$~--- ~~~
<br />3. The mortgagor covenants and agrees that if he shall fail to pay said indebtedness or any part thereo[ when
<br />duo or shall fail to perform any covenant or agreement of this instrument or the promissory Hate secured hereby, the
<br />ratirc indebtedness hereby secured shall immediately become due, payable, and collectible without notice, at the
<br />optioa of the mortgagee or assigns, regardless of maturity, and the mortgagee or his assigns may before or after entry
<br />sell said property without appraisement (the mortgagor having waived and assigned to the mortgagee all rights of
<br />appnisement?
<br />t t1 a[ judicial sale pursuant to the provisions of 28 1;.S.C. Z0011a) : or
<br />(a 1 at the optioa o[ the mortgagee, either 6y auction or br.- solicitation of sealed hida,~fcu the highest sad
<br />beat bid rnmplying with the terms of sale and manner of payment specified in the published notice of ule, fitat
<br />giving four weeks notice of the time, terms and place of such sale, by advertiecment not less than nnce
<br />during each of said four weeks in a newspaper published or distributed in the county in which said propertp
<br />a situated, all ocher notice being herby waived by the mortgagor (and acid mortgagee, oc any petwa on
<br />behalf of acid tortgagee, may bid witlt the unpaid indebtedness evidenced by said sotel. Said oak shall 6e
<br />told ti or m the property to be sold or at the Fedenl, rnunty, or city courthouac for the rnunty in which the
<br />pcopetty is kcated. The mortgagoe is hereby authorized to czecute for and oa behaY of the mortgagor and to
<br />ddivet to the pnrchsser at ouch salt a au$icient conveyance oC said property, which conveyance shall contain
<br />xeriials r to the happraing of the drfaul? upon which the execution of the power of sale herein granted
<br />depends; and the said mortgagor herby eonatitutea and appuintn the mortgagee or any agent or eettoraey of the
<br />tsorigagee, the agent sad tttortxr in fact of said mortgagor to make such recitals sad to ezeente said
<br />eoaveyaacr sad hereby cossaasts an+d agora that the recitals ao made shall be e$eetnal io bar all equity or
<br />right of rrdaatpiioa, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions of the mortgagor, all of which are hereby
<br />ezpresalc waived and conveyed to the mortgagee; or
<br />;;l =,o~ ~°-.- ~; a~..~.iaa a~.~~~ t..r=„t.nt to ~.a.~ ur F~° .l .a.v.< <.t..~--. in a.a.r ur FBI
<br />wart or otherwise for the disposition of the property.
<br />Ia tl~ snort of a oak ss hrreiaabove provided, the mottgagor or anv prrsonrn possession under the mortgagor shr11
<br />then 6ersme and be tenants holding over and shall farihw-ith deliver possession to the purchaser at such yak or be
<br />summarily dkpomt~eed, is accordance with tlx proviaio~ of law applicable to tenants holding aver. The power
<br />and agency hereby granted are coupled with an interest snd are irrevocabir, b _dtAttt or. ¢tbt:rwiae, and are gnnted
<br />~ cumulative to tbt remedies for rnllectioa oI said indebtedne~ provided bunt. "'-
<br />' t
<br />~ The prooeeda ei ally oak of said property is accordance with the Preceding paragraplra ahal] be applied fist
<br />to pad the Deals sad a:prow of said sale, the cipcaen incarred biy the mortgagee for the pnrpaae of proteetsag or maia•
<br />raising said property, and reaaoaabk :ttorar}s' fees; seciatdh, to pa} the indebtedness secured hereby; end thirdly,
<br />to pas' say wPlOi er a:cer fo the person or persons legally endii-d thereto.
<br />S L the eveatt said preperty m sold at a judicial fomlosure oak or puranaat to the power of sale bereiaabo-x
<br />granted, axed the preeeedr are set saieimt to pay the fatal indebtedtteas seeared by thin insttuttxat and eridesmd by
<br />Rid preaaiaaon aaac. the mottgaEx will be entitled m a dcfieamey judgteaeat for the amoant of tFe de¢riewey toir-sort
<br />^e~s'd' ~ sppessiaesews.
<br />6. la the event the aaortaagor fails !a pay any Federal, state, or local taz sas~xement, income taz or other ta: Ilan,
<br />[oe. or otter ra+~nse ~s r+~ a~saiMi the property, the nxrtgager is la`r-mss _atha-t=eal at l:is aptia:: to gay
<br />the assts. Any slams so paid by the martgagee shall be added to sad become a part of the priar~gal amount of the
<br />xvadetuxd b* said colt, sabjerl to the same fermi, and cottditioru. If the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />discharge the iadehiednesa eyidcnred by said promissory note, and shall Iwy such sums sad shall discharge aIY razes
<br />sad Bans sad ibe costs, fens, sad esprnsea of making, eaforcisy„ sad executing this mortgage, than this mortgage
<br />shall be raaceled and aurrmderrd.
<br />r. The orrveaaata hrteia «mtaiae+d shalt bind sad iltr hearfits sad advaata#oa shat! inure to the rcapectivx ono-
<br />ensoas and ~ o! the parties hereto. fiver used, the singular camber shall itaclude the phual, the plats! tlse
<br />+iasslar. trod the nee of say gasdnr ahaB inclaade aA geadua
<br />8. ~° sraitror of aey eoveatmt 6eraia or of the obligation secured hereby shall at any time thereafter be held
<br />b he a waiver of the tezass bereai m of the note emnr+ed !tom-ebr.
<br />9 Ia m~pKamae with aeeoiea 11111 id) of flee Rnlra and Regalatioar of the Small BR-~*~ Administntioa j13
<br />GF.It. 18LIfdl ). thir isatrnmt:t is is be eeastr+ted aed enforeetl in seeordanoe with applicable Federal law.
<br />I19. A decree, aadcr, or jadgeasm- lwiding any provision or portion o[ this instrument invalid or ua-
<br />caahle shall sot a any way iatpseir a preclsde the mforteauitt of the remaining prwisioas or portions of
<br />this matraettawt.
<br />say so. sat ts-rst
<br />