d. ~-rd and .?~cd this ~tortgagr a. of thn d+y.:n.,nth and v~e•ar <br />hnt •b~n=t written. ' <br />William V. Wolbach <br />yea: <br />~"~~ -, <br />s~:.~T~i'o- i3ISSG~i- ''~ ~--~.~' ~~ L~~' ~at'~C?{1,•,~eat: <br />Poll~B. Wolbac~ <br />'CY>1"C ~`~. c~P .~.~~~ -,Seal} <br />1.. _ CSYIiBS gEPSLE ' ..t.. r t- tlr- ~ +> r ~- t: -t - :? ~ - ~. -~. ,rLr sc=t t:tti t?tat <br />:,c rh is say ~~ d.r ,t '4~::~-3~i~{-~_~-t-'''~"l^-'~~ .na;i. ~,rd=,r.<.:_ n. ~th.n ~!.,n..U ~lZ.l. ~.$xII.. <br />y, iiolbach and Polly B. WolbacH', his ~i~e, ~t} <br />.3ta <br />_r, a inouat c t e v'et to dt i - ~ .3a...:hra'. in .. ~.. -,.-. c,.. _ ;.. ,:. +. - ` °,•, - <br />rrastr--, wand au3~~ :.4knoK--.rsrtir.. ts• rn,= •'r~<t "~~F ...r . n~ ..r, ,,..C .. t ~,nr ..- thliY _ <br />lice iar3 sc is=n*.y- ~t end :;eed. ,.,• ,•~c ;_.c. a.. p: ~ .....,r..t...n:~nn„n_.i <br />3 VF1~ a3t rot' h~tb~µ,d ;ri `,ic t.,i ,ra,. -, c. ~..t at.,, „ , ~ . ,., ,..:.., .., , ... .,- t[t; r.. <br />-...- -- w ~ ... <br />'k a ' r , ~~ <br />1J!. ...wKVrha.h„afiti ~t <br />N$. 7f exvr,.~t~;'i~ odrlra aclan .-.,rp,,, s.r .~rrv. ,(<. w...~,+,c.~..-r:,cry; n;t.-... _-.-,. ,..-..- <br />i{ fA L"i _ <br />.~ t~ ~ +~ <br />~ if! ~, "' <br />~ ° ~,~ _ <br />I~ ~~~ ~ - <br />_~ <br />~,. <br />W ,3 <br />