<br />EXHYBIT A -Legal description attached to Mortgage from Turner Grain Co., Inc., aud. Turner
<br />Gxais Compaaaq, Ltd. to Metropolitan Life Iasuranee Gompsny
<br />H&I.L COIIi; i"Y, NffiR65IiA
<br />Tract 1: 1'he Northeast Qaaarter of Section 22, Township i2 ;Borth, Range 11 West of the ::Fs_th
<br />Principal ?4eridian.
<br />Tract 2: ilia Northeast Quarter of Section 30, Township i2 North, Range 11 Best of the Si:ctih
<br />Pripcipal A3eridian.
<br />Tract 3: The Southwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 1? 1do.^th, Range 12 k~ost of the Sixth
<br />principal Kericiiap, excepting that part thereof conveyed to the state of Nebraska by warranty
<br />deed recorded iaz Book 77, Page b41 of the Decd Records of S.~.tl County, Nebraska.
<br />97.T that paY°t of the Northeast Quarter of Sactian 14, Township 12 North, Range 12 West of the j
<br />Sixth P^ineipal tSerid3an that 13es South of the Chicago, Rurlins'ton and Rainey Railroad right-
<br />af-easy - - s~bsequeat to August 14, 1952 at 9:fl0 A.M.
<br />She East Half of Section 14, Township 12 lwrth, Range 12 1Jest of the Sixth Principal heridian,
<br />+.hat lien South of the center of the Chicago, iiaarlington and Quincy Railroad Compnx>)+as right-
<br />of-srap* excepting those parts conrcyed #:o the stag of P:cbraslc:., by uarrnnty deed recorded 3n
<br />Book 77, Fags ta42, in''the office of the Register o£ Deeds, 1:21.1 Cuunty, Nebraska -subsequent
<br />to Ju1,y {1, 1958 at 5:0o P.H., also excepting thCr:ii'pA a tract of land co>agaising a part of
<br />t,~e ~ttt3i^~ast LUarter of Section 74, To'aaship i2 is'orth, ;us,gc «2 Nast of t~A.: ~`~..h prir..ix%~1
<br />iap, ip ly,t~ C~ntp, 13¢}u~a„~};a, note p2rticula:lg descrilr~d as follows: 13. ~nnin~ at a paint
<br />ap the &xst 7;,v~ O£ said Section 14, said point being 33.0 feet North of the Southeast corner of
<br />said Sac#'.ioa 14, also being a paint on the Northerly right-of-w:yv of FLighwav 2Ia. 2: thence
<br />ht:steriy i~atallel to the South lino of said Section 14 an3 along said Highway right-of-way line,
<br />a distance of 575.1 feet: thence deflecting right 90° 42a 3fl°t and rnnn;n~r .`brtherly along sai3
<br />ri,ght,.of-si~y 13ae a 3istancs of 10.4 feet, to a point 43.4 feet forth of the South line of scLid
<br />Section 74: tl~nee deflecting 3cft 90° fl0t and i-+uusislg liestcrly along said right-of-way line, a
<br />di.stapce of 335,5 feet to a point 47.8 feet North, of the South line o£ said Section 14: thence
<br />deflects^ left 3b° 41a sad Southwcs*..esly alo.-zg said riE,ht-og wav line, a distance of
<br />25.0 fees to a point 33.7 feat Yort~ o the South line of s_~id Sccticn 14: thence defleetin{-
<br />' right 3bo 4b~ and i,6ester.~v :zlana; said right.-of-way line, a distance of 2b5.b4 foot to a
<br />point a'6.59 feet Nort~3a of the South lino of said f~ectiea 74: thence deflecting right fi9o flia and
<br />ataa~ng :tartt~aly, a a9ast.ssce of 39S.G1 :cot: thorce dafiecting,rirht '?4° ~~ 3fl" and running
<br />saat~9as:•~a1p a distance of :.83.85 feet: thence 3cficcting soft 500 26a and running :Iar#•heas+.arly
<br />a distanrn of 231.$1 Poet: thence deflecting right 2t3° 53a 4G" sad panning northeasterly, a
<br />dsstapee of 298,53 feet: thence deflect=nG lc1`t 3S° 36a uad sur~ain;; northeasterly, a distance of
<br />92.fl3 feet: thanes deflectinG le.~t i90 7 i ~ 20" and ruani-''4; northerly a distance of 150.9 fact:
<br />ther-ce~ $ca~ right #',°Q 3fla ~II sad zw-usi.;; T~sterl:~*, a aistaaco of 4713.43 font to the Fiast
<br />lirw pf «=jd SecLiop 74: thence .iou:.her.'.tir along the mast line of s.2id &=ctioa 14: a distance of
<br />985.9 fe= 't tii the plaao Of bcgiru~in; and coptuning 19.232 acres, tare Or lass.
<br />TraCL 4: ~ Southea,.~-t iaaartc~r; the So;athwast 4'~aarter; ;.P.e Southeast ~tzartar of the 3~rthoast
<br />{~aartea') ~d the Southeast Quartzs of ::~ l;orzhwest Quart.., A;:. in Sc>ctian c, °o::.ship 12 :earth,
<br />Range 72 Est pf thta Sixth Priacipv3l. l:criuiian iai hall Cauntg, i~braska captaining aP3u'~~13'
<br />388 aCS~c, more ea- less, aa~zding to gavorasuant survey.
<br />Tr>ast 3: ;all of Seotios 4; 911 of Section 5; all ir. Toarisl-sp 16 A'arth, Ran, a 13 goat of the
<br />Sisth 1~ 3~9ariz33sp in Shaaeasa Ccsunty, 1:ehraska.
<br />tae Sastl: $olf pf Sectiasa 33 and a part of the horttaeast :.,attar of f~~etion 33 deseribpd as
<br />fol7aa+s: ~ at t~ ;k>rsi3east cazarr of the .oatht.ast Gstartnr .:nd :Zaxnizsg thence :o:-th
<br />~~ 9ectiee; line +b4 rode, thew k~cst about 32 rods to c~:aster of public highway, then in
<br />a Soa"~a d:.roc}„3aa along center 4. pu'bli.c highway ::nt=3 it tu.~as 2D degx^ocs oz aaore to the
<br />8st, tlr ace 8~oatA ~ the bni3' section Base, 'ilcar~;a ,a:: L .;.''.cry, t:~ help x+:iian li:u= tea ; ~.;,: ci
<br />begiaIIiz sn,xpased to oosataip abaat 7D acres, ail ip :awnship i7 North, Range 13 b:©at oi'j t'ac:
<br />Siaf~b 13_avoi~al M~33:rra 1a 'Yallgy County, Ac.b-as,:a.
<br />
<br />
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