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<br />80. Uo+D42s <br />Y 31-04-0358 <br />MORTGAGE <br />THtS MORTGAGE, made and executed this 29th .. day of January <br />l9 80 .bY~d~~n Don E. Bowen, a single person <br />,A.D. <br />of the County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter called <br />the M°rtg$g°r• aTtd Mortgage Plus incorporated <br />acoryarationorganizedattdcxistingunderthelawsof the United Mates of America <br />patty of the second part. hereinafter called the Mortgagee. <br />WITNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Forty Three Thousand Fifty and <br />OO,IlO0tlts ------------------------------------ Dollars (543, 050.00 ),Paid by the Mart- <br />, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ht~ Granted and Sold and by [here presents does Grant, Bar- <br />, gain, Sell, Coavey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the fallowingdescribed <br />teal estate, situatsd is the County of Hall ,and State <br />d Nebrasi~, to wit: <br />i.ot Ttaelve (12, Block TWO (?) of Island Acres Nwnber Two (2), being a replat of <br />Lots One {1}, Turo (?}, and Three (3), Five (5}, Six (6}, and Seven {'), island <br />Acres, City Of Grand Island, Hail County, Nebraska, <br />also knc~vtt as: 3D30 W, 13t1t, brand Is1and,NE 68801 <br />d~~~M•~~~t~~city property <br />taint sansney: <br /><*'°`} This form is used in connec- <br />tion with mortgages insured <br />under the one- to four-family <br />provisions of the National <br />Housing Act. <br />atra according to Govem- <br />Ili HeIV£ AND Tfl iiOi.U the premises abrnx descrihed, with all the appnttenaaces thereunto bebetgutg sail includin6 <br />aA h anal des sad egtupmeot nttta or hetrafttr attached W ~ used in connection avhth said real carafe <br />tawt Aar , and to its xssors and assigns, forever. The Mortgagor rrpreseats to, aril covenants with, the Mortga- <br />yae. ~ Ate M~tfaptr ~ goad rift m ~ soil convey ~ premises; that they art fine from tttcumbrance; and that rite <br />a~artar+rtt and dettntd the saax sgaitWt the hwfnl e.4aima of ail persons whaatsotver, affil the said Mortgagor bcre- <br />hY~ aH riduts ei`. haseres>ead, toad aB nttuiiai .tights, ei[htx is law or in etptNy, sail al! other catttittgcnt iaterests of the <br />Darin and tss the tdaotx-dew premiccs, the itsuntittn tieing ro coavey herthy ~ ahsdutc tint: in fee simple, inclnd- <br />v$aTatsip3ts of famnestexi, affil other tyhs and interests as aforesaid. <br />>c`°D Ait31 talfS. and these Prtstats arc ezeatmd and dttivtmf tspcm the following rnnditions, to wit: <br />71e t~tnec to pay ttt the Mor»toe, or order, the ptincigtai awn d Forty Three Thousand Fifty and OO j100 <br />t,3at e~p-en--_~-3------}-~-~~Dnttacs t5 43, OSD, DO 1, with interest from <br />Ate stsPaid baiawoe mtnl gl. rata sad sad- PN crntutn ( 11.50 ~6) Per anntuo on <br />paid K~ :texrst shill ix payable at the ot5ec of Mortgage Pltzs Incorporated <br />~ Aagltrroad, t~nlt>rado . a at stech other Plax as the kidder of <br />dre tteAe wy desapwe it aatitiai, it tnomhjy>taeats of (according to Schedule A attached to said <br />~$) -...__~ _~_-. Bd~esf5--_~_r-.._._-..._....__~ 1, commtadingon the f[rsi day of <br />,~ , 19 gp , and on the lust day of each nwndt thereafter unn7 the principal and in- <br />sae fly per, aiet~t ~t Hte dal payreeWt at priaaq~al and iarettar. if rwt loaner Paid, shall be dot affil <br />payablt oa Ate ~ day d Br.3xstary ~lD : alI accorditte w the toms of a certain promis- <br />ttatY stttffi eita~ea date hatewith esetwad tsY the said ~. <br />36a ~ ot#er>aote fly rtt Ate aocteity ctf this Moogage, ogees: <br />i- ~ he pay Ats ~ as hereinhdore provided. 1'rivikge is reserved to pay the drhi in whole, or is as <br />aMraratttxpul mtae err ante aaaahlypay oa the priaci}tal that arc nest due on the note. on the first daY of any month <br />prior mtatacariry; id, t`oraewer:'[hcta written notice of an mteation to exercise such privt7ege is given at least thirty (3iD) <br />~rrta, <br />L fiiiapl. t~tar athdt, aaA fie adt~aa st, Litt monthly paytnents of priaeipal awl initresr payable undo the ttxms of the <br />ttnteagaat5i , ~ !/ptlp~r+~flay m the ~, oa the fast day of each moatfi anal rho sai0 hate is fu11Y paid, the <br />~MairkilR~>~: <br />- Ott} t t W Asa fattla}at proof wiAt toads to pig- the aertt tnorttgagenmttrance premium ifthis <br />iwt and tie sort aaatrad haaby ato eaw+nd. ur a tttoathiy charge. lin lino of a morr~ itwvtrontr ~ <br />aadalWl tf rue haler iy+ a ptxrstary of ~ sad 1lsitett Detroiapmettt, as follows: <br />(i) if aril no ~ a t~ sate af' daft. sad this instrumeat are iaaurai at arc reinsured urtdrr the pta• <br />vitdamt d the f~ticate . Apt, as atacstat anfticient to acrwnulate in the hands oY the holder oar <br />t+eariaw Faal3Rieaa, ass t)aaatata ST;riTE OF NEB12:1 a K:t <br />