9- Upnn art? failure by the Mnrtga~g~?r to rompty with or perfrssm stay of the tarns, revenants or tandit ions of tir3s Mort-
<br />gage rcquiriag the payment of any amount of money by the Mortgagor, tether than nc~ principal amount of tl:c {oaa cuidl~nccd by
<br />the Nate,~intertsL,aad alhtr +har};es, as pnivi=4ed iu~the Ihr.t<, the htr~rtf:agt•e rosy at its option make suet, payrnen.R. Ewccy
<br />PaJrrreat xo made by the btortgpgcr. (intludn,g rcannna6lt atmrney's lens insu[Fal d,anrhy), witlk inlcrest thcrrnn ham tktc dale
<br />of such payment, at the rate of six pen net (67) pct annum, rxrrpt any p:ry-nsca[ fur whi<h a diHrrrnt ' ~Ie of interest is
<br />specific) herein, shall be payable by the Mnrti;agor to the b{ortgagct un dcm.md and shall be secured by this DSortRagt. This
<br />Afortgage with raspett to any such amount and the inlcrest thereon, shall constihitr a lien nn the mortgaged property prior to
<br />say other lirn atta<fiing or accruing subxqutnt Rs the lire u( this Mortgage.
<br />- - 10. T-ht Mortgagee, by any of its agents of rcpresrntatives, shall have the right to inspect the mortgaged property from time
<br />-, to time at any reasonable hoar of the day. Should the mortgage) pruperty, or any part thereof, at any time require insprctinn,
<br />repair, are or attention of any kin.! or nature not provide) hp this Mmtgagr as determined by the Dfortgagec in its safe dis•
<br />etiun, Iht btongagcr nu y, after ro.ti.e to the Mortgagor, toter or coon a~ntry to Lr made upon, the mortgaged property, and
<br />inspect, repair, profrc E, ore for or maintain such property, as the hfivtgap ~.~ may m tts sale disc rction deem necessary, and may
<br />pay all amounts of money Ihrrrior, as the Istortgagce may in its sole disc re ti~.n deem necessary.
<br />ll. The principal amount owing en the Nott tergclhrr xidr intttcst thereon and all other charges, at thertin nrovidcd,
<br />r~' and all other amounts of money usving by the Mortgagor to the Mortt;agrr pursuant to and secure) or intended robe xcuttd
<br />{ 6y this Diortgage, shall imniediatcly be•comc due and payable without entire nr alrmand upon the appointment of a receiver or
<br />ligwdator, whether voluntary or rnvoluntuy, for tha Mortgagor or any n( the property of the Dforrgagor, or upon the filing of
<br />a petition by or against the Mortgagor under the prov,zions of any State rnsolvcnry law, ar under the pmv,sions of the Bank-
<br />tuptq Act of 1898, as amended, ur upon the making by the hinrigagor of an usignrnrnt fur the benefit of the Mortgagor s creditors.
<br />The Afortgagec is authorized ro declare, at its option, all or any part u( suJ, indcbtednns immediately due and payshle upon Ne
<br />happening of any of .the following avcnts:
<br />(a) Failure to pay the amount of any installment of principal and inlcrest, nr other charges payable on the Note, which stroll -
<br />~ have became due, prior to the due date of the next such inxtallment;
<br />(b) Nunpetfotmanct by the Mortgagor of any covenant, agreement, term ar condition n( this MortgaRr, of of the Nok
<br />(u«pt as otherwise prnviJcJ in subdivision (a) hereof) ut n( any other agreement hrrctafure, herewith ar htteafttr made
<br />by the bfortgagor wish the Mortgagee in conorrtinn with such irolchtedness;
<br />(e) Failure of the Islortgagnr lu perform any iorenmt, agreement, term nr amJitinn in any instrument creating a lien upon
<br />the mortgage) pruperty, or any part thrnrof, which shall have priority met the lien of this Mortgage;
<br />(d) 't'he Dtortgagee's dixcovay of the )sinrtgagor's L,ilure in any appr,arinn of the Mortgagor to the Mortgagee to disdote
<br />- soy' .art JrrmeJ by the Mortgagee to be material, or of the nuking therein or in any of the agreements entered into
<br />by the l.fortgagnt with the hfnrtgagcr (intludurg, but not limited In, the Nntt and this Martgtgt) of any meueprisln-
<br />'~ ', ration hy, on bei'ul( af, or fur the bcncfrt af, the hfortgagnr;
<br />{e) The sate, !rase nr other tnnsfrr of any kin) ar nature of the mortgaged prapcrty, or any part thereof, without the prior
<br />written consent of the hfurtRagec;
<br />{O T'ht enactment :flee tl:r .;ate of this \fartgsge at any Isv.• of the Starr of Nebraska deducting from the value of
<br />' the nu,rtgaged property far aay,part thereof), Ear the purpa« of taxation, any lien therenq. or changing in any waJ
<br />' ~ its laws for the taaation of nsartgages nr dehn secured by nmrt};age for state nr local purposes, or the manna of eollac-
<br />tinn of any such taa, so u m allot this MnrtRagr, and i( alto sorb enactment er change the holder of the Note and this
<br />Mortgage gives written nntssc to the Mortgagor JcdarinR the Notr anJ all other indebtedness xcu.rd 6y this Mortgsge
<br />to be clue and payable, hawse n( any sudr enactment or rhangq inunrJiately upon the ezpiratinrt of Thirty (~) days
<br />after such notice.
<br />]'he bfongagce"s failure to exercise any of itx rights hneundtr shall nut constitute a waiver thercaf. All the events in this Para-
<br />graph enumerated upon the happening of any of which the Note shall become, at may ht .iterated to b4 immediattfy dot and
<br />paJabfe, are in this Aturtgage .aped `events of JefaulC•.
<br />', 12. 1-hr Mortgagee may (torn time to time cure each default under any savrnant ar agtcenrrnt in any instrument treating a
<br />lien upon the mortgaged preperty, or any pact t{rerco(, which shall (rave priority over the lien of this Mnrtgag0. eq such txteat
<br />as the Afortgagtt nay exclusively dttrtmin<, and each amount paid (iF any} !+y the MuKgagrc Fa Carr ar,y such default sftafl be paid
<br />- by the fsfartGag+,t to the A{+utgagrr; aa.l tlsr Mortgagee shx!! also I,tsum< subtogafe.! to wh,,tevtt riythts ih4 h=.#r+`tr of the prior
<br />tiro might have uadrr such ittstrwnent.
<br />~_- ~ - i3. (a~) After the happrnin[t of any default h_r•reunder, the MortRagor_shal! upon <lemancj cf the_ Dfntt~e~ce sarrtttder.Asasus=
<br />- - - - --- lion u! the mortgage) properly Fo the Mortga};er, and the Mortgagee may enter such prapcrty, anJ Ice the same arsd lutist tIl the
<br />renb tberefram which ate Jue ar hr hccunre ,luc, anJ apply the s.uuq after payment of all chaegrs and aprons, nn a<ceunt of
<br />the indehtedacss hereby secured, amt all such rents and all teases existing at the time aE sorb default ue botchy assigned to the
<br />MartBagec as further security fur the ~payuxtit of the indrhte.lness +aural hereby; and the AfurtRaRre may also dispoxs.tss, by the
<br />usual summary ptuctadings. any tr•n.mt defaL'hing in the payment of anY rent to the Mortgagee. .
<br />(b) 1n the event that the Mrntgagnr occupies the mnrtRagrd prapcrty nr any part thereof, the Mortgagor agrtts to surrender
<br />possession u/ su.h pruperty to the hturtgagrcrnnnedialrly after any sndr default htrenndcr, and if the Mortgagor remains in pa•
<br />session alter su+h default, such passrsvoo shall ht as a Tenant of the Mortgagee. and the Mortgagor shall pay in advance, vptan
<br />drnund by the ht.,rtgager, as a nvsnna6lc monthly rental (lv the premises utau}+icd by the Mortgagor, an amesunt ;.t feast tquinient
<br />to nne`twelfth of the aggregstr of the twcicr monthly instathnrnts pd, `hlf in the current <a lrmlar year, plus the actual amUYnt O(
<br />the annual ground trot, if any, tsar+, a+scsvnn,ta, water atcx, uthtr a;ovrrnmental shargcs amt insurance premiums payable is
<br />ronntrtiun with the nwngagal properly Juring su.h Year, anJ upon the failure ni the Mortgag+r to pay such mt+nthly natal,
<br />the Mortgagor pray aise, he Jispussrssed lay the usual summary proceedings applisahle to tenants. 't'his cavrsunt shah 6tevrnt
<br />effective immediately upon the happening of any such default, as detcrn,iarJ in the snit disrrttion a( the Mortgagee, who shall
<br />grva notice of such Jctennu,ath,n h, the Atortgagar, and in the use ui iureslnsurc and the appointment of a receiver of the nna,
<br />the within covenant shall inure to the henrlit of such reuivrr,
<br />t•i -7lx Afortgagce in any action to fnrerlosc this Afurlgage shall he entitle+l err the appointment of a receiver without naG«
<br />as a matter u( right and v,ithuut regard to the value of the mortgaged property, or the sutvem.y nr iasnlvtncy of shs Mortgagor
<br />of other party liable fur the payment of the Note and other indrhtcdnras +riurcd k+y this htortgage
<br />- IS. Thr hfartgagor, within ts•n {In) days uptn, request in person or within twtntp (20) daps upon request by mail, will
<br />famish- promptly a written statrnunt in loon salis(utury fu tfic Atortgagce, signed by the hortgagor and duly atknuwltdged, of
<br />the amount then owing on tfir Nutt and other indebttdnesr secured by this Mortgage, and whether any offsets or dtfenxt
<br />- exist against such indcb[edness or anJ -p.,ri thrrmF.
<br />-. - ~ i6: 1'hr btortgagar will-give-immedrde-notice by «gisterod nr «rtifinl mail to the Mortgagee of any fire, damage or other
<br />asualq aftcating tree mortgaged pruperty, or of any conveyance, tanskr or thongs in ownership of such property, or any part
<br />thcreot.
<br />17. Notice and demand to rtqurst may,br rnadc in ~*^'tng and may ht sccvcd in person or by mail.
<br />Ifl- la case of a (ortclosure salt of the mortgage,! ptogerty it may be sold in one parcel.
<br />-- ~ 19.-The Mortgagor a•il! rat assign-tlst rents, if any, in whale or in part, from the mor[g:gtd property, at any part thereof,
<br />wfthaut L'rt prior wrifftn ton3en; of the h[ortgaget.
<br />