USBA-FmHA Position 5
<br />Foem FmHA 427-1 NB -
<br />THIS MORTGAGE is made and entered into by _5~[j,S..,T.~.t'SI.j.Ablr_..TR.._.3IyC~.~`I'..SL..ALLATZr..18L~I1d
<br />_d~..SF1~P.t-E3C~2-7S2--]]].S- aryl tt~r_.tEd1_r1C~ht..~YIC1..r7.S.. c~rYVSCa..OE._~.-Q~]E'2t---'--'-----....------."-----"-
<br />rrsiding in - _~.~+ t .______~_______-_~____ County, Nebraska, whose post office address is
<br />~. ~+~'~ 3-s.B~ $2s~~.._---~--- S~C~ R2VES--- ---. Nebraska 6$883
<br />herein called "Borrower," sod:
<br />WHEREAS Borrewer is indebted to the United States of America. acting through the Farmers Home Administration,
<br />United States Department of Agriculture, hercia called the "Government," u eszdenced by one or maze promissory- nota(s)
<br />or assumption agreement{sl, hercia tailed "note;' which has bean exreuted br Borroavrr, is payable to the order of the
<br />Government, aurhorizrF acceleration of the entire indebtedness at the option of the Government upon any default by
<br />Borrower, and is drstxibed as follows:
<br />Ax+ma! i2are Doe Date of Fines!
<br />Date of lxttrnmarrt Priacipa2,4m~nr of latrresr Irutallment
<br />,3amnaxlt lbr 19&4. $24,000.00 10$,' Salnlaty 16. 2020.
<br />jlf tlx iaDeiest rase is kss titan _3]~,B____;o for farm ownership or operating laaa(s) secured by this insaumrnt, then the
<br />mu may be thattgcd as provtdcd m the WOLF,}
<br />And the Harr evidences a lose to Borrower, and the Government, at any time, may assign the note and insure the pay-
<br />mrtss titrnaf putsuaat to tht Consolitlatz4] Farm and Rural Develogmrnt Att; or Title V of the Housing Act of 1944 or an;~
<br />ot3tet stamit administe^ed by thr Fatmrrs Haanr Administration;
<br />And it v zhe pzvpose and infest of this imtrument that, among other Chugs, at ail times wham the note is held hg the
<br />C,ovra+.....+~, or is the etxat the Government should assign this mstrument without insvrancz of the Wore. this instrtttttenc
<br />shall secure paymcat of rhr note; btu when the nou is he]d by an iasure3 holdn, this instrument shall not srcurc gay mrnt
<br />a# rite torte or atritft to the debt rvidet~ed thereby, but as to the rota and such debt shalt constiture an indemnity mortgage
<br />so scents rise Garezatt+eax against loss tmdrr its insurance toatrur by ressan of any default by Borrower;
<br />Ard this instruatenx a}so sacurrs the rreaptttre of say inurest credit or subsidy which may be gtizztcd to the Barreawcx by
<br />~ Gavezstaneaz gutsttant rn d2 US.C. ~14911a.
<br />NJAd, THEREFORE, at consideration of thr loantsl sad {a; at all tunes whrn the note is hrld by thr Government, or in
<br />x$r tveat the Government ~ovkl assign this iastramenz wtihaut iasw:ttcs of thr payvtenr of thr note, co xctue prompt
<br />Iapmmx of zht note and any trnew-als acrd ectrrrstoas thereof sad any agrremcnss coataiaed therein, including any provision
<br />lot she payrtuat of •n ~+~mT^- or other charge. (h; at all times whca the sots is hold by an instrrrd holds:, zo setme per-
<br />fosmaace ai Brxraaxr's aga~nrat herein to iadrmnifir and save harmlrss the Government agairsst loss undwr its insurance
<br />oomaa~ by reason of say debnh by B~rowrr. ated ic) is say evenz and at all times zn uatre the ptromgt payment of all
<br />advaaens and a=gerriitvtes m:ue by thr Gavaament, with interest, as hezrinaftet descnlx.i, and tine pezrarmance of every
<br />eoscnsnt sad sgretsaeat of BntroKSr tymtaiard lrerr3a ar is any suPPlmxentary aapgtre ent, Botrown does haxeby grant,
<br />hugaim, sr~, raavrr asd asstgtt, with geaetal warranty, unto the Gaverntaent the fallavv~mg property sitttax~ in dse State of
<br />Nebzasts,Cammry{iesj of --_. wit 1 _. _._.._---.---._____.,_~_.-.-.-•
<br />31ee 9out3~ ~nlf a~ rite Nutt Qa~r t~1ic) flf ~' F..iaat 3Wenty-fates (24)
<br />wig ?31ev~1 (11) Ziasttl. ~e filelve (12) . Walt of the Sucth P.M. ,
<br />. '10 >~ge is favor of Federal 7~Ixi Baatk mt to excQSd $20 r 900.00 .
<br />!` l!lo~ts,~lg~e~,.yin,f~avour ~ofyikeifiad Stites o~fy~A~to/e~ricay, acting t}ttt~t~la tine
<br />iDa..L'~' i~S~ J3.iL ~ ~3s~ I1lV sVV alb
<br />mHA 427-] NB (Rev. 5-15-79)
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