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<br /> TWt�THER�VITN ull the im}�ru�-cnxnts ►x�w or hereaftu eroctctl un 1he pmpcny, an:i alt racrmcitit�,a�wrteiuukev,:uxi
<br /> fiKtures iw►w ii�� hertrRer u {�art of the p�u�+�tty, AU rrpla�:eaxi�ts anci �klitirtu st�:tl{ alau bc �uticru�! by this Saurity
<br /> I�utiuur�iN. Ali uf'tt►e fw�goio�l I.►.f.��.�rl t.�i�i thi�Se,:.urit}' lnctram:nt:�s tls;'Prc�pes►y."
<br /> BOKKt114 ER C`t)�FiNAN7'S thet Barn�wer iy luwful�y seix�l af thr e��att herchy�um•e}�ec!wrl tu�e tl�ri�ht t��gtant aixl
<br /> cexivey ihe F'n,�eny u�xl ttut ttk Ncup�r�y iy auri�:u►ubei�xl. rxeci�t for eikan�rarx�s ut'r.;.ar�i. Eiarn,u�er u:urant� :u�d K�il!
<br /> dei��:nd�;eikrally Uu ti�le ai tf►e Pn►�m• ag�ie�t ell clsio�c»r�.,3 4enr:nds,aubjttit t�•any�ix•umhn��x�ec�if•e�virri.
<br /> THIS SECUR{7'Y 1NSTRU�lENT wn�bincs utiifaru��u��ukuu�for tutlwu! u�c wkf tu�i•ucufunn arv�ati;uus with Iiuut+�J
<br /> �•ariatKxi.�hy jurixlic�iuii k�ruo.iiFUtew unii'in���.xtiu�ity iiu.t�unxr�t ecn�cring�al�r.�;.ny.
<br /> UNIFO�Ni C()�'ENANTS. &�rnwer and E.cixkr ctin•e�w�u wwt agree s�c fi�ll��ws:
<br /> 1. f'�y�weat of Principul wsd loterest; PreQs�yu�€ut uud i..ate Ch�r��w. Bo�row�r stwll pramt�xl}� paY when duc t6e
<br /> princip�l of an�i inter«t on the debt evidenoed by the Nute a�ui uny prepaynu�u n�u1 I;ue ch�uges due u�xier thr Ncue.
<br /> 2. �rads fo�Twces aud Inwrpa��e. Suhject t��applicable Inw.�r to a w�riitcn waiver by l.ender, Barn►wer chall p�y ea
<br /> Lcn:Jtc un ttu day�ru�nthly p�ym:nts are due uculer tt�e Nate. ur►til the Note is paid in full, a sum("FunJs")for. (a)yeasly taxes
<br /> ;uxl atses.cn�ents which may at4tin priority ovcr this 5ecuriry lnstruntcnt as u flen on the Propcny: (b)yearly leasehald paymei�ts
<br /> ur grourul re,nts an dw Praperty, if any; (c)year�y ha�ard or propert��insurance premiums; (d)ytruly�laocl insurance prenuums,
<br /> if any: (e)Yeuly nwrtR�,qe insurance pren»ums, if any; and (fl any sums paysble by Borrau�er to[.e�xler, in accordance w•ith
<br /> tt►c qrovisians uf par�raph 6,in licu of thc paym:nt of nw►tgagc insurancr premiunu.These iten�.c are callod "Escrow Ite�r-s."
<br /> l.cndcr n�ay, at any timc, collccl and hold Funds in un antiouiu not to exccxxl the aiaximum anwunt a Iender for a federilly
<br /> rclated nwrt�a�e losan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the faleral Real Estate Settlemeni Prceaiures Act of
<br /> 1974 as �nended from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 el seq. ("RESPA"). unless another law that applies to the Fucuis
<br /> scts a iesser a��wwu. �f so, L.ender m�.y,;rt any time, collect and hold Funds iu an amaunt not to exceed the lesser anwunt.
<br /> Le��der may estimate the anwuni of F'usa�s due on t3ie batis of current ckita and �sot�able e.uunatES of e�cixlitutes of futura
<br /> Escmw Items or athenvise in ac��ord.wk'e with applicable law.
<br /> The Fuads shalt be held in au it��udon whose deposits :ue insured by a fi�dera! sgecxy, instrument.:lity. or e�.:.:y
<br /> (including Leticier,if i,ender is such mr rdr�::ution)or in any Fedec•.�L!-(ome I.oan Eanlc.Lenciec�t.;�ll apply the Funds to p,��C�:
<br /> Fsc�row Itei:�. Lender iruy rwt charge F�rrou�er for holding an��iving the Fwuls.annu:il�y�c..:fyzing the escmw accc�:��'t, or
<br /> ��erifyinp the Escrow 1'caura.uailess Lender pays Borrower interest an tha Funds:�ui upplicable law pernuts Lc;awer to malce such
<br /> a cliarge.However, l.cnd�er rnay require Borrower u�pay a ane-time chaege for aa independent reul est�te 4�.��e#�ortin� service
<br /> usal by Leaider in connudon wid� t�i,� loan, uniess appiicablr faw provides otherwise. UNess an ac�v:.m:nt is made or
<br /> applic,�ble law requires interest ta be E�3:�,Lender shall not be req:�red to pay Borrowrr anl�interest or ezmings on the Funds.
<br /> Botrow�r and I.et�der may agree in wri�i.n�, hoveever,tiiat intertst si�ll be paid on the Funds. L.ender shall give to Borrower.
<br /> without charge, an arwuul aocounting ef the FunsLc. �(iawing erodits and debits�the Funds and the pu�xase fot which each
<br /> debit to the Funds was m�1e.The Fw�ds ue pted�.a�c:a:�dditional security for ali�.mc secured by this Securi:y i�uttuattnt.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender exce�ehe a�Ywcc�,t:s pemutted to be held by apr irable law,Luider sh311 acoount to Barrower
<br /> for the exccss Fund�in accordance wiei:4ae rc�uirernents of applieable law. If the arnount of d'te Funds held by Lender��y
<br /> ume is not sufF�cieiu to p�y the Escrow iteanc when dae,I.ender may so notify Borrowu in w�ii.z�g.and,in such case Be w�r
<br /> shall pay to I.ender the amount nocessary W make up the deficiency. Borrower sh3U mzlce :�the deficiency in ao more tPsan
<br /> twelve moathly paymelu.�,�t Lendtr's sole discresion.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sumv sxured by this Securiry Insuunttnt, Lender slsall pramptly refund to Borrower sny
<br /> Funds held by Lender.If,uader psragraph 21, Letider shall 3cquire or se]1 the Property.Lxnder> prior to the acquisition or salc
<br /> of the Property,shall apply�ny Funds held by i.endcr at the time of acquisition or sate as a c�ii�agaiast We sums secured by
<br /> this Sa.�urity Instroment. �
<br /> 3. Appl{catlua of Pf�y�aepts.Udess zpplic,�tble law provides ott�erwise,all payrt�ents reaived by LecKler under ps�rrgraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 st�all b�zppliod: first,to anY PrcpaYp�ent charges due undcr the Note:second,to �nounts payable w�der paragr�ph 2:
<br /> thind.to interest due�fou�th.W principtal due:and last.to any late charges due undu the Nute.
<br /> 4. C6sr�es;l3ms. Borrower shull pay all tues.ascessments.chuges, fines and impositions Attritwwbk to the Propescy
<br /> which cn�y attain priority over this Security Insuument, �nd lescehold paynxrus or ground taus,if any. Sorrower s�a;l�ay
<br /> �sese abligations in the esr�r.aer providad in par.�graph 2,or if not paid in thzt rt�anner,Borrowu st�all puy ttte�un time dirxtly
<br /> to 6x person owed payr�c,�.Bomew•er shall prnmptly fumish to Lender all notices of umounts to be paid uraw�:r this paragraph.
<br /> If Bwrowu males tItiese paymenit direcdy.Borrower shall PramptlY fitmish to Lender rxeipts evidencing the payma�ts.
<br /> Borrov.0 st�11 prwryxiy dischat�e any lien which h�s priority over this Security Instrumc�t unless Borrower:(a)a,grces in
<br /> writing to the p�ymeni of the obligation sactu�ed by the litn in�muuur acceptable to Lender;(b)con:ests in good faith the lien
<br /> by, or d�efends against enforounent of the lien in, legal proceadings wluch in the Lendet's opinion opec-.■te to prevent 4he
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)sx.cura from the holder of the tien an�greement satisfactury to Lender subor�,3nating the lien to
<br /> shis Secl:�iry Isuwment. If l.ender determines that any part of the Property is subjoct to a lien which may atttin priority over
<br /> this Security Utswment.Lendes mzy give Borrnwer a notice identifying the licn. Borrower shall satisfy tlu licn or takt aec ar
<br /> more of r�e actions set fonh�bove within 10 dzys of the giving of notia.
<br /> . Form 30?.8 9l90
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