<br />SURTFX`P TQ Mortgage in favor of United States of America, acting through the
<br />Farm,-c ~ ~k}t~;n;c~ation, I1Ot to e~eceed $4,100.00.
<br />mgetb~ v~h all tigha, interests, tasemmts, berediramenu and appurteaaacts thercuato belonging, the rend, issues, and
<br />profits thetmf and zevmnes and ittcatat therrfram, all improvements and personal property now ar later attached thereto x
<br />tasoaably necrnsry xo the use xhereaf,utduding, but act limited to, ranges, refrigmtars, clothes waslltrS, dashes dryers,
<br />as mrQetst~ pmebased to financed in whole aQ in put with ]ma funds, all ~aM, water rights, and water stock pertatntttp
<br />thereto, saes a41 pa mu at nay time ows~, to Boarower bt virtue of any saL, base. transfer, convecance, ar rnndtmnadon
<br />of any psart az interest thrrein-all oFa+hieb ate herein cal3a3 "the propmxy^;
<br />3Y3 HAY£ AND TO lit3I.D xhe Propttty rata the Govr:rtmmt and its assi¢as ftssevtr in fee simPlt.
<br />8L3RRDi~£R fffi Borrower's atlf, $otiawer's ]teirs, ezttutnrs, administnto:,, :ucctssars and asxigns >ti'ARRANTS THE
<br />T?TLE m the proparv fo tl+t Governnteae all lawful claims and demands whatsoever ezerpt any liens, encumbrances,
<br />uumcats, retrswdons, or maveyances ~lu;.rri„abo~, and COVENANTS ANO AGREES as follavts:
<br />(il To pa$ promptly witea dur any indebtedness to the Govsammt hereby secteeti and to adesonify and save liarm-
<br />kss the °'--ams+t tgainst art lass ~aderrs insuraacs of paymtax of the ante by reason of any deiauh by itortower.
<br />Atoll tisaes when the sort is held by z$ insured ltalder, Barrows shall candour to make paymetts an t$e note to the Govettt-
<br />tnens, as ttctilaciioa for the ho~der.
<br />Farauts Tq m a~t salt #crs and othrr charges as may Haw or na~rafxer be reyuiml by regulations of tha
<br />,j3~ ~ regaled by the Govertuntnt, to makt additional z~,anthly payments of ?I?2 of tht estirtuted anntul faxes,
<br />ate'ass. snsrsranct prrat'ntms and o3ta raarges xtpan t~ atartg3,ge3 p,Mttu~s,
<br />1:~~ -~ of s~ d~ at+t= s irtsuretll by tht ~, €ht Govtrtunent taav at anp simr pay any orbs amounts
<br />regztasd herea to be paid b Borrows anti Hat paid by Sarrawer whta due, as svrl? as nay casts and tzpeasts for the prt-
<br />ses*+Tion. prosectios, or rat of this lien, u advaaus far the actntmt al Horrowtr. All suth advances shall bear
<br />interest az the ate home by the Hate rich has the litgbrst intrrttr rate. -
<br />~5; !3 advaacss by the Govsament as d is this iasaumtnt, with intereu, shall be immediattly due and payable
<br />by ~ &eymr4atnt without deauad at tht plane desig;iated in the lastst Hare and shall be secured hereby. Na
<br />sttt& adaanaethe C+aMaaeetat shall relieve $or_asver from btucb of Barrat~r's covenant to pay. Such advances, Witt:
<br />iatemss, shall be repaid Exam the fast availai+le eslltetioas r«eived Pram $rsr:Owtr. Ckherwist. any payat~nt made by
<br />may be apfrlied cues tht naxr or aav indebtedness to the Gaceramtaz treated k:meLy is any ordtr the Govtrntncnt
<br />...:1
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