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<br /> 15. Fulun A�iranc�. Upan r�qu�st of Borrav►�r,l.�nd1+►�i�r..�1�t��pt�on,maMe�dn�l�onsl and lutur�idv�nC�s and r�• "
<br /> �dvanc�ta 8orraw�r.Such a�vwnces�nd readvencee,w�lh�ntw vct ii�rean,ittdll�tt sACUted by thi!Oead of Trusl.At no Umosh=11 "
<br /> ttu princ�p�l amount o1 the Indabt9dness secuncl by Inis Deeti ot Trutt,nol incfud�n�suma advi�CRd to protatl Ih�t�G�t►Iy d thls -
<br /> G.NJ oi T��5:.szca�3 m� .^.':y����Func�l+1�I amOUn!s{a1�d hYrO�n.Ot S_._ whlGhbV�+u ptNMr. -
<br /> 16. Mi�c�Wn�oua ProvMbn�. -
<br /> (e) tlOttOw�t NO!i�i�Nas�d•EztetiFiOn ot!he Ume ior Fwy�iia��l ur mu.i�lwabu��ut pn;prG:::t�an ot lh;3:umL:::.'_r�bylhr� �.
<br /> Qe8t1 Of 7fU6t 9fiflNd by Li11d?r t0 Q�y L4CC0TSOf�11 t(lt@t6C)OI Bi�l�OWGi Sll�ll np1 O�(T�aIR t0 r�lgasd,ln�11yrt1�1i1Mf.lh�(����1 --r^
<br /> ot tho or�flln�l Barrowor and Borrowsr's aucceswrs�n�meres�.ten�rr sha�1 na�be req,u�y:i+o commaic.a�ra•�d�nps a�t+nst
<br /> 6uCh succwsor or nfuto to extflnd Urtw tor payrtwnf or olherw�se mod�ry amocUiatwn o1 Uit�sums soCuroO by th11 Dvii,i1i Trusl =
<br /> �y reason of a�iy da�ands mad«6}lhe orlQina!Bo+rower and 6or�awer's su�cPSSOrr.�n�ntar�s� -
<br /> (b) L�ndM's Po�at�.With�ut aflectiny the liability ot any otR��parson lu�blo for lha payment ot any oblip�lll�� here�n
<br />' monilone�7,and withaut�ttactinp the Ilen or charga o1 this Doed ot Trusl u�on any pcxs�on ol ttw Property nolttwn or theraWtore �
<br /> releasod ae st►cunry tar tha full�mount ol all unpald obligaLOns,lendar map,lrpm ume to bme and withput noGC�p)retaasa�ny �
<br /> parson so►t�btu,(fi)extE+rxi the maturity or eltur pny ot tha tarms ot any such on{�at�ony.(iu)prant olhnr indulpertCes.(iv)reqaso �.
<br /> or rnconvoy,or causa W be released or reconvayed at eny Ume at Lend�i a opbon any parco�,portlon o��11 0l tM Property, ,
<br /> (v)tokQ or rele2isa�ny other or s►ddilional socurity Ipr any o6ligation herein mentianad,or(vi) make cnmpo�iGone o�olhec _
<br /> eirRnaements with debton in nlatioo thereto. -
<br /> (c) Forb�s�anc�bY L�►d�+Na�a Wurar.Any fo�bearnnca b�� londe►in exsrci�n�any riflM or �umady hereundl►.o+ °
<br /> otharwlse attordad by applicable law,shaU nat be a waiver cl�nr procRide the exercise of any tucfl NpAt or remsdy.Ttw _
<br /> prqcurement o!inwrance or the payment at t�,r.r�s or other lie�s or cF�ar�na by Lender shall not bea wAlvaot Lende►'s�ipht to
<br /> pCCptsrate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by Ihis C�3ed of Trusf. -
<br /> !d) SuCCNSOn and Mslyn�Bound;Joir+t and S�vrr�l lL4b�ity:CaPNo�w.Thfl cevonants�nd a�reements Miraln co�- -
<br /> u���x;�shall bind,and the rights hereunder shall inure to,the respactive successorn pnci assigm of Lende��nd Trustor.All �
<br /> cove+�:�nts and eqroements oi 7ivator shall be jolnt and saverat.The captians and t►eadinfls of the parapraphs of thls Qwd o1 -.
<br /> Trust are tor c:an�F�nience o�ly and are not to be used to interpret o�d�fiofl the�rovistons herao}. _
<br /> (e) R�qwst lor Notica.The parGes hereby requ�st that a copy of an�•notice of detault harw�der and�copy of any notiC�
<br /> pf sale hereut�der be mailed to e�ch party to this Deed ot Trust at the address set lorth above in the minner presCriOed by -.
<br /> �qUCgble I�w.ExCept tor any other notice required under appliCAble I�w to bo yiver in�nother manner,any notke Rrovldad
<br /> Ivr tn thts O�ed of Trust shall be given by mailing such noli�e by certitied mai!addressad to the other partiw,at the edc�resa sa1 -
<br />- foclh abovo.Any notice provided lor in this Qeed of Trust shall be efleCtive upon maltin9 in the mannw desiynate�3 herNn.H -
<br /> Trwta is more thu►orw pe►son,notke sent to the address set}orth aDove shall ba noUce W 811 suCh p�rson�.
<br /> (� �Mp�etbn.Lendar may make or cause�be made reasonable a�trles upon and inspecUons ot th1 P►opsriy.provldad
<br /> ' tAat Lsnder shall Qive Trustor noUca prior tc a�fy cuch Inspection spxityinp reasonable causo theretor reltted to L�ndsr'�
<br /> faL►r�st In the Property.
<br /> (p) R�tonv�ylnu.Upon payment ot s�6 s�ma secured by thla Deed of Trust,le�der shall�equest T�ustse to roco�vey th�
<br /> Properry and shall turrender thls Ceed of 7rua!ar�d all notee evidencinp indebtednesa sQCUred by thts L1eed�f Truat to Trus�.
<br /> . Trustee shaD ro,�nvey tho Property wlthcM v►a:ra�ty and without cha►9e to the person w peraons t�l1y on6tled thets�o.
<br /> Trustor ahall{�v�'1 coata of recorda8or�,et ary
<br /> (h) P�nonsi Propwty;Sacurity Apno�+om-�.�►s addl�aaal sec�rity t�er the payment of the Note. Trustor twrea�9ra�tf `
<br /> Lender under tha Nebraaka Unitorm Commerc:a'Code a secarity Uterest in aIl tixtures,equipme�t,nnd othu psrwnaS Fxops+tY
<br /> ue�d In connactton with the real estate or in�rovemertb tocated thereon,and not otherwise dectarW or dMmed to be a ptR of
<br /> the nal eWte aecurod hereby.Thls insVumer.i sha{I be c�r�s�ued as e Securlty Apreemant under said Code,and�a L�r -
<br /> thatl havs dl tlze rlphts and remadlas of a se��:c+ed party under aald Cod::in additlon to the rlyhta md�smedier cre�Ssd under
<br /> and acc;p�d�d tfr�Lender pursuant to thts Oee�10}Trust;provlded that Lend�r s�tflhts and nmsdle�undarthfs p�ra�raph�hall -•
<br /> � bs cumulsdve with,and ln na way a UmilBiio�on.LenOeta riflhts and remodiea under tny u'u'iiu 5oi.ui iay iy��:ii�'ii L:��ro:� `
<br /> Borrowrw or TrwWr. __
<br /> (t) {,{�ns snd EncumbrancM.Trustor hareby warrante and ropresente that thera Is no default undsr the proviaic��of iu�y
<br /> moRQa�e,deed Of trust,loase or purchase contract describinp aA or eny paR ot the PropeRy,or othor contract,in�osw.y!wnt or
<br /> a�rwm�nt car.ci;.wtiny a lien a encumbrance apainst all or any part of the Property(collectively,"Lie�e"),exlstin��ot the -
<br /> date of thl�De�d of TruaR a�d that any end all exlsUny Liene remain unmrdifled except as disclosed ta Lendsr In Trwtor's
<br /> w�it�dl�closura of lien�and encumbraoces provlded tor herein.Tru�cr shall Umely p�Aorm atl of Trusta's obli9stlons,
<br /> covensnb,reprexr�tatlom and warrantles undar any ar�d all exislUnfl pnd t�ture Liens,shall prompGy torwud W L�nd�r copie� -
<br /> ot aIl notic�s ot delault�nt i�connecUon with aay and al!exlstiny or luture Uens,and shall nat without Undar's pROr writtsn
<br /> poas�nt in�ny manner modiy the Rrovtalons of or altow any fuwre advsncea uodor any exlsUn�or futura Uens.
<br /> (j) Applicst�oa of P�rms+�b.Unlass otherwlse requirad by taw,sums pald to Lsnder heteundet,inctudtn�without t!knitttjon
<br /> paymeab of princlpal ond interest,Insurance ptoceeds,condemnaUon procseda and rents and proti�ts,shall be applild by
<br /> L�xJsr to tAa amounb due�nd owlnp trom Truator and Bonowsr In such orde�aa Lender in its wta di.�:.�e5on desm�d�a
<br /> (k) S�w�abWl�. If any proviston of thta Deed of Trust conflicts with applicaDte!aw or is daclar�ad invslld or oth�rwiss
<br /> unentorcwbfe.such confllct or invalfdity shall not aHect the othar provisons of thle Deed o}Trust or�e Nob wlsich cu�be
<br /> yiven effect without the conRictit�proviflon.and to this end ttw provi�Wna o!this Drad cf T��st and the Nds are dvc'ared to b�
<br /> esv�rable.
<br /> (q T�.Tlhe terms"Trustor"and"Borrower"shatl inalude both eE�ular and plural,end when tt►e Uustor an:�orrn�w�r
<br /> wo the aam�p�araon(s�,thoss terms as used in thls Dsod o1 Trust shalt be interchanpeaDte.
<br /> . (m) Go�r�iq Law.This Dead o!Trus!ahall bs yovarned by the law�Ot the State ot Nebraska.
<br /> � Tnasl,pr►ut en,ocutsd thla Deed of Trust w ot the date written above.
<br /> � W
<br /> ; E. � Q��DL �':�ID
<br /> . ����o'�•�ti2 �
<br /> • p 7fi�pl —.
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