<br />-This Martpge mad< as of ehe 1st day of NoY~ber t9 79 , btt.a,~
<br />LtOnBrd R, 6r Eunice J. McCarty (hereinafttr catlsd, weed if morn than oam parry joiaE(y and
<br />ttrttaily herciasUet atled "Mortgagor"), residing at 514 E88t 9th Street, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />and eAe United States of Amnia (hereinafter celled "Mortpgee"), acting by anJ through the Dtparsment of Housing end Uehan
<br />Lltvelopmrnt having a Aegioaa! Office at 911 North Walnut, KBnsas City , qN{
<br />State of Missouri
<br />tQPITNESSETH, that to aewre the payment tsf an indtbttdness in the principal amount of Four Thousand, Three
<br />Hundred & NO/100poibra (3 4,300.00 ), with interest thereon, which shall be payable in accordance wig a
<br />rtrtain note bearing even dart heuwitA, s true and coverer ropy of whuh, cxrlusrve of the signature pf the Mortpgar, tssarked
<br />"Schedule A" is annexed hereto and male a part hereof, and all other indebtedness which the Mortgagor is oblipted M pay to
<br />tfir hfartgagee pursuant to the provisions of the Nott and this Mortgage, the IsTortgagor hereby gnnh, roavtys and taottpgq
<br />to the Macigagee:
<br />Tht fallowing Jesctibed property situate in Hall County, Ntbratka..
<br />Lot Eight ($), Block 'Ten (10), Russel 'Wheeler's Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, State of Nebraska
<br />- TOGE1'}tER, with all appurtenances thereto anJ all the estate and righn of the Mortgagor in artd to such praptrry ottu
<br />anywise appertaining thereto; alt 6uilJings and mhec structure now or herrahtr thereon erettal or installed, and all fixtora
<br />aaJ attrcles of pusoaal proputy new or hereafter attached to, or usrJ in, or in the operations ef, any such }saJ, bvildiap et
<br />j siructruts which arc necessary ro the cotnpiete use and ercupanry of such l+uilJin}ts or alntctures for the pufpux for srAicA ~,
<br />'-- -- _ wire or art to br er<cttJ et instalttJ, including, but not limited to alt heating, plumhing, hathrnom, lighting, tonkiag, tassauUT,.
<br />- -' - _ - - vrntitatmg, refrigerating, iminerating, anJ air-asnJitiooing equiprnmt and futures anJ tit replacen+enh thereof and additiraoa
<br />tlxnto, whether ar not the same are or shall be attached to such l:nd, tntitdiaga r.r struttures in any msnmr;
<br />TfX;f:T3iFR, with any anJ- all awards tree ar firma(ter malt for the taking of Fhr pr8periY 3cattgagrd itsr~ at sratp
<br />-_.. -.: gaff t.~ffnf (inrlsrdia; any easement), by ttse r-tftiat of the--post-er r,f r-tttintftt dtftwsin, j;+r`>ed# a a:rard lot t _~:
<br />- - _ gestic of any sum or other n+adway, which awards art herby assiRneJ M the hfortRage< and art deanvtd a part of rtes penpertr_
<br />-.. --trtottgagtrl hrrfhy, atsv't the Mortgagor is hcrel}y antharittd to rnliret :rnJ receive the prarecds of serfs awards, M giYa proper
<br />-__--- _-- _- retec}+ts an.f-aryostran:rs thctetnr;-;n- -ta apply-fhe same tower) H+E i~ayn+rrte of-the irsdtbtednezx secured by tAis ]itwiga~r, sot-
<br />. withshading the fart trot the amount awing thereon may not then he Jue anJ payahlc; and the Mertpgor Aan-y agraea, apse
<br />request, to make, raetute and deliver any mJ all azsignmentz and otter: inatrumrnb suffititnt for rtes purpose of a»igaing each.
<br />sucA award to the Atortgagre, free, rltar and JixhargtJ of any rncumbrances of any kind of natures whatatsevn; wad
<br />' - - TOGETftF.R, with all right, title anJ interest of the Mortgagor in u+.I to the land lying in the struts and roads is front of
<br />anJ aJjnining the above d<scribnl tan) (all the abnve described Ian), bud,lings, oN+er structures, fitturra, articles of puaased
<br />property, awards and other rights anJ interests bring hereinafter collydively <;:IIeJ Iha "ertertpged prnporty").
<br />- 'CO NAVE AND TO HQI.D the mortgaftesl property and terry part thrren/ onto the Mortpttte, its suttearon arsd aatdpa
<br />forever for the purposes and uses herein ut forth.
<br />ANU the hlortgagnr farther rovcnaMs and agrees with the Mortgagee, at fallaws:
<br />t. '1'ht ptottgagor will promptly pay the principal of and inrerrtt nn the inJrhtrdnrss rviJrnreJ by the Nott, and ^If ofhar
<br />charges anJ jnJrAtedaaaa provide) therein and in thit Mortgage, at the times and in tht manner provided is the Note wad in
<br />this Mortgage.
<br />'. The hkvtgagor will paY w•htn Juc, as hrreieafhr provided, all ground tents, if any, and tit texas, astMasuQMS, water
<br />vales anJ utlvrr gocrrnmeNal sh:ttgra, fincz anJ impasitianz, of every kin=1 and nature whatsotvtr, oar of htrnfter imposed ors
<br />-` - - - - -- - _ -the mart -
<br />g~gr,l property, or any part thereof, and will pay •hen Jue every amount of indebtedness Nrored by any Tien to which
<br />-the :stn of this Atortgsge iz txpresstY subject.
<br />' ). This Mortgage amt the Note were e:tcrteJ end drtittted to snore moneys adrancnt, nr Se br advarsted, ray tAe Motipgea
<br />- - - as or an account. of a lawn evidnxrJ by the Note, tot else putpast of tusking the imptavemena described ar feferted ~ is
<br />the dated t! a w as tits
<br />-mortgaged property, -and foe such other purpose, i[ way, desrtibd fir referee) en therein, rhich improveaaents are hernfter roiiK•
<br />duty railed "impravemenu:' Tlst Afortgagac that! make ar soar to he madt alt the improvemtnh. Tf the constructfms at
<br />instillation of the impmvtntentx shalt net be carried art with teasonahle diligeete, er shad be discoatiautd at any tiaaa far
<br />any. rtswa, other than strikes, lackus ts, acts of Gad, fires, ffoeda or othn similar ahstrophies, riots, war of iaawrectiess, else
<br />- -- - ,_ - _~.:,~{ottpgte alto due notice to theMurtgagor is hetebT snttsorircd (a}to enter upon tisesmfttpged property wed employ any waKh-
<br />mtn to protect the imp+uvements hum depre.lation of jnjury and to prnecve and protect such property, (b) to carry out any
<br />ae tilt then rtisling `e6neenets betwreri the Mwtaa}toc and otkn parties for -the pnr}seae eL making anT of iks_ IraprBrtrsttnfs,
<br />(c) to make and tats igta adJitirmat tostrart: and istsur obtipations for the purports of camptrting fix Istprovertsmts pursuant
<br />to eke obliptians of.the Mortgagor hereunder, either in the mast tsf test Murtgagte or the kfartgap+r, atsd (d) to paT and disrheags
<br />