<br />2. A certain tract of Land described in a certain warranty deed, dated
<br />January 19, 1940, by Arthur and Dora Denman, husband and wife,
<br />as grantors, to the Mortgagor, as grantee, and recorded in the
<br />Office of Che Register of Deeds, of Hall County, in the
<br />State of Nebraska, in Deed Book 77 of Deed a, page 493;
<br />I7E~tSE : 31-T 11N-R10W
<br />3. A certain tract of land described in a certain warranty deed, dated
<br />December 14, 1945, by Raymond H. and G:rnette Loucks, husband and
<br />wife~and Frank and Florence Thorp, husband and wife, as grantors,
<br />to the Mortgagor, as grantee, and recorded in the Office of the
<br />Register of Deeds, of Hall County, in the State of Nebraska, in
<br />Deed Book 85 of Deeds, page G45;
<br />SWeSWi 4-'1'lON-Rllr9
<br />7, A certain tract of land described in a certain warranty deed,daeed
<br />July 20, 1953, by Charles S. and Hattie K. Hetrick, husband and wife,
<br />as grantors, to the Mortgagor, as grantee, and recorded in the
<br />' Office of the Register of Deeds, of Hall County, in the
<br />State of Nebraska, in Deed Buok 107 of Deeds, page 583; '
<br />SEI+SE'-3 33-•^10[i-R121+ '
<br />9. A certain trzet of land described in a certain warranty deed, dated
<br />April 7, 1913, by John U, and Myrtle F. Kipp, hw band and wife,
<br />as grantors, to the Tbrtgagoc, as granite, and recorded in the
<br />Office of the Register of Deeds, of Hall County, in the
<br />State of Nebraska, in Deed &~ok Ii3 of Deeds, pagt 421;
<br />SE;SE~ 20-T9N-R91J
<br />11. A certain tract of land described in ,! certain warranty dead, dated
<br />December 13, 1956, by Harry E. and Zna N. Glenn, husband and wife,
<br />as grantors, to the Mortgafiur, as grantee, and recorded in the
<br />Office of the Regiatcr of Deeds, of Halt County, in the
<br />State of Nebraska, in Deed Bouk 119 of Deeds, page 537;
<br />SE;:SEAS 14-T11N-R12W
<br />30. A certain tract of land described in a certain warranty deed, dated
<br />January 23, 1967, by sax J. Cornelius, a widower, as grantor,
<br />' to the Mortgagor, as grantee, and recorded in the Office of
<br />Register of Deeds, of Hall Cuut,ty, in the State of Nebraska,
<br />in Decd Huuk 152 of Deeds, page 7.15.
<br />SW~ 1-'i'lit+-R10W
<br />32, A certain tract of land described in a certain warranty deed, dated
<br />October 6, 19(x9, by Lawrence and Crate Kreger, husband and wife,
<br />as irantors, to the MortfiaF;ur, as grantt?, 3fld reeord,d in the
<br />Office of Register of Docds, ui tlali County, in tha Stato of
<br />Nebraska, in Deed Book 160 of Deede a
<br />SW~ 29-T10N-R9H , P Se 53;
<br />33. A certain tract of land described in a certain warranty deed, dated
<br />June 9, 1971, by Henry N, and Beulah Mettenbrink, husband grid wi#e,
<br />as grantors, to the Mortgagor, as grantor, and recorded in the
<br />Office of Register of Deeds, of Hail County, i,~ the State of
<br />Nebraska, in Dttd gook 164 of Deeds, page 401;
<br />N}:IxNEii 3'T11H-RlOW
<br />