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<br /> 7'O(IGTHE:R WI'fH�11 �he iu�n»cu��u::�x�w•ur M�eafter�reccrd on the�►c�penl•, alld u11 easements. �Mwrte�wnc�,wtit
<br /> tixtu►ca nuw ��r hrrcifter a putt uf tlk �►n►{►chy. All ttiy+iw�enxr►ts mxf uktitiutu shall ulu► be ��u�•cral by ihis Serurity.
<br /> I�w�trumr�u. All uf thr furc�c�in�i� rtftrr�xl ta i��this S�utity Instruu�cut as the 'Fn�periy."
<br /> HUItRt�WFk t't1��E:NANia� &x�uw�cr is lawfult� �tx�l�,f�h�e►tiie hercby c:�ns.}-.d�uxf ha�Ihr ti�ht to�rsnt u�d
<br /> lYN1Y�'�� the Pr��..ny suxi th:u►hc }�rapeng is unnxwubertxl, except i��r c�kw��t+r�uki. ui'r�.�i�J. Ii.,:►.►w�� wair�uus uci:i wli
<br /> dcP�ix!gcner�lly the tide to tht Ptr1�mn�' ayaiiut all�laitns�uW ckavuxls,wbjcct 1���uiy rncun�6►�rnces uf r��ud.
<br /> 1't�IS Sl.CUR1TY INSTRUMGNT �rHnbii�y uniPuttn���,etunis for rwtiotul use anJ n►n•unifumi�v�ve�unts wi�h linuial
<br /> v�ri�ti�a�v hy ju►-isdi.tiu��tu�unuiiutca wufium sccuriq�instrunxm c.�vcri��n.al pn►p�izy.
<br /> UNIFUR[►t CnVfNAN1'S. Bunnw-er�►ui l.crukr ca��en�nt:uxl lgree;u f.►llows:
<br /> 1. PryntrWt ui' Pritxiprl w�l Iai2�esi: 1'tY�ytss�t �nd LaLe l;ls�es. Borraw-er�zall pn►n��i{v �y wstet� '�t:Ilu�
<br /> pmticiEu!af anct interc.0��n thc dct►1 e�•�ixt�i by chr Nate and W�y pn.p+yn�eni wrll:ate�I�:u�ea duc u��r thc Notc.
<br /> 2. Fl�ds f.�t'i'axcs s�d i �r. Subj�tit tu u�ti�.abte liK or tci a w ritce��:aiver h}• I.e�t:l�.:. Borrow•cr shall �.+ay tu
<br /> Leixlcr�v�the ciay monthfy pa}•ments art due u�xler the N�xe,until itk Ncxe is paid in full, a sum("Funds"1 f'ur. (•r)yeuly tues
<br /> ��sessnxnts u�hich nuy :►tuin priarity o�•er this Security Instrume�u��licn�m the Pr��xrty;(b)yearly ieaulwid paynxnts
<br /> or�round rentc on the F'n�peny.if any; (e1��early tward ur pmpeny insur,uke pn:miunu: (JI yearly ilcx�d insur.►ner prcmiun�s.
<br /> if ar�y: lcl ycacly nwng;�e inwrance prenua�u. if any: :utid 1�1��y ++� payable by Bortow-er ta l.eixler. in xcotdanee u•ith
<br /> tt� provisions of p�ragraph 8,in lieu of the p�yn�ent af mottgage iasurwwu piemiu�►u. .'''�ux :.cm:ar�c:!!r:!'F,s::rou:tams.'
<br /> Lender n�y. ut any time, callect ard Iwld Funds in an amaunt ixu :s e�^!Md the maximum ;�nxwnt a le�xier fur�fo�3eraUy
<br /> nlatod mortgage loan may require for Bormu•ei s escrow accoun� under the federal Real Estate Settlenxau Prcxxdurcs Act of
<br /> 19741s a�neiul�d from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. 1"RFSPA"),unle.cs another taw that a;+plia ta the Funds
<br /> sets a Iexser uncwnt. If so, Lender m�y,at any ti��e, collect and hold Funds in an unw�nt nat to execed the Iesse�amcwnt_
<br /> Lendcr may esti[nate the amount af Fuads duc on the ba�is oi'curreru dnta anci reasonabla estimatcs ��f expendiwrt;s of future
<br /> Fscruw Itt�n.v�r othecwise in accardance with applicable taw.
<br /> Thc 1=emds shall bc held in an institution whau deposits are insured by a faderrl a,�;eaticy, instrumerttality. oc entiry
<br /> (incltuiing i.endcr,if Lender is sttch an itutitutio�)or in any Federal Home Loan Bar►k. I.cu�k:shall apply the Funds to pay�he
<br /> Escrow Itenu. Lender m2y not charge BoROwu for hoidit�g and applying the Funds,anttually analyzing the escrow xcoutu,or
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest o�the Fun�Js and applicable law pem►its Lender to maice such
<br /> a charge.However, L.�uder may require Bonower to pay a one-time charge for an itbcperderet rcal estute tLx repo,tiqg servioe
<br /> used by Lender in cfl.^.nection with this loan, wtless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless sn ag�+ecment is nt�da ar
<br /> applicaGle law requii�es intemst to be paid,Lender shall not bc required to pay Bortower any interzst or eamittgs on tha Fu�s.
<br /> Borrowu and Lender may agree in writing.however.t}�t interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to I3urrowu.
<br /> without charge, an su�c�,il amou�uing of ihe Funds, showing crediu and debi��tu the Funds and the pur(wse for which ach
<br /> dchit to the Funds��;�ir,.�e.The Fuads are pledge�d as addidon�l security for nll sums securcd by this Secwity Insd�une�t.
<br /> If the Funds hei�!ht•Lender ex�ceed the amounu pernutted to be held by upplicabto IAw, l.encler sl�11 accaunt to Borrower
<br /> for the cr.ca�s Funds in accord.;u:::�it�the requirements of applicable law. If the�nwunc of the Funds hdd by I.ender at my
<br /> time is not safficient to pay the Esrtow Items when due,t.ender rt�y so notify Borrower iu wr iting.and,in such case Borrower
<br /> shall p�y to l.ender tlyc amount necesszry to malce up the�cieacy. Borrower si►�Il make up the deficieacy in no more thaa
<br /> twelve monthly p�yv9a',:..�,at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> Upoa payme�t in fu!! of all sums securod by this Security Instrument. �.ender shall prompdy rofund to Bosroxes ury
<br /> Fw�ds hel,�Dy L.enier.If,under paragraph 21.I.ender shall acquite or sell ths Propetty. L.eoder,prior w the acquisido��or sale
<br /> C.L_ A._._.��. � C.� i.���.'�.�Y��t�tlt.n���t�u�����awl�f�c fl(_f11YIlf f10AtI1Cf 1M'JtI11G iEOY/Ed bV
<br /> - Vt us r�v�.te�. S�'WZ�i�j� iii�a L� • � �+--.._. _ _. .. .._
<br /> �1S$OC�IFiC}+113S2iUA1C21i.
<br /> ` 3.�p�tioa a�1'aynunts. Unless applicable law provides othenvise.:tU payments received by i.ender under p�ragr�hs
<br /> 1 and 2 s�il t+e�LiaS:fint,to any prepayment charges due under the Ivcxe; seoond, to unounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> tl�iird,Lo iceG.�rest�C:e:fa�rth.to prin�-ipal due;uxl last.to anp l:te ch�rges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.fi,'4�eges;I3ess.Borrov:ec sFtatl pay all taxes.ass�essa�eats.. c6zrges.fines aua iu►,�oeitions attributabk to the Pt+opercY
<br /> which m►y 3ttain p�i�city over this 5ecurity Instrument, and leasehotd pa}�nrrxsts or�round raus. if any. Borrower sisal1 pay
<br /> these obligatioru ia.cire mtiuur providod in paragraph 2.or if not paid in.tls.�cr.�nner.Borrower shall pay them on time diraKly
<br /> to the per�on owed p,;;vrnait.Borrower sha11 promptly fumish to Lender all r,�ioes of urwunts W be paid under this par�taph.
<br /> If borrower m�lces thtse payments direcdy.Borrower sliall prom;ptly fumish to Lendu rxeipts evidencing the paymeuts. .
<br /> Borrowu sl�ll promptly di.e�arge any licn which has prEaciry over this Security Insttument unless Borrowu:(a}:,,�5 in
<br /> writing to th�p�ymait of the obligation secured by the lien in a manixr xceptsbk to Letdu; (b)contests in good f�i�Ia i�ae liea
<br /> by, or defends agaiuu enforcement of the liea iw, legal proceedings which in the L.ender's opinion openie to prrvent the
<br /> enforcement of the liec:o:(c)sacures from the Ivsi.der of the lien an agreemeat satisfactory to Lender u:Ianrdinating the liea t�
<br /> this Securiry Itutru�, if Lender determines that any parc of tlu Property is subject to a lien which may attain priociiy over
<br /> this Security Inswment.Ler�f�er a-a�give Borrower a notice identifying the li�n. Botro�r.aer shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> more of the actioas set funft:.f�a;��.e v.ithin 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> • • Parm 3o2a 91�0
<br /> aa.sae
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