<br />
<br />That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 12 Narth, Range 11
<br />k'sat of the 6th P.M., Hail- County, Nebraska, which lien north of the right. o:-,r;ey
<br />and depat grounds of the Chica„~>, Burlington & Q,~incy B:xi iroad Company excentint;° :ho:;.
<br />pasta thereof conveyed to tho Filingr~ of Cairo, ;3;11 County~,Nebracka, by w~u'i;u ~:;,
<br />deeds rea=ceded in Eook Ti, at Par'rou 3u2 and jig, ~c<rooctivc,ly, and by quit c~:;ir: ~,E,
<br />rraarded in Book 115, Page 1l,5, and ezcrptir~ that part thereat conveyed to :-~~~: ;:.,~i~_~:::
<br />by xarraaty deed recorded in Boak 75, Pegs 291, and oxcoptin; that part ronvc;,•er %:o
<br />the State of Nebraska by warranty decd recorded in Ilook 82, Page 598 of tno decd
<br />reaorda of Hall County, Nebxsaka, aced Ieas approxim..tely 6.t~98 acres, morQ or loo~~,
<br />deeded to the Cairo Athletic Aeaooiation, all in Hall County, Nebraska, AMID EZC1;F1
<br />A txmot of lead aoaprieing a part of the Narthaast Quarter of Sectiaa 19, Township
<br />12 Aoath, Bangor tl Weat of the 6th P.M., more particularly described as follows:
<br />Caaisnaing at a pofat 6116.5 feet east on the north line of said Northwest Quari:er
<br />theme saIItLerl~ a~ parallel to the xesterly line of said North~reat Quarter, a
<br />distaaoe of 2Q0 feet, thence eaaterljr and parallel to the northerly line of said
<br />t~orthwast Quarter, a distance of 5G feet. Thence northerly and parallel to the
<br />westerly Iine of said Northwest Quarter, a distance of 200 feet, thence weaterljr along
<br />the north line of said Northwest darter, a dietsnce of 50 fast to the point of
<br />bsgiaaiag.LRD
<br />4Ruit part of Lot one, Blook Siz: Third Addition to the Pillau_s of Cairn. Hall
<br />Couail, )I~btaeka, that lies North of Highly No. 2, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />17®, aieo oosars the land desax3bed in Leans No. 200,632 between Chicago, Burlington,
<br />~ i~eir~ Bailraatl Coapasp, Lsaeor, sad Bares D. Turner, Harry I. Tnmar end Helen
<br />~ s ~ ' uadsr the fie name Tumor Grain Co., Lessee,
<br />sad all impxa~arsate located tbsrsoa.
<br />t....`
<br />1..._
<br />