<br />~ .r.
<br />i~~~
<br />35. A certain tract ~.f land described in a certain warranty decd, dated
<br />August 9, 1967, by Hubert H. and Bernice Noieaszewaki, husband and
<br />wife, as grantors, to the lSurtgagor, as grantee, and recorded in the
<br />~ Office of Register of Deeds, of ball coney, in the State of
<br />• Nebraska, in Deed Buok 154 u[ Deeds, page:34.T~
<br />NW~NW; 1t1=•T~:0t7-it121t
<br />36. A cert:yin trace of land described !n a certain warranty deed, dated
<br />April 1, 1'16H, by Ottu E. and Emma C. HeyAr, husband and wife'
<br />as ,^s:•rtturs, to the HortgaFuc, as grantee, and recorded 1n the
<br />Office ui Ke~;isder of Deeds, of Hall County, in the State of
<br />Nebraska, in Deed Book I5b of Deeds, page 144;
<br />SEI•Sl:~ 20-TIG'N-1211W
<br />40. A certain tract of land described in a certain warranty deed, dated
<br />1`iarch 4, 1946, by Bert and Consuela Pt. Dickey, husband and wife,
<br />as Irantors, to the Tbctgat;ur, as grantee, and recorded in the
<br />' Office o[ Registee of Deeds, of Hall County, in the State of Nebraska,
<br />in Dced Buok 87 of Deeds, page 360;
<br />Lots 1, 7 b8, Frac. Lots 2, 3, &6, all Frac.
<br />' Hlk. I5 F.rnold b Abbott's Add. to G.I. & compls.
<br />Frac. Lots b 6 7, Frac. Blk. 1 Spaulding & -
<br />Gregg's Add. to G.I., & Frac. Lots 2, 3, 4 i b
<br />Frac. Blk. 21 Bonnie Brae ndcl. to G.I.
<br />4I. A certain tract of land described in a certain warranty deed, dared
<br />October 24, 1963, by Bert and C~•naitla At. Rickey, husband and wife,
<br />as grantors, to the Mortgagor, as grantea, and recorded in tha
<br />Office of Register of Deeds. of Hali Cooney, in tha State of
<br />Habrsaka, in_ Deed Book 143 of Deeds, page 241;
<br />Lots 3 & 4, Blk. 14, lrnold b Abbott's Add. to G.I.
<br />45. A certain tract of land described in a certain wrranty decd, dated
<br />April 16, 1971, by City of Crand Island, as graator, to the
<br />tbrtgagoc, as grantee, and recorded in the 0#ffu of Ragistar of
<br />Deeds, of Hall County, in the State of Nebraska, in Aae+d book t1;
<br />of Deada (IKiscallaneous). page 560;
<br />West AO ft, of vacated Adams St. between West tine of
<br />Blk. 14 and the East line of Blk. l5, heiDg 280 Ft. in
<br />iengt2~. from North line s~f 3rd St. tc- South line of
<br />S. Front St. iA Arnold i Abbott's Add. to G.I. {Ordi-
<br />nance 49.99_ e_nactef3. 4-5-71~ , _-
<br />