<br />8Q- '351
<br />(I) month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder
<br />with funds to pay such premimn to [he Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the
<br />National Housing Act, as amended. and applicable Regulations thereunder, or
<br />(ll) If and so long as said note aF even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Hausing and
<br />Urban Development, a monthly cltargc (ire filar o(a ntortgagr insurance premiurnJ which shall be in an
<br />amount zqual mone-twelfth (1;12) of one-half (t/'_) per centum of the average outstanding balance
<br />due on the note computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments;
<br />(b) A sum equal tg the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on
<br />policies of Ere and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments r;ext due
<br />an the mortgaged property loft as estirrtared Z_u the :ffortgagee~l less all sums already psid therefor divided by the
<br />number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and
<br />assessnterts will become delinquent, such sums to be held by Morteagce In trust w pa}' said ground rents, pre-
<br />miums, taxes and special a~essments; and
<br />(c) All parmtents nirntiunrd in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under
<br />the note secured hereby shalt be added iogethzr. snd the aggregate smouni thereof shall he paid by the Rfortgagor
<br />each month in a single payment to be applied by the Mnngagee to the following items in the order set forth:
<br />(1) premium charges under the contract of insurance with the Szcretary of Hausing and Urban Development,
<br />or monthly charge i in tiro ~f nt<utgayc tnsumrme trrcntiau2', as the case may be:
<br />(fll ground rents, taxes, assessrnrnts, fire and other hazard insuratta premiums;
<br />(HI) interest on the note secured hereby: snd
<br />(T\r1 amortization a1 ihe prinetpal of said note.
<br />Arty dtt3dency in the amount of any such a~g:eeatr munthh paym~-nt shall, un#es made good by itte Mbrt-
<br />gagar prior to d?c due date of the next su::h ps.ntet~t, ,:,;nsthutr an went of default under this mortgage. The
<br />Mangagee may collect a "lair enatEr" not to exceed Co;:r cents (s,i for each dollar 1511 of each payment more
<br />than 2ifrrrn (1 ~1 daxs in :tress to ttn~er the extra rxpeus,~ inva3ved in handling delinquent paynrrnts.
<br />3. That ii the iotai of the payments made ht ihe lkirteagcr under t = + of paragraph " prccedinfi shall exceed
<br />the ameunt cT payments actually made b} the lkrngagee fur around rent, taxes and assessmen[~ ur insurance pre-
<br />miuin~, a:- lire rase may be, each exc*:ss, if the loan is current, at the o~tiaa of the lltir[gagor, shall be credited b}'
<br />Mitelktrtgagee ctr subsequent psymetit~ to be made by the )krn;;a;,air, r+r mfunded to the \IvneaKur, iT, however, the
<br />r.eathlt payments made by' the !dartgagtx ulster 2 ^,' of paragraph .preceding shall nar be sufficient to pay grwnd
<br />teat, taxes grid a~~ es.~rents or insurance premium=. the race may rte. when the same shall become due find pay-
<br />able, t3+en the bioctgagcr ;hall pat' to the 'wion~er any amount necessary to make up the deficiency, on cr before
<br />ifie date. rhea payment of such r;mund mat.. cases. a:e~sments ar instuanre premiums shall be due. If ai any
<br />time the Nwtgagor =hall tender to the lMngapee, in arrurdance with the pmvi.~iun- of the note secured hereby,
<br />Tall paytareni of rice entire iadebiedne-= represented thereby. the liongarre shill. in rnmputing the amount. of such
<br />iaile~tedttesc- rrn3ir m the artvwaa ~ the - Mortgagtr a31 pas-mentc msrle under the provisions o! : ~ of paragraph _'
<br />litzte~oT x#tieh the Rbrtt~agee ham ntrt bet ome obligated to pas to the :erceiart of Housin, and l roan Lk velapment
<br />aad my' balatxr trmaiain, in the funds acrumalattvl under the provisions of + e - of paragraph :> hereof. iT there
<br />Mali be a default tinder any of the pntti~ttm~ of chi- itwny;age resulting in a public -sle of the premises soxered
<br />hta,eby, ur iT die 1bnYagee argtrire- the prapcny utheraise xfu~r default, the ltort„yee s}tatl apply. ai ihe time of
<br />rite t~traneeacetaeni of such pmrt~t•dtnR-. to .~ the time the prepeny i- otherx ise aryuirt>d, ttte balance then remain-
<br />ing is ihe TWrds ax•ruarulated under ?, uT pare?:raph_' pnK•edin2, a- a credit again--i the amrrunt oT principal #hen
<br />raining unpaid under said note, and -hall properly adjust any payment- uhiclo shill base btt~n made under,>;'
<br />of g~ar~tsgh ~-
<br />.. T'itat Litz Rlartu5tcr u-d1 pa} gtautui ~rrt:. t:rae:. a„r,smrm,, aster rate.. and other g,+,rrmrntal ~v municipal
<br />rfiargrs. iitxs. err tm{nxitic;ns, f::r u hhh Pr,,.ast++n ;u, not l+rrn made herrirtbefnre, and in default thrreoi ihr \ic+rtgagrr may-
<br />its} ihr same: and that tht ',i.?rig:;gar :till per+mpty deli, rr the e,ib~iai rrcripis therefor ta+the 1f. rtgagrr-
<br />?- ~ dltat~nr ail pa} a;l trtars unwh mxa hr krvied utn,n the \f+u-tgagrr'. imerr+t in .aid real rsrair and imprta-t-
<br />ntrnts, arsd a3tkh rosy hr let•ird upon this nt.-rtgair .,r the ;ltht ,reared ixrrht ilWi oni} to the eairm Thai ,urh i tx?t pnthihi
<br />tci h} 1•au <rxi cttlg to ihe ratrnt zha2 su.h uii# M t male ihr, taan usurom!_ but rxa°1uad.ng 3nF rnc.~rtrr tea. State +?r Federal.
<br />imiotxrd on Af~n~ra-..,ec. sad a i;i nit i'tse t+i3irki =r:ript ,hr~:.sag w.h Pj} nmrnt w ith the '.{t,np.:utr L'{xm . inlatia,n of this undrr-
<br />salir~,,r, if u~ ~ mg~,t i, prahit,itrrf ht an) ixu tx,.+ :,r hrrrafrrr rvt,ting from pay ine the uttolr or any ;+:+nion of ihr afore-
<br />.aici zears..v upon ilx renttrrtng,?f ant :Dort der rte rr.+hiM.ting the Fa:~mrni ?~~ the \f,,ngtsgc+t :+r :sny ,uc#o lases, ur tf ,uch btu
<br />tx dev~rr isrvvtdrs then stn sm~ rent ,., pntd h} the M,,ng..gx:r ,tsa:i f,r crednrd nn the m.,ni,,gr drNt t#tr li.+rtgxgrr shall hear
<br />filtr ri~'N to rys; nitrrt} da}.' whiten splice to rtx ,wanrr .,t .rte tnt+ng:tgrd , rrnaae~. r.~.unng the pa: mrnt of the mortgage
<br />dtht If surfi aota:e {Y ~^tarr--.. tnr sail debt ,b;t}7 {,r_~r,mr due , a+si+!r nd :r,!ir.'tshir nt tzar raptrzt> ~n ,+f a:;id ninet+ day.
<br />ri. Thai <,}r.3ak# he ftui to pay _,raf .um .,t #erp .,na :,r, e~.:-.t pr,+„drd f.u rr, ihr. \l.,rtt:ace, then tttr Mc=r[gugrt. at its op-
<br />tiiw.. mar its} ttr ptrfc,,-rn fihe wme. -s+ad a!I tx, rttuuurt• ,t~ trsJr >hail bt .x#ded i., the ,-~r+ncipat sum :+s ing ++n ihe ah.e.~e note.
<br />ittall hr t+^>:tard hrrr$} .snd abaci itrsr intrrr,t .ti ihr :rte ,rt f:+rrh to tnr ,ntd ntur. uaid panf
<br />- ?'~.°. !>; ~rthv.a,:ins. Trenalrr, .a^.d +rt, : ,,, .t„- Ri,,::gst;c~.. ,. .:;>p3~i! a.,ward t.hr pa} mrnt <,i rite note anu all
<br />.oats ac~~~etl ferret,} in r^arsr „f a 3r - u;2 in the ;+rrf;rrrr -ncr ,+f .,nr t,.f ihr term, :,nd ; , tditiam, c,i ihr. 44ong~gr ar rite said
<br />tuxtt. aEl tlae rrai,_ rrarnurs and tnc:*mr t, ~ drrt+rd firvm tree rc<,rigsgcd peer i+r, during ,uor, time as t#tc mor2gagr inuebtrd-
<br />eresi, ststtii retraaia unpaid: arsd ihr 1ftrtl:ag~r ,st:;" ht,ar it.,wtr t,~ app.*int any agent .,r agent, tt m:,e dr,irr for the purpasr of
<br />te~pairiigt said ixrmtses acid arf rrnitag ihr amt .-end ..=!ircnng tote rent,. rr+rnuca :,nd mcome_ :trd :[ mat pay ,+ut of said :n-
<br />vaatt,all upcnaca cif rtttah'tiffi :,a;d prcmtx, seal tx~ras, rv Aammtasions amt rvpen.es rrtc tined in renting and managing the
<br />:atttt arm of sifkciing rentals ihrrefrtutt; file t>~?rtt,_ rests=icing. d ara~.::-~ Lac upplxd ;r,u~mrd the dis.~hargt++f u;d mungagt
<br />mr#titrarfncssi.
<br />& 7larat be ?iL Breit rite tat, rr vtmrms :baw tvsitrtg ~ ~tereafter rrect}cf .>n ti;< m~,rtgagce ; rnprrt}, insured as rose hr
<br />rsx~,uircd fe•om iimz t; time b; the lde,rtgscer .tgrtiaat k,.s Pt Rte ana .tthrr hazard<. ;,suairir, and :onrinern+.°tr, m .urh
<br />iuntncnts asd flu sw-3t perxtda a> alas rte rtaiuued rir the gip,^.gagezstut alit ;tat prompti+ . uten due. ars} prem+uma .m +uch
<br />nnsiatiihe prv~tisrtn ftv ~rmtnt ztf aTso:}t leas m+t been made firreinhriaxr ail to:urancr :stall tx earned :n .,zmpwttr, ap-
<br />yxrovtit ht fire A4ixtgagrr sad the ~et!ia`iea amt rentu eta thtreof shall hr #tc!d ht the tlurtgagre ana ha+r ,ttachtd therm, !osa
<br />ire}al?le claws in favu ;,f a[at is ftxm a~cceptai:le tt, the Martyr. In a+eui :,1 is+,. ~lortgagut u i!i rtt r imntedtair nouvr by
<br />~$ to ihe 'kiaat~egcrr, w~ maV male ~pruuT td ktsa ii coot made ~sotnptlt b} x9.pagag.+t, and tai h in,ura;e.r :ampam ean-
<br />ccriicdit ketc4ts at+tAtntircd snd diteritd to make payment feu such #vas drrtcU} to the Mtutg;.gcr insre2w ,+f u, the Mongagor
<br />and the Mvartlptijcr #utMYy'. aitd file inxatitux tor;xrtds. xtr Kerr part thtrcuf, may hr spptred h} ihr M:rrig;tgrr a[ va,rpvon rtther
<br />kr4keretiuctiaauftlre#adeb}rodtMest3terCl±y~c:utedar toihcresiMv~tiuata~rrpair,rfiht¢ruprrtydemagrd lnetent,rfr.,rrci+>-
<br />+utti~. ~tia>, `B~ tat Whet trirrislct trf isik to tht nwrtad oretirrrty~ in tvrirtguishmem of the indrhtedntt, ,reared hrrrht .
<br />tp ittht. tak and intrrtst of the !longa~eK to +snd to ant tn+nraacr pa:iictr, tftrn to farce ataafl pa+. tc, the pate baser ,x gramrr.
<br />'i. 11im n> attdHsort3Y c~'c~aicx•sl xec:~+tS- fix :hr ptttmrnt r+f ihr nets dcacnbrd- ,rnii af! sums m heinnu due on,aer shta
<br />~'y alit ~uct~ptgstr }icri~hy asii~a+ic+ ihr ~ aft prefitt,, rrvr.nttrs, royalties, sights surd hrne'u, ,,,:rurog to the
<br />ts/ttrtga~la'sr ttetdei env send ail tai lead $a+ k&5es on said prrtnixs_ Kith the right tt± rrt rise slat rreripi tt,r fire ,smr and appia
<br />tiir:a t+a *aid~t iMeslrKys as attt lxT.ue as afirY default ie+ rlrr ;cWS¢iturn+ of chi. m tttg..gr net ilte Lftniga#*er rn:t+ uern.,nd .ue
<br />Tsxxsdtec$~~py~zncnts whenr~uc ;mod payable-hut d:a#1 cut hr rr~uitrti s.• _:+ 1a -ihr, a++ignment +, a, trr~nmmre
<br />sad itreuene t~Aand at3C iti,an re#ease stf tius mrc.
<br />,~ .~
<br />• f ~». ..,4 71a tV ,tot ,>,
<br />