<br />THIS MORTGRG£, dared as of thr ....1st .. ,i:;i ,:t November . t y 79
<br />:a„t.ar. William V.
<br />Wolbach and Pally B. Wolbach, his ~oife,
<br />u,3tasr post arfi:t address is K8n683 Gity, Missouri 64133
<br />-_
<br />nereinaftet aetied '1ifa,rt~=q~ae" and THE £QUtTABLE Lll=L ;S~UR,•i\t:.E c~_I L=TY UP THE C'vliTEi? jTP.TE4, a New Yoc
<br />corpntatian- bar ~; its erincipa# e#; ice actd pas*. u[;i.r adore>c> at t ,j .ac:^rr ^? the A:ncrica>. tires Y',,rk. Nem York ? U~'. 9, hercin-
<br />aftrr called ".Vc,rr+.s~ea'•:
<br />11 HE32£A~ trr A1art„asor x,fu> .t r 3 $trd to the 4hx[>;a,a• ; ; the >um o: Fifty-five ThOUS8nd - Bad NO f lOQ -,--,
<br />- -°_- -_-__-.._--___ Ih tars ' 65 0(10.b6
<br />'3 a rs riz i^. tetra, all ..~ sct ,: rh nx hi. :.:tun prtemis<o:, note
<br />"Nnrr"~ of rv:n date hrretcith mamrin~ .. - .jdIItatiip 1. ~~ X5C.
<br />VC?R', THEREFUR£. TH35 R7URT:;A1;c R9TN £S~ETH, is+a t, t, _r Cac mr;,t .,t the n,-indl, ,i o. nd intr: c.t on tilt ~ocr
<br />and the prriarmance of thr c =rna nt> tiurrio .:ud hc: cin :.,_..nna .., „n>ilct~urn .: ~ rh. :urx,. t,.c Atoz tc.: oz bs t, .>a
<br />0
<br />p; rsr;;t< .3e.,a z;rsnt, harzain, s. L, :~-.:, _ - .~ _ i 1 - ... ..:, a;a .. ,., t ...,. \k- , , a 1 the p ore tt
<br />`tlxe `f:,rr,~s~e~d Pr: ;u•rt~ ~ ixt _r,tat r ..rs,.:hr?, t,: u:t
<br />i. The ;ctlinwint; desert.... nal n .,};=rte lo,.cc.i in thr i:c ._n.tr of H811 - .. .. - _.
<br />drat.... N€bt88k8-., _ ...,.ts~t;
<br />I.Tt?ct Half of r_h~ fin»the~St 1~tartr_sr (L7~SR~')
<br />of Seotion Three (3), Township Nine (9) North,
<br />Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P,M., Hall.
<br />DountY, Nebraska.
<br />Defact3t Lp the acartgagar under eap ether insizuoeat aeeur1ag the debt here>~p secured
<br />sSall eaastitcnLe a def~it ua3er this iaatzument.
<br />il. The 64t~rtear::?r's intreat a, !> ssi+r in .li lrasrs in.:udvr_ hit n„t "in,itr:i ta,, , ,. ~.s an.l n:inrral lr:+>e>' nu:i .:t Icerraitet ath-ct~
<br />v.e3r§t aib~>;-.-drs;v~__.-.prr,p .-".. _ .. thr.,... - _ -
<br />TiX>;£THER ib7TH th_• rnu. i -_. and i *.it> t r.-,v. _..ti.e n:~s.c.::. ~.:n+r>- ;,tbexw,>r pr„ ide,3 hrrrin u .n ., separ ,..
<br />iastc:untnt ~,7 s~tt,n rarx:t- ,sn ~ ht Ri t ,-~. ttz tt g .~ t ~_ : ~ i sn t r '~ ,tc _:r tx: gterl „rma:. ~ ~- nt~
<br />ata~renrrnt ;strrut dt:. to .cu1r., enS .er.in a~ znts....,,_ _ , =.:t. a- thr .... .c d..r a.:a r.; Cir .na tus;ether ai..> w.. St ail
<br />and :Qn~tL. zisr aenrasenu, he ^raud;txnt>, aad a p„xtrnsc _ t,.:~u t- r;-1.;a4 r:c 7:..31 :iEa:it,r dra;narr. ,,nd ..utrr ri-tht>„i
<br />eatrr kind a78 -des: t~sp;tt,t,
<br />Tt) ti-~t£ 4NI) TUr!t)LI) tt,t s,.rar _.n.o .,.r y7.:rt. -.. ,.. >__.-».s> >:,.. a.:>i;; . t. roar.
<br />pR;1 LL~EU_ Ai..ll?t 1`ti- that ,! t r Rte:r xr•;as.,+ e:ris ~, rrg>rr.rz.:~t:k r> ~a~ - ~.. x-: es. >.,.al' ,.ct- .ihr Rtr:ttt+irc .r,
<br />sue ss ,rs c. assi;n,, the >aid Burn =,_ ,.uonrt .:, st.. .t,~ in :.s, "1~t; and .tta ;c,,ax:„ th<rz.,-:., tna .. ~xnr> ,. ~.d 4 :t and in the :•, ar.ncx
<br />p;_
<br />~rrrdac3 in £ine Rate. an3 ail ctitcr s=ams ti, ..: , :nv t. tumr .,Ur an,..:x _ u, the hi,rtgairr put>uant n .rt eite [rams. u,t ct,eu:.
<br />hd condiri;7ns fkCrru3, and perSc=tnt E rr y t ~jr:d nt n is o sat thx xtzat,r i},,rr ,ss ..,n tt:.,a p,a>r.:s. ,.;::i
<br />dsr rstait 'etrrL*+ }-ranted shat! ira+r, dat_:xr: sat .zn.i k,e s,.,d. , rac, ui>r ~- ,rn, a.n ., Su,: fur.a anu =.ic„
<br />iNL~ SuxJ l;t`i"t., thr ..,trr,.ana aad.uzxditi,iars ;:rreinatitt srt io: th.
<br />'1*2RS;: Tzt RA;3rzKai;czr fsrrr r}• tuvrnants ax:d aa,*rees. ru the rstrnt pes msttrd ls- ia.t-. ,;+ i:.,ii~:u~s: -a t~., i:ec pn,nsptit u~irr:: :t',tr
<br />t#at 3+rint-ipa? arsd inac.es2 as=_d othc sums .,i mon»}~ proc iced tnr in thr \a,tr ar:d in this Rd o: tt.<rr- .: rithrr: t",-- t,• pa} :,1! t... r>. as,r>:,
<br />rs~.;.~gr.3 azhr•-- haters `;n~lad:ng ds±ch, .an., rrsc, -s,L_ or other rrattr ~frari.r>, ,._-:z ~. r;:mcnts. i-np .cd t,c 3_ u ~p.:n the R.i.rt
<br />g;erd Prv~r;'ty. rlie ?+d.,:,xrg.~er's irrtrrrst tistrain, t,r u~.-3ir taz "~!,=rt~auze ._,r the :'rate. r r.:id.d ho~wrrrs. thft-,n t1,..- c, r.,.. ,:f t'ic }._.
<br />ai an}' lets ,.Iti_ank-i;g iht lats-s for the iaiaticn of mart~;.thrs t,r welts ;r~vrrd b} tn„x t2afc >-. <. t : ti •ct tYx i, t • t;;aFr, tl;r :•ntirc•
<br />~indcistrdntw trs urrd hrrr!,y shaT1, at tht aariar, c>t t'ee tit t of r- f> - tnr due - r pa~:rttl _ . 'ar ha- \! -at - 1 i'rs,s s,t; ,.~~,1
<br />imp: tsvtaanntx the-xturs in e~wd;t-:aditix>n :nd tepxir ~rsd n,.. _.,;c,mn.it cPr suifra w~n~ta the:. a. e-:.i ,-.: rr„ _, ,,.• _.: :..1 :n ., ... ._
<br />~k annrae~i lrrmta snd Itsrmittly . n~=t huroi, t,eir~tr to trutoc~r nor per suit the rcmati=al -t ,z} drnh< - i,nil.3;ns..rd• ~:~
<br />~tan€_ rt.::.k, ;_3aa, fratebrxr_ ~ras~el ctt tcy> toe ciih~nt xhr prig; z.:itten i-tnucnt „i the MttrtgaFcc. -d' t., ;uamtxue and drL,=~z t„ ;hr
<br />~aatr p~i~r of ineyragcr agaenx saw h~ezarda rtn the '6rddin~s now ur ht:eatir, looa[cd uu €he Yi~:rn;a~~d Yrup:r=} a3 t6r
<br />hrnrtlGagce tsa}~ rc~qquirz. in raae}s cornpKntrs a»si atncruats and with su.n Ivs:. pave hit rlau>c ~ aft ~Il be a.la ~ra• - I. Ri, c t t,
<br />dat in tlsr cs+rst t=(leosr. t#z Mcrs t~agzz ix, ezprtssrs avt} orizcd sett} u: zt prc r sxst 1-im I t c t' - -n.t to t l.. ! a 1
<br />2rt na3d tc. tltt h4~~'~~ n~ t;tay sp,~t; ~tnt rs p-z !- .E z= st s..:3_t t r -`~ r . +_.: :1- tt - - r - t~ „
<br />rx repair c+f sand i>4Ws w rdtxrc astnr tw the Mrxtp g4x . a= }~ -zic lien, k sm or Char e ,<aixst the 41 rtesgr.il F x plat g h
<br />xsa,zah•s-jttxedtnce cwtx tlat lien hrresN ; f I) r a pry arms dx-nsan~ aii lr~ai ea}'+z uu >. ti tIt sea rr ~r>. e r a t t„rn a }' fra s - a a..,,t ahl } in = st t: d
<br />ar paid b>g x~e ~txxZ+r to i.ctkrt iht Ncatr t=r foreclrast L>r prptrcr tilt tern ui the 41or*.F,ahe:'g.; that is the r+~rnt Itr sham t~atl t„ .+•an
<br />»YtL tht gturr,.i,tns;?# ;al thraup,6 tf) abrwe, the Mtut~rA•et rioa r->fz~ sorb .-Batt sic arc.-ssan ru ar+nc.s} ,,,h la;i:nr m,J .,.!
<br />sumx psid b}` tkr Mtxt~a~,rc pUrsttani hrrttra wz~; intzrest at ihr tats h •rcinafta t idc 3 -h~ Il - n-set t - i' .~ }- n af:. \7 -- t., d
<br />Prrsprttp, shall bt :ecutraf ~}' ibis Mrrr;~e, and shrDl-br 'rttsnsrdiaulg- due ant reg.,, .,:,sc t,. tai 9kn ti,,}, - ::..t i „?l tt r 1.,.:;, i-., .
<br />ztt an,; pc+rricsr: tltartof, t7r, if ihr IMlcrrur it a czxa[i,art, nc:t tn:,+r then -- „i it~. a..z}„n,zr •.: ~.,, i. ,}i.,ll f,r s:.f:+, c+.,,i,~,! .,z .?:-.
<br />preyed of u, pcrv:ns xxthet than liar present nwnrrs prior tai tl;r e:snr liar ar<lr=.,t, d~nr,s >, ::..:cd !,.:,-i~:•. ,h..ll i:.,,. ;,, , , „.+.::..,-.. , , :
<br />