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(I) month prior [o its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such premimn to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the <br />National Housing Aa, as amended, and applicable Regulations thereunder: or <br />(f71 If and so long as said note of even date and this instrument are heW by rho Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development, a monthly charge /in lieu oja mortgage irrsrrrauce Pren:kmrl which shall be in an <br />amount equal ro onz•twe}fth (1(12} of one-halt (1/'_) per centum of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the core computed without raking into aceowtt delinquencies or prepayments; <br />(b) A sum equal tq the eround rants, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on <br />policies of f1re and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgaeed prolurty tali as esrinrared hr rice Atorrgageet less all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />asszssnsents will become dzlinyuent, such sums to be held by t{ortgagee in trust to pay said ground ;cots, pre- <br />miums, taxes and spz: iaJ assessments: and <br />(c'j Ali payments mentioned in the zwo preezding subsections of this paragraph and all payments [o be made under <br />d:r note secutzd hereby shall hr addzd to;ether, and the aggregate amount thcreoi shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />~ each month in a >ingiz payment to bz applied by the Mortgagee so the following items in the order set forth: <br />(i) premium chatgzs under tfie contract of insurartcc with the Secretary of Housing and urban Development, <br />or monthly charge (in lieu rri n:nrtgage htsurance premiurrzi. as the case may be; <br />i71? ground rents. iaxzs. asczsstnznis, fire and other hazard insurance premiums; <br />(I1I) interest un the note secured hrreisv; and <br />(I\j) asnonization of ihz prinapai o1 said note. <br />.any dri7~;rncy in thz amount of anv such aggregate manthh' nayntrnt shall, unless made grxsd by thz Mbtt- <br />gagor prior w zhe due date of the nix? such pa}~tne*:t. ~.:,.tistitute an carol of drfauit under this mortgage. The <br />Jdortgagre may coflert a "latz chazgz" not ro exceed ri,ur cents (-ter) for rack dollar (:"s I i of each paynseni more <br />than ffffren (1 i # da}s uz arras to .over the: xrra a•x, rose involvzd m hsndhng dzlinquem paynten TS. <br />~- 75tat if the tota# of The pa}men[s made by the tiunrral;or undi+r r ^i of paragrsph _' pmrrding :hall exceed <br />the amount of ga}ntents ac[uali} made bt. the lhFn>•sf±ee for_rtwnd mots, taxes and a~~es~ment.~ or insurance pm- <br />~_i,rsaa_ s rho t.o -. _c ~ _ - <br />= .n. - °°-- ii cie }c~,n is current, at the t,ptitui of the iiortgagar, shall I,e crcedited b}• <br />she lltutgagee on subr4equent payment- t[F be msde bt the lktn=asror, ur miunded to Ilse tk,rtgagor if, however, the <br />~xsntltl; PaJ~`nu atade by tJte Akr[gagor wicker r g, i of paragraph _' precz~tJing shall not be sufficient to pay ground <br />meat, races and s?se~sments ire instuanrr ptetniums, as the ra?e mxy !n, u~ten the same shall become due and pay- <br />able, then the S{oe'tgagor slta#i gay to the i7att~aftee any amount fo make up the deficient}, on or 6efort <br />the date »irtan pas-mwtt of such t;+uund mots. taxe.=, a•~es~ment~ ar insurance premiums .ha#1 be due. if at anv <br />ti®e the !Mortgagor shall tayltfer to the i7ongaEee, in ;trrardanre with the provisions of the note secured hereby, <br />foil payraeatt of the entire indeJxethtess regresetttrd Themb}, The \tnttee shsll. in computing the amount of such <br />indetstedtress~ t-relit to t#tr acc,twnt of [hr 'Ncmgaeor alI pat~se7t[s mtule urseirr the Ixo,icitnss of r,_ of paragraph , <br />#iereo,f whsrh the i'nngae+ee hs - ziut become obligsted to pn} ix, the ~ermtart of housing and i'rban DeveltTlsm^n[ <br />and any fralance roasafnina in ifte fins s¢•rumu#ated under the pnnisions et %b; of pararrp#s '? hereof. If !hive <br />Mall ire a defaalt under set} of the prat i~ion= of this tsmrtzraite m-tilting 'rn a public gale of zhe premix s co,ered <br />h'ereba- or if the itartaaget acYtim= the pmpenc oiherHir•r alter default, the iior[~agee ,Jsali applt. tit the time of <br />~ ro[rtmivirc~ient of ~:irh proceeding=, ar st the time ihr ptttpem i~ otheroi-e acquired, zhc balance ihelt mmain- <br />ing in the funds atrtunnlstrd under ; of paraGragh ' pmi•rding, a.; a reedit again-t the amount of principal then <br />resaaining unpaid undes soil note, sod ~saJl pmprrl} adjust an} pa}menu which -hail t,aee been made under rut <br />of garagr~h ',r., <br />3, T#sat the ilcu-t~;ax anti ~# ground tr[tz,, rate,, assr,smrntc, cater rte,, and other gn.rrnmrncTl or murdcipal <br />charge,. fitte, n impo. r 7n .ice wbkh } r,:,r. tun h , mt hero made hzrrintvforz. and in dzlauit ihrrra~t the iiong-agrr mat' <br />;~ti#xwtnc atxfthat hri4c,rtgag-va-t,;tamsnrvde!Carr;Jse:riTictelrrcrrpt;Tfsrr:iur:uthe'.furgagre. <br />5. Tft: ldaaeigateor e. a; pay al} tsxr, which mat #,e {rand upon the Martg~reA mtrrrsz in ,aid teat ratatr and imiuore- <br />ts~tus, and w#ti.3t nsay tie k ~ ird u} .*n 2#:i tn,rnurgr ,,r the de ht se~urri hzrtht +# at .+nlv to ihr v°xtrm ihaz ,ash is et..,t prohit,it- <br />>~ by la» sort _artly t<, the r;rant that ,u;:h aril not :tsakr ihi> town u.un„us-,. rut ruiuding anv income tat. Starr ar Federal, <br />impa,sed cm !tloric,e, and u ill Y:k *he .ri7tcul receipt .7towine .uch as s mr~t N.[fs for \forteuk~r. t'p<+n vio}xtiz,n of this undrt- <br />~ittg.:,t if tic LJ°v2r~ua,r is per .1 hired n _ ~ - ~. v .:«K :- h ,.i€~ .~ r,. i.- - :>; ibc - Sri ,e or any p„rth,n of tfte sfore- <br />sa~7 as+r±_ -- spun :.Ar -r...,.,. ;t ~ rt tours „ranee nrohsoitmg tFtr T+xt ^s, nt r~4 ,Ar \4a,r,g„y, r „r zmt~ : u ~h t:rvre. ur if Such tau <br />~;'ttzcarr t,r?vidc± that ant ..n.tun v ~ ai:1 !,a t#>r 'L3axt,gag.u ifszil t,r ,tec;rr.i ,=e rise m..rtt,. tcz debt. rnr iatigitgrr sfiai) hsar <br />tar rtes! 30 gitir ninrts da>,~ xnnrn na,uax to *.hr oarszr- .,f Tfit r^n-vt„„agrd ,rrmtsra. tryuntng for Pay-mint of the mmtgagr <br />. Ii sttch aaice #vr i9un- t1K ,aid debt xisaH f*e. ~mr der, ;.,y ahk arat a,tie. able ~t i4r exp~tatk,n of ,aid nirnt} days. <br />fi. Tlsat +3siauid fie fart ta, pry any cum ~>i 1.rrn any ^c.,r - .- pr, +Fdri frr n rhr !#crtga€r. then the Slongagee, at its op- <br />tibn. tn-a; ;ea} <~ parfoxm I#1r *sme .tru a1i r ;<+rrtdsturr, ,v ~tndz ,h;,,1 t,r tmd.rd t.=the pnn,tpa; ,ut:s =+w mg on the ;.#a<ive note. <br />~laall t+c +r.smrd hzrrt,y .and s7fall hr.;r tmerer :,s rhr r;rte ,et ia,nh to tfx• ,a,d aoze, unnl nand <br />'. Thai frr #artrfsy acatgrss,' rrs,i , r - net t. ?r it rtt:,.ger, to r,r appirtd ter+zrd the pay naent of the note and ail <br />-ums srcurrai #srrrh: rn es„r ,af z art_uit to :fir prrfozmrnr ,. ~ni of the sod .:a,rsd:uonl .~f rhr, Mortgage +.r thz said <br />xar?tf. all tIr seat!.. rcvrtfuzs ~»,z tsrt.-tar i~ t~ rt<_€isrxi ;nom rhr r ~;tg~t,rd prrsrr i,r, dunng ,uch umr ,. zhe mcvtgagr indehtrd- <br />t>rs't;'z~ta71 remain ttrrpaatd::,sx7 t#r M ants, .h:,ii #uar ~a++t ta,_p~-i . ana :£. or aEr - - .at 'r+srt fvr the purpose of <br />regrait~ acrid iurattsrs sod ai~ tenting t+sr ,.:ar ,,na ..,ikatirg t#tc -rats. trarnur, .:n3 tn~ mr sod =.t may pat r,ut of said in- <br />t~rnc-aif tapensrr, .tirrg,attxrrg wict prensrse= sraf nrcrssc.~ a'.,ntmts.,nrns ar+a rvpensr~s incurred ,n zrnung and managing [he <br />xarnr atti t>f Y~`kcxing rtniaJS titrr'rtr~m: tIre tsa#arra_•r re!aa~stttmg, it airy. to rr applttd tou,cr;# the discharge of said mottgage <br />. rg3ctttttfiuxs. <br />3- T9trrt fr x~ #irrp the tmqutrvrmmrttti; taa,r rxisutgz: zu #wsrT:f[rr rercted i*n rhr m+.,rtg;:t:rd ptopuiy, insured as may hr <br />rr;,rirrz# fr,as ricer z,, time by ifir ?di+rgaxet uuinst 1,.<, ±, fire gnat ,ether hzrards, ,..yvaitrti acid ;t,rnngrncira in such <br />ataatsnrc and 3~' sua'A i>~rixts as ttrt,y #x re,tasvrt( *y rhr Ma'igagrr :end mall paa pr,>mpiia . tiF-hen dee.:sn} prrmarms are, ouch <br />t'[sttaa tea ~y-tseni:,'f rst Itas axn nrzn m«.dc hrrrint,etarr ~J2 insurance shat3 t,r ,arned ;n ~nmpantr, ap- <br />prtvtd #,? tftr 4iattt~atgce snif for ~ Fem. a~# ~ [rF; als z~rrrr f ha;; #,e bzid by the iii ng„r~rt and ba,a art; ,-hid tftrrrto loos <br />@apslrJe clatusrs in #attx of and jn feutn ausepiahk ie= thz 41.utg;,Ere !n r.rnr a,t z.,. U.utgag+a a tli gt,r immediate n:,t,.c hs <br />!o the Vic.. a•Tn7 rsar<~ rttaJtr 3*rt+>?t ! ;a.t if rv,~ ma,fr ; ttu°pr}y : y ,3'wt, ;rtF;i ra.h Fo+urarscr .«,mpany :•,n- <br />c#tacd is ftrt,FA'i<satfnar+r~d ,nttd dirricz# tom !c pay rnrir ft,r curb 4ss duraila to ttrc itorttWgrz tu>traal ,af [., thz ilatzpuatur <br />~ ~.}oi[u11;-atuf ttr r[ta[ua.~e ga-'ic +ds, tv anY thcreaf.:na} #>z apphrd bf Ehr M.,+nguh~r at ,t, a,ptiun either <br />tc, tiFe tCdtYCUOtf of tLraldetttdnrss ltzttf+a szstnrif of in tht rt•s! •,ratu,n a,r rrpan ,+f 76e pr,,perta JamakrJ Sn r~. era r;t fartalr,. <br />sure ~ Fntaie ~ sxi[tK traasitr of iigk ro the rttc,rtgrged pra,prtty in rxtingur,hmrnt ,rf rhr +ndchte,lnr,; ,e: acrd hereby . <br />67J , tlt~ awl 7ttt~lrs+t 4Ft tIr Mkr(iy~'ur in atht'tAS x,p 1-in tarurhr ptr1FE`FZw Slrrn to ':t cr ,t3r,il pa„ fa) the - i t ' iasrt rr graF?Ftfi <br />4 as t~'id+ritiniii sr~ -t?fFat£ra€ ~;~Frt[t foz [~c ~a rrtr~r ad t#rz nr,{e des. rrhe:): and all sumE a hc~ Tie rsur unairt rhr, <br />Istixti~[pta re7ey assigns ttr Ehc .'~v'rrigtr~a T ; priatsts. rzrrrFrFrs rya ors. rights ;end zxnrfi , ;:.crumg t.. rhr <br />~ffi trn,ler rina ,~ sf# ,nil end gas ietaee. on ta[id p:cmtsr.. »ith the rig.#t! itF receive and rnrapt is:r ihr ,acne and npplt <br />thexa to aipd as rep before ss s:itet dr{soh :n thr•+tiddN'arns of T#is m„rig.F~r. nn,3 tlsz itnrtya~te ma} ,zemanct. ,tic <br />for Fund rrct=~er rtny +taclt i>r,ytarnrs M-fxn due a5k'# puvitfdr, kwt ilia!! nut 3,r ret.•sttrrJ .c, fr ,it `!hs, nes:gn:rzns a,, t,+ termmstr <br />and kczsxsrtsx cell ens ate sa;wtt rakase v# this fir. <br />•,,a ;i17M tail ~.. <br />~ ~. <br />