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I <br />I0. That the ,'vtortgagor will keep the buildings upon said premises is good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste <br />open said land, oar suffer the said premises w br used for any unlawful purpose. <br />11. That if the premises. n: any part thereof, be condemned under tht prnver of eminent domain, or acquired for a public <br />use, tfie damages awarded, the praceeds far the taking af, ar the consideration for such acquisition, to the extent of the full <br />amount of indebtednes upon this martgaee and the note which it is given to sects a remaining unpaid, are hrrebv assigned by the <br />Mortgagor to the Martgagee. and sha17 be paid farthwith to said ~~tongagee to br applied by the latter on account of the next <br />maturing installments of such indebtedness. <br />i2. The hlartgagar further agrees that should this mortgage and the Hate secured herehy not he eligible For in- <br />surance under the National Housing Act within Sixty Days fram the date hereof (written statement of any oflfcer <br />of ifie Department of Housing and Urhan Development nr authorized agent of the Secretary of Hauling and Urban <br />Dtvelopment dated subsequenI to the Sixty Days time from the date ni this mortgage, declining to imurc said <br />note and this mortgage, being deemed conclusive proof of such ine)igihilityt, the M1fnrtgagee ar fielder of the note <br />may, at its aptian, declare all sums recurred hereby immedisieh- due and payable. <br />13. That if the h4artgagnr f, tls [n make any payments of money when the same become due, or fails to conform to and <br />campl}• with aa} of iht conditions ar agrremrnts rnn[ained in this mortgage, nr the note which it secures, then the entire princi- <br />pal sum and accrued interrst shall at nnct become due and payable. at ifie election of the Siortgagre: and this mortgage may <br />ihereupan hP fnreclased immediately for the whale of said mane}=, Snierrst. manthiy pap~ments, costs, ground rents, taxes and <br />the cost of extending the abstract of title fmm the date of this loan to the time of commencing such foreclosure suit, and a rea- <br />sanab}e attorney s fro, all of wfiich shal# t+e mcinded in the decree of tforeclosure: and the cantract emhadied in this mortgage <br />aad tht nett secured hereby, shall in all resptc[s l+e governed, construed and adjudged h} .he laws of Nebraska, where the <br />same is madr. <br />The caveaants fittein contained sltail hied. and the benefits any adrantagts shall insure to, the tespretive heirs, executors. <br />admittistrar7rs, sue-tsars and assicns of the Decries herrta. t\'hrnet rr use1. thr singular num#+er shall include the plural, the <br />plural the ringttlar, and the use of ant" gender rhali to applicahlr to all genders. <br />The faregoiag conditions, alt acrd singular, being prrformtd according to their natural and legal impart, this conveyance <br />shall ht said and said protracts telrased at tfit expense of the ,'+fortgagex: nthtru ire to brand remain in foil force and effect. <br />IN b1ITNESS 1t'HEREOF. the bt irtgsgnr;>> ha ve hereunto srt their handtsl the day and year first <br />at+rivt written. <br />la preseact r:f: <br />~ ~'~1 ` '~ + ~ illiam O. Cavan <br />r {SEAL] <br />_~~ + 1,~e. ,R,y,tjeverly C. Cowan {SEAL { <br />` ~ fDavid A. Etiline <br />-° `~ ._ {SEAL } <br />r <br />~I//' ~;:~' i' , `-/Llf~r .IMarilvn H. Ehliae !SEAL 1 <br />ISEALj <br />cPO gu.taa <br />a'TAT£~ NEBR.aSK?t. <br />ss: <br />L431?h'TY~F Ha21 <br />t3a this 1st day of ~ruat~• , A.D. 19 8Q . before mr, <br />'~ Notary PuD1ic is aad for said Cavan, personally pmt <br />~-~ D. Cowart asd ~everiy C, Cogan. Htxshand and Wife <br />~ ~~ , persotally tome knarvn <br />ptrmn s whmt [taste s are a6txed to t~ above sod faue- <br />tai as Idnrigagt+t-aad they have ackaatvkdgtd the said instrument and the <br />exet~tLoa iht»ectf tQ~ weir vt~7untary acz and deed, for [he purpasts therein expressed. <br />~ trs*-imuaY whtttoi, I hart htrtuato set mp head sad a~xedoy my seal at GranB Island , 13ebraska <br />.>n tht try asd due last above uritun. <br />>~t~l.Ipu~Yn+4 ~ ~ ~M~t <br />i #. i~Wpt~~ .7datazv Poblir <br />~~~#.MR'Y tttm <br />STATE Of A:EBX.9SK:; ss <br />Fated tar rervrd this da; of A.D. i9 <br />m o'dack At., and catered in Numerical Index. and <br />rtotkiad in !look of Mortgages, as <br />pa6e of <br />5$7148 t]F 7Il~RAS$IL <br />tx5~47 t7F' ~~ t3S x <br />t~xiS 3t3tl-i OS .1 S~yyrr Rt$tsttr4f I>ttd5 <br />~iiy cam~~id8itli a aridlMarilyr, 8~»tliae, Ansbanduhiic in and for said Cnttnty, <br />a' ~'~ the identical persons whose names are affixed to the aboveeand foregoingto me <br />`azsatza~teat ~ Mort =, attd thegg .have .acknowledged the said instrument and the <br />+,tittrt ~ ~ their voltuttary act and dd~ed, far the purposes therein expressed. <br />y ~. S haute hereunto set my head and of xed 13y my seal at Omaha <br />~a tm the day and date last a>aove: written. ~`, <br />~r?~,a .t <br />o .c~_i c <br />L <br />~r;~tr..twsatNz <br /> <br />fNa-11•aM fio 771 <br />