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together with al} tenements, F:ereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD t?tc' above described premises with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging including <br />all rents, is-sues and profits thereot t:nto Mortgagee, lorevzr..4nd Mortgagor hzrehy covenants that Mortgagor is welt and truly seized of <br />a hood title to the premises above conveyed is the lsw, in fee simple, and has good right and lawful authority to convey the same, and <br />that =hz iit}e so conveyed is clear, fret and unincumberzd except as othenvisc noted and i~at Mortgagor wiii forever warrant and dz- <br />fend thz same to Mortgagee against all claims whatsoever. <br />"~ This Mortgage is given by Mortgagors to secure the perfonnan.e of zaeh agn•zmzttt uxitained hzrein, and to secure the payment <br />of a loan Fn the amount of the Total of Payments shown above, whidt loan being evidenced 6y a promissory note bearing even date <br />herewith zed which is Further described above. <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are upon the ex pressed .•nndition, that if the Mortgagors shall pay in full [n [he Mort- <br />gagee apromissorynote bearing even date herewith in L:z amount set t~wth abosz, par able in installments according to the teens there- <br />of together with irttzrest as sef Earth therein, and ,hall pay- a0 raves any; :rssessniznis levied upon said real estate before the same 1ie- <br />comesdelinquent, and keep the buildings on said przatia~s insured For a suet equaF to the indzhtedness secured hereby, loss, if any, pay- <br />Q sole to the said Mortgagee, then these present. to he null and c~~id, otherwise to Fe and remain in full Force. <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO B£ , AND CO?RTiNL'E TO BE. FROM TIME TO TIME. SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT <br />OF SUCH SU~i OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE 3iORTGAGEE MA1' FROM TIME TO T[HE Ilsi THE FUTURE AD1'ANCE TO THE <br />MORTGAGOR, AND EVIDENCED Bl' A SUPPLESiENTAL NOTE OR NOTES. BUT NOT TO EaCEED THE TOTAL OF <br />S - . - ........121.R4~.00 EXCEPT FOR ANY ADVANCES TH:~T HAY BE bf.ADE TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN AC- <br />1CORBANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS MORTGAGE. <br />Additiona} Tzntis and C~~nditions e~.. thz averse of this agreement are made a part hereof and iticorperatzd heron. <br />TN WCTNESS WHEREOF, the said hlortgagon have executed these presents the day and year tusl-above written. <br />`' --' ~ ~' <br />Gatesh~T'es, Ire- ~" ^'~` ~ `Mortga~goyr <br />~ Mortgagor--~~- T <br />STATE OF NEBRASI:A 1 <br />' } SS <br />COIJN'tY OF ~~ ~! <br />fln tltss 3tt Say of ~~'~'~; 1 q ~~ ,before mz, the undersigned a Notary Public, duly <br />avstnisstorted and qualified ii;a an3 in said state and county, pennt.~tly :ame ~h rc ?"Y'ick3on. President of <br />Gate~tx~z?zs. Irv. and Aarnld G- ~rahart, Secreta-v of Gateshares. Inc. _ <br />_-~ ~ me Inoue to be the ideuti~l person ur Persons wfiose name is or names are affixed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged <br />the eftrattitef tlta.-of to be his, her or their volantary act and deed. <br />"~y#~tty ~y*r~l6ttd Pitit~ Seal the day and year last above wri en. ~ i t <br />NO1`AItY LiC <br />ldy' cotrtttxis~ exlsires the 20th day of ~gta:~2r la g} <br />Ri?T}CE 5tE t3THEF SIDE: F1lR ADDITIO\.a i. TER'.SS .~\ll CO\DITiO\S <br />wErt a;-z. -- - - - <br /> <br />