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<br />all Jrbts, abiigatia+m anJ liabilities in;rsrrrd by rcasuo of any ar rice taken by the Mortgagee, a provided in this Puagraph, all <br />of whirh arnaunts so paid by the Afurtgag~.rc, with intcrrst lhrrec~n frrem du ~i.,tr r.( rash such payment, at the rase of three proctor <br />(37.) per amts: m, shah 6t 1•Jy]blc by the Mortgagor to the Atnrtgsgce on Demand anJ shalt be secured by this Mortgage. <br />_ ~. Na brai3Jing ar other structure or imprnvrment, fixture nr ptrsrussl property mortgaged hereby shat: be removed or <br />demolished without the prior written concert of dsc Atnrtgaga ,. 'I'hr Afore gager will n~.,t make, 'permit'if~ suffer any aReration of <br />nr aJdition to any building nr other s:ru:t~r~ nr impmvrmcnt now ..r whirh may hereafter bt erected or insUllcd upon the <br />mortgage) property, ur any put tlrer•nf, czrcpt tl.e improum~nrs required h, ht maJc pursuant ro Paragraph 3 hersof, nor <br />will the Mortgagor use, or penult or suffer the use nf, any of the nonsK]t;:•I pr,.p<rty fur any purpose other than the purpox <br />or purposes for whirh iho same is now intrndrJ to he use), withmrt der pnnr ,rnitcn consent of the Aiortgagec. The Mortgagor will <br />maintain the mortgage) property in guoJ cnnahtion anJ zr:,tr of repair and will nut suffer or permit any waste to any part thereof, acd <br />will promptly comply with all the requircmcnts of FeJenl, stare and local gnvrrnmenls, or of any deputments, divisions or <br />burro us thereof, Pertaining nr such prerpSrty ur any part the roof. <br />5. The Mortgagor will not vnlunty sly rrca te, nr permit nr ad(rr to ht created nr to ezisr. on rsr against the mortgaged <br />pral~crly, or any ,hart thereof, any lien suprnnr hr nc~ lien of rim Atnrtg.q;r, ex,lusive of the lirn or liens, if any, to which <br />dos Afnrtgage is expressly suhjert. as set forth in the grantins; elausr afinvr, and wilt keep and maintain the same fret from <br />the claims of all parties supplying labor nr materials whirh will enter into the runstrurtinn nr installaHnn of the Tmproremtmts. <br />6. (a} The Ainrtgagnr will keep all huildingt, other strutru its anJ i,nprnvrmrrtts, inrluJing equipment, now ezisting or <br />whirh may hert•after he ercncd nr installeJ on the Ian) mnrtga,gnl hereby, insurel against Inns by fire anJ other hazards, <br />Q"- casualliet and tnntinge•nciea, in such anu,anls xnd manner, and fur smh periods, all as may bt required from time to time by <br />the Mortgagee I'ulcss otherwise rcgairal bq ds< Mortgagor, all curh shall ht t(fe<tal by Standard Fire anJ Eztended <br />rK~7 Cuvenge Insurance politics, in amounts not tea. than nerrsury to rornplY w,th the minsuntnt tlatrx perctntJgt of the slue <br />,pprcahlr to the G,cation and charxter of the prnt,rrty to he.uvercd. All vuh imurame shall he tarred in cnmpanses approved <br />hl. the Af or:gaget and all pulse its tlrrr cfor shall br in sm6 form and shall have alta•hed thrretp Inss payable clauses in favor of th[ <br />Murrgagec anJ any other part,ca as shall be satis(aUury to the Mortgagee. All vnh polls its and ulaehmtnt+ Ihercto stall, ht dtlirered <br />prunspdy Io the MurtgJgce, unlcas they are rrquireJ) to hr .I+•livrrr,l to the holder n(a lien of a nwrtgage or similar inttru- <br />.~ rnrnt to whirh this Mortgage ,s raprcaJy suhjert, in which IaUrr carol rrrtrh, arr. thereof. satisfactory to the M+ertgsgee, shall be <br />h Jeliverrd prmnptly to the Alnrtg]gf! Thr Alntigagor will paY promptly v9,en Jut, as hrrrim(tcr proviJrd, and any amd dl <br />premiums nn such insurance, and in errry roar in srhieh paYmrm thereof is nut nsdr from the depn+its therefor reccireJ by this <br />Mortgage, promptly whmit to the Afortgagoe (nr <x]minatinn ere rip is nr other eviJrnce n( such payment as shalt i,e satisfaeto cy <br />to the Aiortgagee. 'fht A{orlgJgec may obtain anJ pay the premium nn (hut +IuII ht under nn obligation to do sn) curry kind Of <br />insunnse r«psireJ hereby i( d+e amount n( +uth premium has not bran deposited as required by this Mortgage, in which Brent <br />dm Afortgagor will pay to the Mnrty,7gcc every premium sn paid by the AfortRagtt. <br />(b) )n the event of loss or a!amage to the mnrtga grJ property the Ainrtgagnr will give rn the Mnrrgaget immediate notice <br />drereof by mail, and the Afortgagor may make and File peon( n( Inss i( not made otherwise promptly by Or nn behalf of Ne <br />Ainngagur. F.uh luau nn:e company issuing any curh polity is hcrrby ..nthuri>d1 and directnl to make paymrnt hereunder for <br />curh loss Directly m the Mortgagee, instead of to the A(nttgagnr .,nd the Afnrtgagee toindy, unless the amnurti of Inss is pap- <br />able fiat to the holder of a lien under a nsoctgagc nr similar instrums~ t M which this Mortgage is ezpressly ntbiecr and [ht <br />inaunnre proceeds ur any put thereof is rrcrival by the Afortgsgee m.,y hr appNal by the MnrtRaRee, at its option, either <br />in reduction of the indcMrdness hcrrby seiwed. M la the rrsn,ratiun m repair of the nsnrtgalted property Jamsged. {e <br />the event of foreclosure of this Mortgage, or of any transfer of tide as the n;urtgagrJ property in extinguishment of curh indebt- <br />edness, al! right, title anJ intorst of du Afortgagor in and to curry swh insurance pnliry then in force, subject to the rights <br />cad interest of tht hulJ:r n( any such prior lien, shall pass M the gnnttr as quiring title tr, the mortgaged property together with <br />such pnliry :nd appropriau Jssignmrut n( such right, title anJ inlrrrst aahielr shall br nude by else Mortgagor. <br />7. (a) fn order more fully 6s pmtert the security of this Mnrtgagr, the Afortgagor shall deposit with the Mortgagee to- <br />grther with, ant in adJitinn Iq the payment of printipal anal interest monthly on account of the Note steured hereby, until <br />the Note is paid in' full, an amount of ,aunty equal to the total amount of (i) ground rents, if any, next btcaming due, (ii) the <br />premiums next becoming Jur on nc~ po6rirs of (ire anJ alt other har.rrd in<umncc require) by fhb Mortgage with respect to the <br />mortg::grJ property, (ills tsars, ss.rsvnenez, wooer rates an=i otlrrr eJ,artnmrntat charges next becoming :sae on the mnrtitagtd <br />property (stl the (nrrguinR amounts as estimated by the Mortgacce and art forth in a written notice of :nth <stimatt by tht <br />ALsrtgagee to the AfnrtgagM (rpm liu,t to Nmr), Ifa1 all amounts gear mar already hart horn p-ri+1 thert(nr, divided ley the numbca <br />n( iJlrndar nu+nths to tlJpse before not ca knJiar nsnntlt print to tree dart when curh ground rents, pr€mistmt, taxts, access- <br />-rut,. seat€t r.ti€s amt atesrf grvs•rn:iersat l .:.. gr<- rripcttivrly, will hrt.:ns€ sine anJ pupshlt- if any amount referred to in <br />s'lauscs (ij through (iii} hereof is rratoire.l to iu elcpntitcd hr the Murtcaru± unJer a mortgage os a.r^-slat 6ntttument t:svEng <br />priority urtr the lien n/ this Monga~r. the Afortgagor shall make the aleposJtc naluircal by this l'arater]p)s 7 only in the event of the <br />-- -- -- -------ie1minatinn-bf such nhligitian ,inJcr !hr pnnr mortgage ar slurs(-er instnnucot. 1'Lt Mortgagor thsll give prompt notice la wnF <br />ing to the Mnrigagee n( the tits nrn~nrr n{ the Iaat~nsrnthmeJ event. All sorb amounts an Jepoaited with the Mallgagre iha^ be <br />hrW Ay Ihr Alnrtgagcc, or mY agent desi,ena4d hY it, in trust to he use •1 only fur the payment of sash ground trots, premiums, <br />razes, asscssmtnts, water rates and other pn•ernmmUl thargn. Nu mtrrest shall I,e payable by the Mortgagee tin any sum a <br />JcpnzitcJ. <br />{b) All amounts rrquireJ to hr Jrl -sited within the Mortgagee monthly in attnrdance with Paragraph 7(a) hereof, and the <br />awnunl of printipal and intertV to he pail each month nn account n( the hoer, shall ht a•Iskd together, and the ,ggrcpte aratount <br />thereof shall be paiJ by the Mortgagor da the A{urtgager in ^ +ingte payment hr bt applirJ by the Mortgagee on ucnuM of the <br />indehtcdnets of the .Ainrtgagnr pursuant h. the Nnte and this Mnrtgagr (m the extort that monies are available from the <br />amount so drpositcJ), in the order, an> provision of the Note hr the nntwithstandinyt, as follows: <br />PIRS1', to'the Ide charges, if any, ufSrreJ to in the Nnte; <br />SF.C4Ni), to the amaunf of sorb ground rents, if soy, fire and other hatacd inwranct premiums, razes, auessmMtt, ssa tit <br />rates and other governmental charges rrquireJ to hr pass) under the pcovisinn+ of thin Mortgage, in whateaer sequrnce t!u <br />Almrtgagre may rxslusively r4ienaint; - <br />TI{IRR, to interest due nn the Nmr, and <br />Pzltlii'l`fi, fhr remainder, so the pnneipal dot an the Note. <br />Any JriicirntY in the amount rat Jny such aggregJtf monthly payment shall, unless paid by the: Mortgagor prior to the due date of <br />the next such deposit payable. eonstiprie an event of default under this Atortgagt. <br />(c} Any excaa funds that nray he accumulated 6p tea+rsn of the Jrpnaits required under Paragraph T(a) hetmf, rttmaiging <br />after paymnst of the ^mounta dtacrihed in clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) thereof, shalt ht trrditeJ to subsequent respective monthly <br />- - amrsunta of the same usenet rrquireJ to Ire paiJ iherrunder. if any sucrh anurunt thsll cxtceJ the estimatt thertfor, the Afortgagor <br />+ - shall forthwith pay to the Afortgagor the amount of such defititnry upon written notice by the Atortgaget of the amount thereof. <br />FJilure to Jo so before the due date of curh amount shall ire an eve, r ..f default under this Mortgage. if the mortgaged prop- <br />- trey is sold under (orcrlosurt or is otherwiu arquirrJ by the Mortgagee, after default by the Afortgago4 any remaining <br />balance of tha arrumulations under Isarogaph 7(a) hereof, shall be credited to the principal amount owing on the Nott as of the <br />Jatt of commencement of forrtlosnre proceedings for the mortgaged property, or xs of the dare the mortgaged property is <br />fldrer vote 30 aeQYlted. , <br />g. Thr Tnt¢taremtnts and all plans and- sptcificstions therefor shall tnmplp with all applicable municipal ordinances, regu• <br />lotions, and rules made or promulgatrJ by lawful authority, usJ upon their tnnrp)rtion aha!! comply therewith. <br />