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<br /> S. tia��l or Hvpei�ty� tawra�xe. Hormwer aha11 keep the in�r���uunus naw e�stin6 c� hen.after erateJ ua the
<br /> P�.��ny insur.d�ain:t lc�.v by �[�, huards i�KluJi�c! wiihin ihe te�u�"�ztc�►�1�d�oti.;r�:` ard::r�p otlucr h�anis, includinS -
<br /> fl�xls ur fl�xxliiig, iur whiitl 1.�itiJc: rquires i�uti��ta:�. Thi�iivur,uke�hrll h.:m:ituairk3 in t:ti: :ur�wrtes�r.:!far the perit�Jc
<br /> �Iwt Lc�xiei rryuircs. The inw�anct carri��pr�viJing Use in.wran�:sh�ll t+e chvsen by B►+�n�wei wbj�t to l.cn3cr'�appraca!
<br /> which shall n�K be u�utiu»t+ly withheld. if 13c�rrow•er Suls to n�int�i�i ru��erage descrihed ubuve. L.erKler ntvy. At I.en3tr's
<br /> up�ivi�,uviair�c��•:r,:�c to pitttecl Lct►tiri�ri¢ht. in ihe Pta(►�ny in an'w13a+u:� w<<h Wr.t��s�7•
<br /> All i�uw�a��ce policics z�xl rcn::w�ls tiha11 bc;ucc�iablc to i.cnde�and sha11 irxtu�tr a u,�xi�rd murtg:�e clautic. L.sxiet
<br /> sh.ift lu�e ihe risht to huld the polic'ses urc!�enewafa.if i..cnc2c,e rcyuiRS, t3urr��er st�all prc�n�xly�;ive t��lxnder all raceipts of
<br /> paid pre�iuun�s aiwi r���ewal ncxl+�s• [n thc c�ent of luss. Bnrn-,w�er shall give prompt nc�ti.c tn ttk intiur:ukc carrier and Len.ier•
<br /> l.�:r�w:.:r may rs�aL•:psoaf�,6 Aas if no: sn�e prom�tly by &�rmwzr.
<br /> L4�less 4c�xlcr�xl Bormw•er othenvise agn.•e in writin�,insurance proconis st�ll be a�plial to restoruicui or repair of the
<br /> Prnpeny dan�ed, if the restoration or re�ir is ec�nc�mirdly f��.+ible;u�i Le�er's secucity is not te.csened.If the resturation ot
<br /> repair is not cconomically f�;asihle or Lencler's socurit�• would be le.csencal.the insurance prcxvxds shall be:appliod to the sums
<br /> secured by this Socurity Insirunxnt. whether ar not then due, with any exceas paid to Borrow�er• If Barrower abatutoas the
<br /> Ru�x-,.y. o� da.s ttiai an.c�:•.r a•itl�in 34 d:sys a rKuic�frrun t ender that the insur,tnce currier Aas affered to scttle�cluim. tlun
<br /> Lendcr n�ay collect the insurance proa,�.'d�.. i-ender r►�y uf�e the procr,erls ta repair �r rzstore the I�aperty ar to pay sun�s
<br /> secuttxl by this Securily Insttumettt, whcth�r ar ncx then due. Thc 3t)d�y period will begin whcn the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lende:c and Borrower otherwi�c �cL�e in u•riting. anY applic�tian af proceeds to principal sh�ll not extend or
<br /> postpone the duc J�tc:oi the monthty p�yments referrc�d to in par,�raplis 1 and 2 ar change thc :u�wut�t of the p�ynrnts. If
<br /> urxlcr paragrzph 21 �.ik Prope�ty is acquired by l.ender, Bonrower's right to any insur,��ce p�licies and�imceals resultin� fmm
<br /> d•rmxge to tl�e Propercy priar to tl�c 3equisition shall pass to Letuler to the extent of the wuis secured by this Security b�WUineat
<br /> immediauly prior W the acquisition.
<br /> 6.Oocu�sutcYr Pre�rvateon�1►SaintenAnce s�nd ProtecSiu�c�the Pt�uperlY;Borrower's i.ow�A�pplk�uiioa;Leaceholtls.
<br /> Borrawer sh�Jl occupy.establish,and use the Property as Bv.-�ower's principal residence within sixty dr►ys�fter the executian of
<br /> thi�Sexxuiry Inctrument and sl�ull coatinue w occupy the l?c�,Yaerty as Borrower's principal residenee for at lezct one year after
<br /> the d.,t�:of axupxncy,unlE�Lendcr otherwise:�rees in�ri7.tir►g.which ca►sent sl�l!not be wueasanably witht�eld.or unlas
<br /> ¢xter:,uaYing circurr.stanaes exist Wf11G�1.17'['. I)C}'0[1d BtIROW�f's rnntrol. Borrower shall not destroy. damage or ia�pair the
<br /> Pfofxzt�. a�law Uic Property to deteriotnto.o�c�cnntnit u•�ste on the Pr+�perty. Bortower shall be in default if any forfeiwrc
<br /> xtic�or prar�Ji�nb,whether civil or crimii�.(, is begun that in Lender's goocl faith judgment cocctqt rrs�ilt in forfeitwe of the
<br /> p�np�ty or atiicrzise mzterially impair the lien created Uy riiis Security Instnunent or L�ender's securiry interest. Borrower r►�y
<br /> cuc�;�.x�n a deF�ult and reiastate.zs provided in paragrapG t f�.by causing the acdon or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> d��. in l.ec�dt7 s good faith detumination. precludes Corfi�;a►re of the aorrower's interest in the Property or other maseri�l
<br /> impaim�ent �i tP� lien created by thi9 Security Inurument or I.�nder's cr,avrity interest. Bonvwu shall also� ia default if
<br /> Homower,du�ine tfse loan application process.gave mlterialty false or icsa�rurase infom�ation or�u to Lender(or faiiai:
<br /> to ptovide I.xsxkr with any a3aterial infornution)in corukction with thc loau evidenccd by the Nar:,iacluding.but not limitai
<br /> to.r►.presentasic�ns conoeminE&irrower s oocupsncy of the Property as a priucipal resiaence.If this Socurity Insitumcat is on a
<br /> Ieasetwld. Borrower shall corp[y with all the provisioos of the lease. If Borrawec a�cjuirs fae title w the P�operty. the
<br /> lcasehold and t1tG fc�e title shall cwt mcrge utaless Le�er a,�rees to the merger in writiag.
<br /> ?_Pw►a�rtlm n[I.endes's R�hts ia tl�1'troDatY.If Horrower fails w perform tbe ooven�nt��nct agroemcnu containod'us
<br /> .-.. - tfris Security I�utnuu�u, or theie is�legal prcctrding that may signifi^..ant{y affeet Lender's righis in the Propetty (wch a9 a . .
<br /> pcecoeding in buikrupt�y.probue, for eondemc�tion or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulaeions),then l.tnder msy do and
<br /> pay for whatevu is necessary to protat the valeie of the Property and I.ender's righu in the Property. Lenler's xtioas m�y
<br /> include paying aay s�ms sxurcd by a liet� which has priority over this Security Insttument. appearing in court, payins
<br /> reaconable attomeys'fas and eiuering on tho Property w�nalce repai�s. Although I.ender may tske aedon under this par�gc�ph.
<br /> 7.I.a�der does not have to do so.
<br /> Aay amow�ts disbursat by I.ender under tt►is pangraph 7 st�all baome additional debt of Bornowu socurod by this
<br /> Sccurity ins►��nknt.Unless Honower and Le�cr agree ro utiyer tem�s of payn�ent.t3�se amounts shall bear inter+est froin the
<br /> ��C:. of disbunemeat �c the Noto rate and shall be pay�E�.�a;ith interes4 upoo sxrs�ce from icader to Boitowu ro9�esiing
<br /> ptlYment.
<br /> 8.Mo:t�e Iasurauee.If Ler�der required morcg�-e iawr�noe as a condidon of making the I�rn securod by this Sacuritu
<br /> Inttrumat, Borrowu shall pay the Fremiumc required Ia �aiivain the morcgage in.wra�ce in effoct. If. for any rpson, tL�
<br /> nwrtgage insur�ace covorage re�uirad by Lendor lapses or�xsses to be in effoct, Sarawer sh�ll pay the premiums required w
<br /> obtain ooverage s�ubsiantially equiv�lent to the martga�e��*a�previously in effoct.at a wst substu,tially er�rticakat to the
<br /> cost to Bonower of the mortgage inwrar�a previously in effect, fnw�: an�Itemate mortBaSe insura approved 8y I.ender.[f
<br /> substar►tiully oqunvaleni mortgage iasurence covcrage is not zvailable,Borrower st�ll pay to I.ender each month a sum equal to
<br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurinoe premiwn be:�paid by Borrower whcn tho inwranoe coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> be,ia efCect.La�der wiU�oo�pt,use and retain these p�yu�ts as a(oss reserve in licu of mortgs�ge ����*�. LASS reserve
<br /> fcaao 3028 9190
<br /> Wp�3olb
<br /> � ',- -� .
<br />