(1) month prior to its due dale the annual mortgage insurance premium in order [o provide such holder
<br />with funds to pap such premium 0.? the Secretary crf Housing and Urban 17evelopment pursuant to the
<br />National Housing Ac[, as amended, and applicable Kegulations thereunder; or
<br />(II) If and so long as said- note of even date and this instntment ase hr.d by the Secretary, of Housing and
<br />Urban IIevzlapmen4 a tnonthlp chsr>;e Fitt Iteu t'I Q n;ortg3ge insrtmnee preratrtrrnJ which shall he in an
<br />amount equal to one-tweHth {Ij12) of one-half ('1/_') per septum of the average outsttutding balance
<br />due an the Wore computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments:
<br />{b} A sum eyuat [}? [he ground rents. i? am', next due, plus the preriums that will next become due and payable on
<br />policies of fire snd other hazard insurance cin~zrine ttte mortgaged propzsty, plus taxes and asse>`ments next due
<br />on the tnortgagrd property Earl as €°stinrrrtrii ^l~ tFrr Sf<7r{gageel less ail sums already nail thzreEor divided by the
<br />rtmnber irf months m elapse before one ;nandt prior [o tht date when such ground rents. premroms- races and
<br />asszscments vri}1 became drlinquen?, such sums to ire bald hr 1#ortragee in ;rust to pa}~ saud ground rents- grc-
<br />miums. taxis sad s~ual assz>stnents; and
<br />(c} 4I1 psytncnts raentianed in the two preceding sutls:ctians of this paragraph and ail pacmznts to be made under
<br />the note sz:wed here'ny shall be added taerther. and thz segregate amount thzrcof shall L•c paid by tl?c hlongagar
<br />each month in a sm+eir naymznt to bz applied by the 6larigagrr to rite follau~ina items ir, the order sit iurih:
<br />Q (I, premium charees undo! the .ontract of insurar.~.e v:~ith lire Srcretarp of HousinL: nerd !?ban Ikvtlopmznt,
<br />,~ or ;nantlilv charec r m tint .: r v+a_,rrg,7re rri.,-rtrmtce;uemiurtt', as the cast ma} be:
<br />SIH ground ;ins, taws, assessmems. fire and other hazard insurance premiums;
<br />(III} interest an rite not; 'eccurrd ::*.zrzbs~: and
<br />CIV} mnortizafior. of the pnncipal of sari note-
<br />Any dzfciertcy in the amount of any wch a~eregaie month!.' oav-ntznt shall, unlrsi made gc+ihi by the. hiort-
<br />ea_ar prior ±o the due date ::; the next such pavnte+u, ;,atsri[uta an teem of default under this morteaee. Thr
<br />'dortgaeez map ec•ilect a ",ate chargz" norm :xrerd i,n;r cents 14d1 t;x each dollar iS 1 ; of zazh papnlrett more
<br />than iift~r, (} t) -daps to arcs in cost= the zxtra repensr ut,,;had In handling dzlinquent paymznts.
<br />a. 7`hat if the total o! the payments made bs the \ktrtgagm under ~ ~ • of paragraph _' preceding shall exceed
<br />the amount of payment,. actusih made Ily the tk,rt=*y re Cor ~ntund rent, taxf~- and a~<e~:menu ar in~uraa~ce ut~-
<br />mium~, a~ the came may be. =uch cx;~s- it the Lean is cnrreat. ar the option of the ybnGsgur. shall be credited 6i
<br />the \'lurtaa=re on =ub-equrtrt payment to br made 6y the llartxaitor, ire refunded rcr the }}ortrakor. If. I:ut+rrr+r. the
<br />rxtnthly payment. trade by the ~kxtgaivx under ~-: of paragraph ' preceding +hall oat rte suf#icient to pac gerund
<br />rent, tear, and as~es~ment- or in~ttrertrr prrmtum-. s.~ the ci=r man- hr. Nhtvt the =amt .~hs11 become due and pay-
<br />able.. then the liort~agtu shall psi to the lkrrtnaoee am :amount nece-•:tn to maize up the deficiencx. on or Itefore
<br />the date u'Iten payment a# slash gmund mot- taxes, as-rs=me errs nr in=urance pn+miums shall be dare. If at arty
<br />tame the \km~e~nr shall tender to the }kirt~aaee. in aecorclarce uith ifte penal-ions of the note secured hemby,
<br />Ertl] paxarent of the entim indebiednes= mprrsented ihrmbi. the >k~ngaaee -hall. in computing the amount of arch
<br />in~rbtedttt=ss, Yedit to tiro accoltnt of the '.Im:gagor .tit ,a:mrnt. ma7r usw3rr rile prove.t:xts of .r; of parat;r,~p}t ?
<br />hcrf+ot lafiirlt the ilon:?aget• ha= no=, Itt•rr?m.• obliaa[r•d i„ pa: w tttc ~+cretsn of lion>tng and i rban L\esela=xnent
<br />sad any balance trmaining in the fund ai r;imuisted under the prttxision~ of of . sra_ragh '? hereof. If iherr
<br />mall are a de'f;zJ#t under any of like pmsi-,on> wf this axxtaa{te rrwi[in_ in a public sale of i<he pxmisrs coxetcv3
<br />Nearby. or if the >Iartt;agee scquim~ the prop.•nv otlterai~<• after default the \Iorha_e.• .hail applx.:et the time of
<br />she c-ommencrmeni ai s uch grttt•eed:n•*s, ur at the time the property i~ otlsc+rui.r at t;uin•d, tltr Balance thin mmsitr
<br />ire in the fonds acrumuiated under ~ ' of paragr3ptt ! prertding, t• a t•redit again-t the xmaunt of principal ilten
<br />rrmatnin,= angafd under said nnte•. and ?hati pnrnc•rlt .edjust :iny payments u}lich -heal hasz• been made under •c'
<br />of paragraph '_'.
<br />That the i3 vigagor utll ;Ly groun;y -rot,. !use.,.:,-„es.mrau. eater -ate>..inu .~tncr t.+, rrnmenrai .,; ntunxipaE
<br />> hnrT.:L ka'nt4 ii,n~..i~7 H=Rr~h s T - t,li'fl hi, n,zt t+e^rn R?atrr I': e:nMfaYr, anu r,, at@i attic :h: ^t:,i '.°.2 ;~ ]rte,~+er ma4
<br />nay the s;.imr. snd tYtat the l7or.eagor :. nn ,,Tntii 6r;:v rr the ._+*: tai reelnt> ihrrrf.,r t.+ the .'t4ort,;:egre
<br />Test 1l artesgnr uric nay n air, a •. ms> br ie:ird u, can the \+,;,;ig~er'- intere,t ;n d rv r,tatz a n3 trnprote-
<br />;;.rnts. ~rnd u bleb maj t,r rev trd rrpsn ihi, marrgage :.r the arht >rcurrdrrrzlvv +hut ,?aiy ti+ rite ester! that su: h is nit prohibit-
<br />ed M tau =nd ot`.7a r, tt-,r tztrnt that ru.n uti'. sat male ibis l..,an u,ttriousl" but esctniinc say income ass, Stott or Federal,
<br />lmpor.•~t on 4~ortCagrr. and ++:ii ?:+r the :.~tc,= recce, t ,nou ire ,urn ;•a~•mznt u nh the Siortgsgte- i pan c s..latinn of this under_
<br />taking, or if the ifort_r:i~izr r_ •..nttnlrtl n•, an.:au n Tree s -,ing :;orn ,p.~titne the a lro:e :>, .,.,. „,:.,.tun .,, the af:..=e-
<br />said taxes, of upon she rtndrrittg,+f an. co u. ae.rez ~roh>,ntiirtg the nay mcnt rv rite >lli:7l,r~sa* or m such esxrs. ,x if such tau
<br />or dr.'-rce pm, ides thatsn. amount ., n ca F} the til.:ngagor .hall he :rriur3 .m the mongage drhr, the iSortgagre shall hay-r
<br />the right to €t~e covet; iay, -.,;ittrn :tc,iiY to the .•x nrr ~~i .nt t=ti,rt~igrd prtmt,r:. rryuinne the nay mrnt cf =,hr mongugc
<br />.itha. I# such natSt^e he v9:rn. t4se card drat ah:dt 'r+rcomr ear, r +oha and c.=ile.u;,ir ai the rartration of ;uit ninety da} s.
<br />.. 7lsei :hutld he fail i.,;+av ;.ny ,um or leer nny c-,,e•rnant pr.,veittd+.,; :n tlri> 31.rrtctgr. thin the Miongage~e. ut it, .,p-
<br />ax n. stay Pa3 07 nerf:vrm the >~:mr. and a:? rsprnulturrs si: rnade .,h.di l+r :.3drd to tare principa -um ou ing an the atxty r na[t.
<br />,ht;.IS it secured herby .snd >he={ brat mtrre,t .ii the rats ,rt ?.?ah in rite s.ud Were-until Isaid..
<br />'. Thai hr heret+v asstgn.. -an,iers spa ,rts ,+. rr tc+lhr \Soagagrr. to t,r. appiitd toe-ard t#tr payment of the :tole and ail
<br />su;>?s secured heret:y in c.- ..;Butt is *hc per,-~:,man:r .?f any . -tau ttrna an3 .auditions .~f this mortgage or rite s:ttd
<br />*.x~tt, eta ihr rent:. rr.enurs arc; ut:;.•nrr -,, hr ,tanxrd from air nartg:tged nremits du7ng ,uch umr:,. the n;nngagt indenttci-
<br />ness ys!# reswin unn~: ana Yi]e ySar.Ea~c ,hat! hove pacer =.: appitini say agent or agent, it nay ae>trr tie ihr purpose of
<br />repairing uid prrmisas stuff :?# rtnung ;;ir ,.erne and .oilttting the rent,, rev rnur> una incrtmr ant? it tna. pa. out rf said Sn-
<br />aame> afl rxzxnsrs of repalrirsg said prrnu-sea araw nrctsssn~ commissions end rsptn>es incuszrd in rrnnng and managing the
<br />snare and of cnikciirtg rentals thrrri;om: m'r, bane Srmaininl;, tf anti- to be a*phed t,v+ard the discriar'ee of ,aid mortgage
<br />irtdehtrdttrss.
<br />- n. 7'trai iA wiu warp the improsrments ;uru r .lstmg or Itereafier zrerred on ihr martgegzd rropr7ty, innutrd as ms.' ire
<br />required ;nom time to time by the ?vforigager agarrsi loss by ore :,na outer hazards..:s,u:utirs era ..,ntingracirs in seen
<br />arse-loots attd for...-h periods a5 trta+ t+e rnqurrted bro the 'ti.,neegrr art3 wilt pay pr.*mp[l5.:.hen der. any :'.mtum+irn such
<br />- insurancY provnu.,n felx paa~ment of nlaia?t hoe rent hero mode herrirlxtorr..p{! tr.,urancr ,hail br ~arril:u ; ~ :r,panirs ap-
<br />grvxed h} the 49vutgagre arse the poii:it.:nd rr:*trwei: thereof sba11 t,r held by ihr !«iongagrc :and h4;r ;,tasche3 tlrrrttu less
<br />- payable riausts In fav(rr of armed ii f,?r2v r._~,:-e;+r_.~ir t*rt ':i:* gee, In c+r .•t 2:,.a !!ort~.ag::r x i~! • . ,.,,,
<br />t~: no.. ,r ~.. ~~ ;^"nr3i5ir i i:C b'
<br />coal} acs #tc 1+h?rlgxFrt, who may- rnxkt pr3..# t ~:,;, ,f not mad: prampih by 'wiortgagur, end r - n insurance :.+mpant- .on
<br />cer~ is t~rrby authtrriza-.;t and directe;, to n:sAr fia3 moot ic,r such 3o~is ditrcti}' tar ihi ?.1o7tgngee instead .vt to Ihr ?,lartgagor
<br />aatd the A4artgttgee jclinily, and the insurance pr~r;•rtds, .x.etty' part thereof. ma}- be applied hp the \Songagee at its option either
<br />act the reducahut x+# tlx indehtedtsrss Irereh} secured ~ar t., the restoration or repair of the property damaged. In went at fortclo-
<br />wrc trf this mattgttgetrr ittlxx transfer c+f tier to the mortg~tcd property in extinguishment of the indrhtedne,s ,rcured hereby.
<br />alI rtghi tint ath7 taterrct of the ~itulgag+x:n anti nt an}' in surancr policies clren ie force ,hat! Was, to t he purrha,rr ar granter.
<br />4, 39; r as addittontil and cofta;erai :;`runty- f,,r ihr pamenr of zla rnue des;:riited. and .tit suers to become due under this
<br />mortgage, Sltr'klurtgsgvr beech}• assigns to ihr uvxtgagre eft profits, reventxs, rays?ties, rights and henetits ac.~ruing to the
<br />Morrgagot urtdrr an} and all oil and gas leases irn said p;eanisrs- a~iib the righ7 ta. rrteivt and receipt fur the same and app!}'
<br />them to uid+rtdehtedltess as veli before as ef[rr defauh in the condition, of this mnrtgtge, end the 4lortgager may demand. sue
<br />for aalf reclr.~gptthp$ymenls wflen cue arsd psyubk. but shalt n.st be required ea to 3o This assignment is tie trrmina[e
<br />ant! become ritilF snd vttd! upon release of ibis marigage_
<br />FH4214JM :in 77)
<br />