<br />80- 000463
<br />1. The tnorteagor eoreaanta sad agrem as follows:
<br />a $e will ptompdy pay the indebtednen evidenced by acid promissory note at the timm and in the
<br />tnaaner therein provided
<br />6. $e will pay all farce, aaeeea®ents. water rates, utd other governmental or municip:l charges, &nes, or
<br />impodtiaae, for which proviaioa has not been made hetr..iabcfore, and will promptly deliver the ofbcial resxipte
<br />therefor to the acid ttmctgagee.
<br />e. He will pay such expenses and fees as may be incurred in the proiectioa and maintenance of said
<br />property, including the fees of any attornec employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of
<br />the indebtedness hereby secured, or far foreeloanre by martgsgee's sale, ar court proceedings, or is any ether
<br />litigation or proceeding aiFec[ing said premises. Aitornevs' fees reasonably incurred in env other way shall be
<br />paid by the mortgagor.
<br />d For better security of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its suc-
<br />ceaeors or aasigna, he shall execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mortgagee covering any additions,
<br />improremeata, or betterments made to the property hereinabove described : nd all property acquired by
<br />it after the date hereof i all in form satisfactory to mortgaged. Furthermore, should mortgagor fail to cure
<br />any default in the paytneat of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by this irtstrumen4
<br />mssrtg:gor hemby agrees to permit mortgagee to cure such default. but morigagre is not oblieated to do so;
<br />and attdt advances shall become part of the indebtedness serttred by this instrnmenL subject to the same
<br />terms and tronditiorts.
<br />e. The rights created by this convecanre shall remain in Eull farce and eNrct during any' postponement
<br />or extension of the time of pacment of the indebtedne~ evidenced by said promirwn- note nr any part thereof
<br />:scored hcxbv.
<br />f. He will rontiauously maintain haracd ituuraocr_ of such type or types and in such amounts as the
<br />mottlager mac Tram time to time require on the improvements now or hereafter an said property, and
<br />wig pay promptly when doe ens premimm therefor. All ;.,•„ra.,.r shall be carried in campanim atxeptahk
<br />to asvtplpee sad the po}icin and tmesrsia thereof ehaR be held by mortgagee and base attached thereto
<br />lose payable lamer is fever of and in form stx+eptsbk to the mortgagee. In event cf leas, mortgagor will give
<br />Hesediate mtix in writing w sad martgsEee may make proof of Ion if twt made praaaptly by
<br />mortgssar, and each its company ~aeerned is hereby authorised sad directed to make payment for :tech
<br />lore disaetly to mortgagee itastead of to moatlpagm and mort;,~gee joindp, and the insnranoc ptooeada or any
<br />P~ ~'~. ~7 ~ aplt~ by morsgagec at its optiaa either to the reduction o[ the indebte~aeaa hereby
<br />seemed or Ta the rntoratioa or repair of the property damaged or dntroyed. In event of fomlosnee of thin
<br />»ttaeigekse, or other tr•aaafer of title to said property in eatiogaialtmmt of the indebudnea aecnred heresby, a0
<br />title, a~ inteyeat of the mortgagor in and to any imtuanee policies then in fora aha11 peas to the
<br />ptttrltaaer or mortgagee or, at the option of ibe mortgagee. mac be surrendered for a reftmd.
<br />{. $e wif7 keep all bnihliags and oilier improvementa on said peoperly m good repair and condition:
<br />will ptYmit, t:arrnmit, or suer ao wanes, impairment, deterioration of said proptrtc or any part thereof;
<br />ie the went of failore of the mortgsigor !o keep the buildings stn raid premises sad those erected on acid
<br />pressti_r or impmvescmt~ ihrreon, is good repair, the mortgagee may make such repairs as is its dieeretion it
<br />map dee~t itecenan' for flee psaper Preserration thereof: and the fuIl amount of each and every snob payment
<br />shall he itarmrdistely dea• and payable sod 'shall he assured by the lien of thin ~rtgage_
<br />It, $t will not volaatarily creme ar permit to be created against the property subject to this mortgage
<br />nap ~ or lieoa iafcriar or superior to the Isea etT this mortgage ts-ithout the wriurn consent of the mart-
<br />gattee: sad further, he will keep and maintain the same ir+ee from flit claim of a{1 persona supplying labor or
<br />materials far construction of env and aII buildings or improvements now being emted or to be erected on
<br />saiud per.
<br />i. $e Trill mi teat ar anign coy part of the rest of said m~rttaged property ar demolish, or remove,
<br />or asbsrtantiallp alien ens bnildiag without the written consent of the mortgagee.
<br />j. All :wards of damages is retraextion with any condemnation for publir use of or injury Lo any of the
<br />paopats• :abject trt this mortgage are hereby smigaed attd shall be Paid to mortgagee, who may apply the
<br />sme to pspsmt of the iaetalbnmta la# dtm under said Dote, and mortgagee is hereby anthotised, in the
<br />rtame of the saartgs~tr, to ezerute sad deliver valid aequittattees tltereot and to appeal from any such award,
<br />k. The atartgsgae shall have tlx rtght xo iaaprct t~e mortgaged premises at any reasonable time.
<br />2, Ilsafatrk ~ arty of the eoveasnra or conditions of thin instrument or of the nett ar loan agreement secured
<br />htttr~y ~ trxminate the mortgagnr'a right m poneaioa use, and enjoyment of the property, at the eNtion of the
<br />sertgagee or hie aaaigm Iii being agreed than the mortgagor shall have such right until default). Lipon any such
<br />dgtarslt. else aaRee shall become the ow~r of all of the emote and pro6ta accreting after default as security
<br />#m tie ~ ae~red hereby, with the right to inter upon said property for the purpose of collecting such
<br />t~ ~ pr+aia. This iaHrt shall apm8,s as +m t of any rental an said property to that estent.
<br />