<br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hereintxdore ~p~aivjded.
<br />.air ..,-d.
<br />That the 14fo; tgagot is the 6wner of said property is fee simple and Sax goe..•i right and lawful authority to sell and
<br />convey the same and that the same is free and clear of sin lien or encumbcantr; and that Mortgagor wilt warrant and defend the
<br />title to said premises against the c}aims of all persons whornsaever.
<br />To pay immediately when dve and payable ail general faxes, special lases. spor~ai a..->mrnts, water ,-harr;es, -v.•wrr serr-
<br />ied charges.- and other taxes and charges egaitst said pmpe rty, and ail taxes levied on the debt secured hereby. anti w Cornish t}te
<br />Martgagee,.upon request, with the original or duplicate recti:ipts therefor. The Mortgagor agrees that there shall he added to
<br />~ each monthly payment required hereunder or under eke ecidencr u# debt serure<t hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />to be sufficient to enable the ;~Snrtgagre to pay, as they became dur, ail taxes. assres.:ments, snd similar charges upon the pmm-
<br />r~kt ices subject thereto; any deficiency because of the insuftiriency of such additional payments shall he Forthwith depecited by the
<br />~Ar Mortgagor wsth tlfr Mortgagee upon demand bf' the 'ttarigage e- Any default under this paragraph shalt Fee deemed a default in
<br />--~+ payment of taxes, assessmer, tc. ar similar rhargrs required hereunder
<br />"- The Mortgagor agrees #bat there shat' also be added Fa each monthly payment of prineipai and interest reGUired here-
<br />; under an amount estimated by the iiorfgager to be sufficient to enable the Afartgager t+r pay, as it he^cr,mes due, the insurance
<br />premium. an any insurance ;x licl~ delivered to the lfnrtgagee. any deficiency because: nt the insuRtciency of wch additional pay-
<br />mrrtc shat! he forthwith depaihed M• ihr hfarigagnr +vith the ~tortgagrc utxm demand 1?y the Mortgagee Any default under this
<br />.' paragraph shall be deemed a default in fire i>aymrai of insurance premiums. If the pulley ar policies deposited are such as hvmr-
<br />ttwners o: alt risk policies, snd the deposi is are insufficient to pay the entire premium, the Aortgagee may apple the deposit to
<br />pay premitmrs an risks required to he i..^.sured by [his mortgage.
<br />Payment: made by the Mnr4,agor undo: the shore Para Graphs may. at the option of ihr \tnrtgagee, he held by it an<l
<br />rcartminglyd with other such funds nr it- ow-n fund. for the payment of sorb items. and until sa applied. such Payments are hereby
<br />ptedgrc3 as security ter the unpaid halam-e of the mnrtgage indebtedness.
<br />Ta procure, deliver tu. snd maintain for the h nrht of the Mortgagee during the life of this mot2ga;,e original policies and
<br />renewals iheneof, defirrrerl at Tract ten does before the expiration of ang sorb ;>alicirs, msuetng against (ire and other insurahte
<br />hararr3c, rasitalties, and tvntingrnciev a: the Mortgagee may require, in an smaunt equaF to the indrh4viness secured h)• this
<br />4Sartgage. and is a;ampamrs ~replaF+lr to :, ~ \S„n,a,e^e, with rocs i,a: aF+l<~ clause in fa+ r c,i and .n f„rnt .i, rrptahle t=: the Mnrtga~
<br />gee In the even[ any ;x,L°p .not rr ,ewe.i' „a .. ttr;.,ir dam- ..~t a., . xpu<;,un. ;hr M.. > ., . ,euran. ,. , n th.~
<br />impr'ovrmentq pay the premium tT=errior, anri .u:h +un: stiali1ix~cnme immrtitairiy dur and }.a-. obi.-- w;z;, ¢nfr=~: a: the rate :mot
<br />iat•t!t in said Hate until 4wid and >hai) he• .rru and b+ this mortgag<'_ Failure nn the Part rf the 11 c=rtgagor =_, iur ntsh wch renewals
<br />as are hrtrin rv, uirzxi or Failure to ;,ac a sums ad+an: ,-d h,•n•undrr =halt. at th:^ oleL oil of the M,vteage>~ ,. nst st ut,~ a ~L•iault
<br />under the zertnc of this mortgage The drh=-r r. .•f cock p~dirirs shall. :n ihr r.. nt „i d.yault. n,nsun;rr an nssignnn~n: .,t the ;u,
<br />earrnd pmn»um.
<br />Anv sums rrmiced by the Mortg ogre be reason ei la>: „r damage m.ured agaiust mac f.e reta:nrd by Ehe Me:rtgagee
<br />and applied toward ihr i'$?"meat of the debt herrhy s=cured, nr. at the npnnn of ttk• ~torigagee..such sums rather wholly a,r in
<br />part may Iu paid mrr tt, the Mortgagor t<, be •vsed t.r repair such buildings .r .o buiid~new buildings in ;heir plan cr ter an)'
<br />~oiher purpae to ol+jert sattsfaciary to the \ie,rtgarr u-ithnut a.",ectine the Irrn .',n the rnortgsgr for the full amount srrured here
<br />try before such payment ra•er lank place
<br />Tn pnanpily re}war, restore *. rrbu;in a ti hvilding> „r +mpn:armenL n~,w ,.: hrrrafier on the prrmiws which aatay he~
<br />dote datnagzd or datmy rd; te• ker;z said premix.--c =n maxi .•nndi t:.>n and repair and fr•rt• fr.+m any mrchanir's lien r~r other lien ur
<br />r4eim nd lien n+.t expressly whordsautec to the f:rn hrrrui Hat to suffer or }.remit any unlawful u;e nI .~r any nui,ar:re to ra:,' nn
<br />said proprm~ nnr to pernui wa+te ,at said premise=, nnr to do any ,Rrer art w~itrrrhy the proierrty herz•by rnn.~ef-rd shat! become
<br />lesz: eatuahle, not ta, diminiolt ar impair ats a~alur M an. act =~r ,>m~s+i.+n to ac- te+ r-tmi<t ~. with all n•qutrements of law with respect
<br />to tare mnrigaged premises and the use thereat
<br />That staiuld the Fermi<•a ,*_• any loan Lta•rx•t+i FR- taken ,*r :lamagr,i h. :ra'.+n t,f xnt ;,uh:ir improarmrnt or .undemna[ion
<br />proerea'iin8, or under 7hr rght ,S rmarwrt ~anain ..r - ny uth-r manarr. t ~ M.=nra~av +F.a1f tx rre?i[!rd ti, oil :omik'nsaLaivs.
<br />aw'ar-ds. 3nd an)' ct}rcr Pa~3-:rrat .tr r+e3i?f ttx [. s. -an: ha.; Err -.r iatlt"i .at -_.,,~;:,, L, ~L:,;mrra. r. apr,a ~, ~ ; :tn~i prtee4`ute ~n its
<br />c*w~i rtanx any acunn „ ,srraing. .,r t„ make a ;::,myc,:mi>e ur x-ttlrm.-nt tai .onaecut ;n +. itn >urF= t ~.;ng ur damage. All such
<br />compensation, awards, darrsgrs. nght cf action andr pn><,r~rrls are hrreky assigned to the 4fartgagre, who may. after derluctinq
<br />t:srravr;-aatt all its expense=, rei!rtzr any moneys sa ta'r;vrd 6} it or apply the same uu any indrtstednr>. na+vrrd hrtrbv T}h Mort-
<br />gagt+* agrees tr+ ezeettte such furtM^r aiisignments ,>i any a~•+mprr..at a+n. awar.3s. damages, a>xl nghts of action amt praretls as the
<br />Mr_~ }pay reOLLt17.
<br />Thai in case of fatiurr w peaf=,nn any of the .v.rnanta- F.rrein. the ~lortgager ma} -.i.~ on the tiSortgaga,r ~s tx^half e.erythirt%
<br />an ~a.znant-'; that the Mortgagee mar also d:, an_a act it may deem nr~a•ssary tc, praurt thx lien thrrr<=f. that the Mr,rtga8ar will
<br />RPay upoar rlemar+d any mua.•ys paid t+r dttxa rt:ed by tfx- 3i.,rigag.~: i„r anti :,f ?he abt•le ;xuriwrse^+. and wrh moneys together with ~,
<br />inceraci theterten at ttte rate pnw~tded in said ne.te• Thai? t z-..mr .,. -. u. n aeidit:<,nyi mdrhtr.i nec> i.rrrb ~. .t~.-un~d and may be in- t w
<br />c;uded in any alecrcr ic+rxlr+atrag ibis m.,rtFSYe and 3w• polo' e.ut of the tYr:[fi „r prc.:v.-ds ~.f >vlr ui zaid ;,rrrntac•s it nut o¢hrrwice ~~;
<br />pgid: tl at it shat] trot t+t• obi-igatnry u;M,n the Aiarf~er 2:, trpu,re =nr„ the r-sFidity .sf ank~ beet. rnrumhrarcr:+. ar riaim in ad- e-
<br />vsacng manryr• as shine auzhorztrd, but r>at ha nt; herein rt.-,rained sk>alt he- r=utstru i a3 rt^quirmg the hloetgagre to advances any ,,
<br />ttwtmrys !tv asy aur3v purpcaer nxu z;> do sn) a:•L Ixrrunder. and that '.Sortgtrgrr shat! nx.t incur an. ixrs,.:r•aI habihty hrrausr of any- -~-
<br />i#~ at tray sic, ar ;mvt u+ rb hess'e3tader-
<br />tit tau emnt ct the default irv ;iurt~or is the }aa>rtrent of any ;astalimrnt as requirevi 6y ihr Hole secured Hereby, n
<br />is flee pepfnrspattoe ni ihr +~d tigs;a~ut in this .uc>rtg.ugr ur in ihr sole sccunv-i thereby, the tifangager• shat{ hr rnnrird to dr,: care the
<br />tlt:hi adntntai bete-L>- dur arw pa table withtvt noti x, and the \ier tgs6rT' %}ait tk rnutlcv3 at tu; ~y,tn~.n. with,.,ui n.,taar. rithz-r ny~ :tarn
<br />xr by t ~.=er 1.. be aF6w-!<=txi ?,3~ the r n Fir *.t~ t and .eth_ t r~t;.. r.i n, th,- .r~f,-q ua, • :,i a - ur,t. her tt:r ui.1<btrdn,->, >-
<br />cured itarc6}~. to rnu-r u~m .and ta1.r ptasr~rr„i .a2 :.tw mart,tES8e3 premiers. am7 to ntleci and setris~e the renU. tysue> and profits
<br />thrters[, and tu,pl)• itw• aaroe. less et-;sfs „f ZFrtFOr, an-d z's€c•tinr.. ut.x>r flee indrtxev.^.v~+ secure by than mortgage; >aiu` rents,
<br />iasoes and pxr6tx h'znE heir-hy. asaia^n.,i ta, f#te RS rr; gag.-e as iurihrr ~rcuritr for the pa>-:r:ent ^f a3t indebtedness :reared hereby
<br />T'!te S,Sortgagem shall furor the powxer tr, appr,xnt any agent or aga•nts if may dexter for the Puryosr c.f tells. ring ,a,d Fzem-
<br />yea; rta4r+f the natnr.: txxilcc~irrg rate rents. revenues and =rt:-armr. ant it tna.y Fa) ou[ of uud menrnr sit expenses taro troll to reni-
<br />int and manag:M the same, aim ad c~crllcrting tt,r renta}+. t=ie ref tom The balance rema!aung. d any shat! 1,,~ aF4,h ed u,ward the
<br />dist+fcasgr ai [he martiagr ink Thu. aar,ignment rs to termtnatr Had lxr,.mr nu"tl and .adrf u;pnn release crf thie mortgage
<br />~..~1
<br />
<br />