<br />S(?-- ~~~.f;~3f
<br />3. '!`he mortgagor covenants and agrees that if he shall fail to pal' said indebtedness or env part thereof when
<br />doe, or shall tail to per[orm any rnvenant or agreement of ibis instrument or the promissory note secured hereby, the
<br />entire indebtedaesa hereby secured shall immediately became due, payable, and collectible without notice, at the
<br />option c2 the mortgagee or assigns, regardless cf maturity, and the mortgagee or his assigns may before ur after entry
<br />self-said property without appraisement 1 the mortgagor having waived and assigned to :he mortFa![ee all rights o[
<br />appraiaetntmt 1
<br />t t ! at jadicial sale pursuant to the provisions of ;t8 U.5.(:. ?t101 + a 1 ; ur
<br />(t1) at Ure ogtioa of the mortgagee, either by auction or by salicitstioa of xakd hide, for the highest sad
<br />beat bid compiping with the terms of sale and manner of payment specified in the published notice of sale, first
<br />giving four weeks notice of the time, ternts, and-place of such sate, h. adarriSsrmeni not le,+~ 1l+an once
<br />daring each of said four weeks is a atw'aPaP~ published or distributed is the county in whirls said property
<br />is dtuated, all other notice being berebp wailed bs the mortgagor {and said mortgagee, or any person on
<br />behafi o[ acid mortgagee, map bid with the unpaid indebtedness evidenced by said note i. Said sale shall be
<br />hehf at or ~ the property io he sold or :t the Federal, county, oz city courthoux for the county in which the
<br />property is located. 'lie mortgagee u hereby authorised to ezecute for and on behalf of the mortgagor and to
<br />deliver to the parehaxr at sorb oak a auiScient rnarevanee of said property, which conveyance shall contain
<br />recitals :a is the happening of the ddauh upon which the ezecution of the power of Bale herein granted
<br />and She said mortgagor hereby catutitnta and appoints the mortgagee or any agent or attorney of tine
<br />*~~ the ~ >~ _____ -. ~ f== "~ ~'d -~tg=E,.. ... -.,,a.~~ a...'--~, Main `-d ~ztucr aia
<br />oeaveyanoe sad hereby sovenaate sad agrees that the recitals so made shall be effectual to bar all equity or
<br />right ~ rtdcmPtion, homeate:d, dower, and all other exeutptiorss of the mortgagor, all of which are hereby
<br />ettpraealy waived aed conveyed to the mortgagee: or
<br />Iml ud<e any other appropriate atxim pursuant to ztate or I'~ederal stature either iu state ur t'e+irral
<br />cn~i ea:trt5ersiae fez the diapo,ritimn of ibe ptoPem.
<br />Ia the ~ of a sale s heteiabefarr- ptovided, she t~rtgagnr or any persona in poaseaeion under the mort-
<br />gatgor shall then become sad be tertanta hoh#ir c over and shall torthwith delivu possession to tbe purchaxr at
<br />antis sale or be weamaritp dapoaeeaeed, in aeeordaatr with the provisionu of law applicable to tenants hohling over.
<br />Tbe P~ +~ fey 2trteb}' granted are eeuPled with ae interest and are irrevocable by +lraih or utfierwise, and
<br />are granted as wmalativtie io lbe remedies for collection of said indebtedness provided ba law .
<br />Ili;' Ee0' ,-~+c * ~:
<br />~ T~ t-s~+et's~id`Propertpsa accordance with the Preceding paragraph, shsD be aPpiied find
<br />to Pay the rata atad asps:rn of tafed alts, the iaeartedhr the mortgagee for for ptu~peae ~ proteetiag or maim
<br />tainisg said ptapartp, aced : ---"e a~erae±es' f~eea: aeeandly, to Pav ibe indehte+dstru secured hereby: sad dtirvlly,
<br />to Pay ml ~ or eceeal m the ptsatm ar persons k~alh entitled thueta
<br />3. to tthe ermt acid property i. slid at a jndirial foaeeloante sale ar patsnast w the power of oak ltereiaahave
<br />greatest, ~ #l3rx pioeaed+r are acs at~fweat to Pap the fetal iadebtedner eeeuted bT this irratrurnent sad evidenced'bv
<br />acid ptasisaep mss, the moregagtm will be entitled w a defieimep judttateat far the amount of the defuiencr raitfeeat
<br />~~
<br />6. 3a the rveatt the mortgagor fails to pay say federal, state, ut local tat. rseteemeut, income tax or other tai
<br />lira„ ehatHe, tee. ar ether eapeme charged aiP~ t~ pmpetty the mortgagee is hereby autEtariacd at his option w
<br />Pay the aaaen. ~' orals >a paid by the mortgagee ahail be added to and became a part of the principal amount at rite
<br />~iehsedans eaidmoed h5 saw note, snbjesyt m the same teran sad caoditiona If the mortgagor shall pap and
<br />diadrat~e the ~ esid~oed by acid pe+amirory note, and shall pay each soma and shall diat}ratge afl
<br />tones a~ ~s sad the esatlr, saes, and eapemas rd sating, aferv3ag, sad e:ecating this mortgage, thm this mortgage
<br />ria8ilt ctaaaeied a®daaaraerdeted.
<br />±' 't'he eesmaata harem eaataiiaed shall hied and the bene&tr and xo. •rttage> shall inure to the rr~y,rctia a ~uc-
<br />sosssta aced asfrgaa at the patties herein ~hegeset aced, the aittguLr number mall iarlade the plaral, the phrnl the
<br />*:>~ stet dse sae ad any ~ shop inehede ail
<br />~ ,Aa' waxer ad a~ arsveatamt hate or of the ahligatiaa secured hereby slrrll at any lime therraftrr be held
<br />Zo laE : vrair+ee at the tenon heread sr et the same sert~ed kcrehy,
<br />'~ A lead dosses. atdise, ar ,lntt~etet hoh~ any peoviseon or purttsut u[ fists iwtruwerrt invalid or uuuo-
<br />~s+ll~ile att~ aal ~ mp tray irwPwpr or predade the eatortt s+t the remaining provisions ae itnHioas o[ this
<br />-:. --
<br />~ -'la~lisn ttt~~t iwa!si araltn taoet~oar pr-ranantt to the pr~svisicna of this iuudrument shall be ad-
<br />araatl*tt-i~rastaRJ~att •sne~"'63.~---~i- Ststat3t, Graztd Islaltd, l~raska
<br />sad say writiw notice to he issued to the mortgagee shall
<br />ba ~i~se u 3[#4 lust 'listed Street, Grand Island, Ahbraslsa
<br />j„
<br />sat,. r`flftM a29 I2-T9S
<br />