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<br />~~~ <br />Said promissory note was givest to secure a loan in which the Small Business Administration, an agency of the <br />United States of America, has participated. To compliance wiiN section 101.1 (d) of the Rules and Regulations of <br />the Sttsall Bttsineas Admfnietradon j13 C.F.R. 102.2(dl ), this instrument is to be construed and enforced in accord- <br />ance with applicable Federal law. <br />~. The mortgagor coveaanis and agrees an follows: <br />Q He will promptly pay the indebtednem tvidencetl by raid promissory note at the times and in the <br />manner tleetein provided. <br />b. He will pay all razes, saseadneev, watear Hies, and ether governmental or man:zipai charges, finaa, or <br />impastione, for which provisos has not been made hereinbeforc, and wilt prompily deliver the o1&cial rei•2tpts <br />therefor to the said mortgagee. <br />u $e will pap such expeaeea and fees as may he incurred itt the protection asd maintenance of acid <br />property, ineludiag the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of <br />tfte indehtetlaeas hereby secured, or foreclosure by mortgagee-: sale, or court proceedings, of in any other <br />liiigaiiaa or procenliag affecting said property. Attarneca fees reasonahh incurred in am ether wav shall he <br />paid by the mottgagor. <br />d For better security of ~•te indebtedne~q herehv =enured, upon the rcyurt of the mortgagee, its <br />suetcnsors ar astigns, he shall ezecute and dclirer a wppiemrntai mortgatte nr mortgages covering any <br />additiotvs, imtxroaemen[s, or betterntenis made to the nroprrt~ hrreinaboae ~lrscribed .utd all pranerta <br />acquiml 6r it aft:t the dau hereof +all in form satisiacton to nwrt~a-fee ~. 1•`nrthe•rmorr, shauid mortgagor <br />fat! to cure any default in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbt:,nee on the }+ralterty described by <br />this naattunxes:t. rnort,•,aRar herehv agrees to permit mortgagee to +-ure -Writ +lefaait. but tnorigagec is Hat <br />obligated to do so: and such advanee~ .hat: becontr part of the indrhtrdtxe>~ -eenred ha• this iuslntment, <br />subjce4 to the same terms sad ttiutduions. <br />P The rights erected by this conye~aace .hall remain in fuU farce end 1't7enl dtirtll~ atla pustpunrutrnt <br />o: esernsoa of the time of the pa}aten2 of the indebtedness tvidrntrd by :-rid promi.:an ante or anv part <br />thereof secured beeebv. <br />$e will matinuoaslp aaintaia has:rd irtsuranne, of wch type or types and is such amatrata at the <br />mortgagee may #r+oeo time to lime xequirr ana the improarmrnts Haw or 6rrraitrr na Ntid ,..operta, :nttl <br />sill pap pxoayttlp wam dtse anv premiums therefor. All insurance efts!] be serried in compaetim atreptabk <br />to taortgsgnec sad flue policies and renewals thereof shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto <br />Iws parable clauses in favor of and is form atreptahie to the mortgagee. In even! of loss, mortgagor will give <br />i>sa4eduaa settee in writing to mortgagtx, sad mottgagoe may snake ptaof of lose if not made promptly by <br />sartga~, and each itmarance company caoreraed i s hereby authorised and directed to make payment for such <br />lee directly to m,.ztgasc+e it+atead ~ to mortgagor sad mort{~,gre jointly, and the insurance proceeds or anv <br />part slay be applitd b}• mortgagee stela aptimt either W the reduction of zhe :adebiedneaa hemby <br />setaresl oa to the testaration or repair a# the progter!}• damaged w destroyed. In event of foreclosure of Chia <br />eta, ar atlfce• tr7taa€er of title 18 said prcprm in eztsnguishm.nt of the iadebtedttcss stxured hereby, aR <br />riglrL title, ast+d itatetesa of the mortgagor in and to asp•.. paliciea then in foyer eha12 pass to the <br />perr>fiisaser +x raartgspee ar, ai du option of tae arariFagre, may b+• ~urrrn+irr,-•d fns a trixutd. <br />g. lie will keep all buildings and other improvement. ou ,aid pr<tprrta in rood repair and condition: <br />will permi#, eaOraiL or sn$er ao waste, impairment, dettriaratiart of ,-aid i>rol+erta ar aua part thereof; <br />tai the event of failure of the taartgagor to keep the building> an ,ai+1 1+rexuiera and those erected an said <br />prraaiaes, or improveatemt. theteoai, in gaol repair, the atortY.ager tun} male melt rri,airs as in its discretion <br />it tatay dotan tseceasae_v far the proper pmervuian thereof: and the full amauttt of each and every such <br />papmwtt shall be imterdiatedp dtte sad pavable: sad shat! he lrcurtvl b} tits lien of this ntartgage. <br />A. Ae aviIl ~ valuatarily create or permit to be ceeated against the property subject to this mortgage say <br />or liras ietferior or superior tr. the lien of this mortgage without the wrineo consent of the mortgage; attd <br />further, that he will lecp atad trtaintaia the wame free from the claim .tt all prrr,~nf supplying labor or <br />atatetiaia #sr mszwmxtiaa of anv sad all Imsldmgs er itnprovent»nh. Haw hero}: erected or to rte erenird nn <br />i. lle will sot real ar assign say part of the rent of said mr.-tgaged pruprrt~ ur demolish, or reutuyr. <br />or sabstaatially aher ens- building withaui the written rntteertt of the + ~ortgager. <br />- j, All arraade of daasagts is msaerti~t wieh t+ag• rnndemaation far pubiie tt:e of or iujun to au} of the <br />property ;;abject to ibis teariga}te art luttby assiyttrnl and shall be paid tct ntortgaRee, who ma} apply the <br />>emt to pa}'rttettt of ibr ixaullments last due ender said aatr anti mortgagee it hrrrh} authorised, in the <br />tgaar of the ;~, to ratrrge sad del»~ vsGd aevlai#taate+ thereof artd to appeal from any such award. <br />k.. The ~w4afl hex th+e ritcht to inspect the ntarlgageti premier. at ana rrasoxtable titer. <br />L;;~ bit atgr st# tLa atsveat~s or bat~iticaa of this ia-erernaat or of the Hate ar loan agreement secured <br />shall ~srninata tbo math a right to pess~ae, team and crtjovatent of the property, at the option of the <br />his fit baietg agreed that the ~ shall have sttclt right until default). Upaa any such <br />defatt~4 ~-. anal} bnnamr. ibe ewiaeer.ef tt~ of~tl~e rants and profile accruing after default as security <br />fen the 'sad ttesozred hta+e6}•, with,llitta;rl~Lt to enrirc:agoa.aaid property for the purpose of eulleeting such <br />rests sad pra5is Tlsis irrssttemertt shall eyasaieaa.ttattsai~ameat ~ •nv rentals on said property to that ezt:nt. <br />sa,, t=aww sea tz-nt <br />