<br />~0-~ .~3~9 vzF.
<br />SCRC1~' P;iJVTSTU2iS
<br />1. i3aerow Booumenta. This contract aha21 ba executed in trip-
<br />aete, one copy to ba retained by °sllrsr, ane copy by Fuyer,
<br />and the third cony shall be dapositad, together with the
<br />need, referred to in ; AAA~rRA~ u V.
<br />above, '. r, escrow with the Commercial National hank of t}rand
<br />Tsland, '.ebreska, the ~;scrow Rgent. Tha Ahatrect of Title,
<br />gfter the saga has bean ezter_ded and examined, shall be de-
<br />livered to the z.omrnereial National Aark. Ail inatall~:ent
<br />nav~+enta shall be made by Player to the Commercial National
<br />Bark, Grand Tsland, :ebraaka, the :~acrow Agent, and pmapar
<br />shall be given on the total purchase Arica. t3pan the pa y-
<br />atert of t'x balance due or_ the purchase :rice as hereinabove
<br />provided, end of any advances made by yeller as hereinabove
<br />provided, said ~~acrow Rgart, the Commercial hatianal Hank,
<br />Grand ,a c_±p~Aabraska, shall p~rchasa sufficient docuasentary
<br />ata;apa~" to~ba '~_~` the i~'~_.: ->.,:,~. r ~ % Bead,
<br />and asi -'~"~~ i ~ -~ r-:~ ~Z'"'Dejd with said doou-
<br />.•-star ~;;s: a gad the ?~ha~,~nt aP` Title shall ba
<br />dsliver~d to Lhe +aorow Agent. The charges of the maorow
<br />Agent aha13 bs paid by 'eller. Tf the Seller exercises Sel-
<br />ier'a option to declare the whale of the indsotedneas due
<br />under thin eortraet, together with any advaT:cea Made by Ss:i-
<br />lar ae herainabaTe provided, to becoma and be im^uediately due
<br />and payable ty reeaor. of ?sugar's Failure to -?any any amount
<br />due urdar the terms of this contract, or if Buyer shah aban-
<br />don the Meal "-state, Seller shell, within thirty (3Q) dsya
<br />te1'tsr making such ezerciaa of Sallar'a option, notify said
<br />3acrow Agent, the Commercial ;~atfanal bank, "rand Zaland,
<br />tiebraaka, and t'he Huger ir. writing, of eller'a eaarciae of
<br />said option, end said l:acros Agert, the !'om!+zarcial National
<br />Sank, =rend Talard, 2:ebraska, with the consent of the 9uyar,
<br />shall t*ereu;~on immediately deliver to Seller the Abstract
<br />of Title and ~~` rL~.-_*~-=.<L- Dssd hareinabate ra-
<br />farred to, and t'.se Buyer 9ha11 re~~n to ^cller the Buyer's
<br />antract for CondiLior~e.l Sala of T'e I ~atata in the manner
<br />Drpvidad by law. ~ a~ .~`~
<br />,,--~~.
<br />Y'2.
<br />S,=.I,'- =R A2;7 iat7V=rifi C ~?:1'AA':Y' fiei3
<br />1. taller. it ,a understood and e~reed that =iow*-rd t~. Kelley
<br />and ?.pia =. ^:a31as, '?uabPnd and :•ife, hold title to +aid
<br />Real w.state as faint Lenarta wtt~ right of aurvisornhip,
<br />and not as tans~ta ie caa~on. ?t !A Further understood and
<br />agreed t'~~kt tt.'s contract is owned by '?award t:, e~.ley and
<br />? eia ? ` a12e~%, ~iushrnd and ~'.ifa, ea point tenants, with
<br />ri,,'~t cf sur.-ivcrs?~'-~, »nn not Ps tar.arta in comr!on.
<br />2. ~. ?t is understrad nrd a~-read trot t~,e said ?eila ~'.
<br />rune .~,-,.~< ~-fv.,.~( ~: t~ _ .~ ..~~~.T~ -~- .. _ -, ~. ,~ "~=-
<br />_~~'~_ ~~ !rs. sY~c'-"a r~~- .-i'L -.'t.~.'-c-~ ~ s f1~>-~. r~';r_i.r_s .-L -~=~"~"~-{-
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