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<br />~. Zty. 7ise bfottgagor is 3awifully sti'z;fd of ~ rrtgrt,~aged'.~propL4RY and txa;. gaa.,3 r~,igl~t„ full power anJ'~ lawful authority to~,..slcll '
<br />#ad marry the tame in the rpaan~t above pre tded, llii;nd wiI! v:+arrpnr aad rlefea[I' thr, sann;r tp the rtorrgage~, farsver againttt rent „taw•
<br />''~ ful rlaisrba. •std demands of~.anY i#nd ,ail partliss ~,tiyl~Iatxotver.~: ~ ', ~ d - '.
<br />x ~ 21. 7Esia Adortga$e and all the covenants, agrcementa, term: and conditions herein contained shall be binding upo and inure
<br />- ~ t6a betsetit-of the Mortgagor and the heirs, legal reprexntatives and astigas of the Rortgagor, anJ, to the rxtent permitted l+T
<br />" - -law, every substquera owtu[ of the mortgaged property; and shall he hinding upon and inset to the hcnt(it of the Mortgagee
<br />- ~ .- aed isa assigns. 1f Me Mortgagor, as dsfiaed herein, cnmists of two or more~partin, this A[ortgage shall cotntitute a gent one!
<br />trasrtgage by sIE of fhtrn jointly and severally, and they shall be obligate) jointly apd scverally~ anJcr all the provisions I+ereaf anJ
<br />- amhr the Nola.. Ilse wotd~ "Mortgagee" shah include any pertaa, corpnratinn or ether pxrty who may knm rims to time bt the
<br />holder of this Mortgage. Wherever used heccin the singular numher shall ineludr the plursl, the Aural number sisals include the
<br />- - susgalar, atd [he test of any grnder shall be appliable to all genders wherever eke sense requires.
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<br />E. IN N'1TAfI55 t?•NER~OF thin Murtgagr bas been duly signed anJ scale) 6y the Diortkagor on nr as u( the Jay anJ ycu first
<br />g;: shoat trritttas.
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<br />- tTA'R O! Nfl6RASKA,
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<br />paesarsaliy M are kta~tt to be the ideetinl person ~ vhost name __-~-^~ al(iaeJ to the above and (otegoingioS?strumrnt as
<br />' ~ Mesigagoq aad ~ °,t. _ s.knowicdged the said instrument and the cxrcution thereof to be C1,sr-~l
<br />tr~lttotary ett aad lord, ( urposes thereia sapresscd.
<br />1'a tesNrogeT whereof, I love hereunto set soy hand and awed by -},~ seal a'F~n~x...:~. ~et r't.'C ~F-`,~_
<br />art the day and date last above written. ~~C~'=~~:. ~,.,~Z~/"'~ - - -~
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