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<br /> T. [ml.ss�s!Donsaln.Lpnder IY haropy w�lynpci�It compansauon.awsrde.dams�o�pnd aUwr pa�mw�ta or rwi�l(twtalnattar _
<br /> ' �Procewir'7'n cor+necUOn wilh cand�mn�uoo a olhor takin9 at tM Proput�r a pa�t thsr�ot.w tor convayanco�n Iwu at cand��na- —
<br /> � tlo� l�����b+��ntiUo��t ile opt�on to comm�nc�,�pp�a►�n and prosrcuta in ita awn nam�any acdon or proaadinps,Rnd _
<br /> .:�V....� �w41���..w�wr��� �i�w w� _
<br /> ' �hall�t�O W inuub w marcu 7�ny cwnpra,�i�W YO11W111W H li�yVn1�MYNV,i�.� i rvvil w..���y 4� w���..yv.�1 t`r�viTi�w��j` W�•vn�. _
<br /> ; G�a��•�w:�ty t::a�:;.�o�u.i���:+y:��t:��d:�N''��It:sva;h:a;.::an.:n I�:_l•en�!�ti•^lutw dlacriGon.to aPP�Y�II such ProCS�d�, _
<br /> �tqr d�p�,cGnq tnw�trom�►t co�u and qnp�nus InCUrr�d by{t�n tonMCtion with such Proce�da.uPon�ny indobtadniia iaCw�d _
<br /> ' har�by�nd In tuch ord�r�Under mnp oMwrn�lne.or to appiy t11 such P�aceede.efOSr wch dYducuau,w 1►w raaWratlw�ot tne _
<br /> prpputy upon such condit�ons u lu�dur may datwn�lna.0.ny ap�lkatl�on ot ProcNd�to Indebted�u sh�ll nat pxtand or pastpo��
<br /> -_ i ihQ dua d:ta at s:�Y psYman:s urtdet the N4t11.Of Gu(O��y d�laull ths�eundsr or harwndu.Any unapp�lad tunds sha11 b�pald to =
<br /> < Trwto�. -
<br /> � g, pp�nta py Lsetdsf.Upan the occurren�A ot m Eva�+l of Wtault M►eundw,o�it any ect Is taken or leflal procMdl�q _
<br /> commw►c�whlch mat�rlally att�cUi lpndat'�Intetait In ths PropoRy.Undsr may in Ib own diacrntioo.but wlthout obllsation W do
<br /> w,�nd wlthout nodc�to or darnAnd upon Tru�tar and wlthout��qaslny T�ustor►rom any oblip�tinn,do any act which Tr,utor hu
<br /> � aprNd but tall�to da�nd may�1FO du ony ath�r act It dNms n�c�ssary to Prot�c�the secu�ity hareof.Trustor shall,ImmadG�tely =
<br /> u������w�by l.0exler,pi►Y W ler►�s►sll cosb�nd�xp�nse�Incurnd and sumi axpendod by Lsnd�r In connscdo�wlth
<br /> tM�z�rciso by Lentlor oi tlip iaropoinQ rlqnis,toq�i�wr wii,1 I��.d::.t�ir�:t atth:l d�l�uR rlte�Ovkkd it1 th�NOte.wiiiGh thitl De .-
<br /> � �dd�d W tha k�debtednpss a�cursd haeby.lend�r sM�l not Incu��ny tiaOAi��becawa of anythin� It may do� uaU�to dc+ _
<br /> , h/fWfldel. _
<br /> ' 9. H�ssrdow ILi�r{�N,Troatar sht�l kNp tt►�Propwty in cnmplttnc�wlth au appUcable lawa,ordln+�s�r�pulutku►�
<br /> ` r�laarp to ir+dwtrl�!hyp{�ne or�nvlronm�ntal prot�cUori(coltocllvoly rot�r�ed to Mnln a�"Envlronrnsntal Laws'1.Truttnr sMl)
<br /> < icMp tM Prop�rty(r�trom wll substanaa�ieameci tu be►wzardous ar toxtc undsr any Envlronmsntrl l.�►ws(co�tseywlY roMrmd to
<br /> ' i MrNn as"Haurdow Mat�Hata'1.T�uctor her�p wurrrnb�nd npreta�ts to Lander that thsre ara no Hazerdnua MAOKIa�s on or
<br /> '' und�r the P�oparty.Tn+stor harobY pGrna ta lndemntt���nd hold hArmN�s L�r.it�dtnc"ars,otficers.amp►uy�ss and apenm.snd
<br />.;_ � �y s�ccp�prs to Lander'4 Intarost,irom and��Inst a�y and all ctaimi,damtpM,losa�s and IIAb►tidse arisiny In connnctWn with
<br /> ttto proeence,ue�,dlspoaal or transpoA u!�ny Haz�rdou�PWatariat�on, undsr,irom or obaul lha Prop�ty.THE FOR�GOINO
<br /> 10. A�lpe�nn�nt oi R�b.Truato�fwra0y asstflns to Lender the renb,iswos and profib of ths Proporry:p�ovid�0 tf�at Truator
<br />_ .;� ahatl.until th�occurrenae ot an EvQ�t of Daiautt��rwnda,have ths rlyht to col4t�ct and rotaln such rsnb,isaw�+u�d profib p tl►eY
<br /> b�com�due and payabW.Upon the accurrsr►c�of an Event o!Oofault,Ler�der may.elUwr in peraon or by apM�.w�w or without
<br /> � brioyinp any action or proceedlnp,or tsy a raCWve�appolnted by a coun and wlthout royard to the adequ+cY of�ts se�urlh►,ents�
<br />—.-� uppn wxi take pouasston ot the PropMy,or�ny part therwf,in ib own name or in the name of tha Trusfes.and do�tny acb which it
<br />.:y� de�ns necesssry or dasirAbte to preserw the vatus.markwbility or rentaW lity ot ths P�operty.or any I�ma r«operty.sue tor or
<br /> _ , incrossa tha income therefrom or prot�ct the securiry hereot and,wiih or without takfn�poss�sslo
<br />�_� otltisrwtss collect Hw r�nts,issuee and profib thersof,includirw those W�st due and unpald.and apply tho sarr�IMi costs snd
<br /> expensos of oparatlor�and collecUon includin�altorneys'tees,upon any indebtedness secured 1w�eby.al�tn Buch ordK a�«�dx
<br />'a- may determine.TM entarin�upon snd takin�possesslon of tha Propary.th�coltecUaa o�such r4nts,tasues ar�d pro!ib and ths
<br /> - applic�Non thereof aa atoresaW,shall not cura nr waive ony de(auR or naHce of detault harounda or I�va�idate anY�ct dcn�Ir�
<br /> re�ponso W such da'ault or purwant to such notice of dsfault and notwlMatandl��the conUnuance to pcssetalo++at ths Prop�tY a
<br />° tha collaction,receipt and application o}renb,Issues or Protib,a�d Trustee and Le�der shall be enUUsd to exe►cl�e every riqht
<br />'-_� prpvid�d for in any of tfie Loan Documents or by I�w upon occurrence ol any Event of De(aul�includinp without Ilmitatlor�the►iphtto
<br /> — ex�rci�s tfis power ot ssie.Further.Lender's ri�hu end rernedies undor this p¢raQraph shall be cumulativs with.and 1�no waY�
<br /> Ilmitatbn O�r.L�dsrs rlyhts and temedl�s un0et anY sssl�nme�t of(eates and reaisrecordod oAalnst ths FropertY-Lendsr,TrusNs
<br />__= and tha rer�hwt ah�l1 bs Iiab1Y tt�aCGOUnt onh/thOSS rents aCtuiUy►eCeived.
<br />°�--°_ � 11, Ew�ls o!Qs�s!!.Tha follawi�y sh�U co�s6tute an Event ot netautt unoer mis uvea cri���u��
<br /> -� (a) Failurs to pay any instat{ment o1 pNncipat or intereat o1 ony other sum�cu�ed tw�eby when due:
<br /> s (b) A bre�ch of or detault under any provisto�conW+ied in 1he Nota.Ihls Deed of Trust,any of ttw to�Docwnents.or ar►Y
<br /> -� ott�Uen or encumbra�Ce upon tha ProFertv:
<br />_� (c)A writ of exocudon or attachment or any similar procass shal!be enterad aDalnat Trustor whlch st'%+it become��IM on
<br /> — th�Properry a any portion thereol or tnterest thereln;
<br /> — y (d)Thare shall be filed by or�ainst Trustor or Borro�r�er an seUon under any present or future federal,atate or othsr
<br /> — statute,law or rogulBUon rataUn�ta ba�kruptcy,insolvency or other rellel for debtors;w thete shall be appointed sny Vustee,
<br /> — recelver or liquidat�r of Trustor or Borrower or ot rifl or eny part of the PropeRy,or the rsnts,Issues or profitf ths�eof,or Trustor
<br /> � or Borrower atx�tl n+�:ico any yenerol assiflnma�k t�Cr the benefit of creditors; rt o��an Interest in the
<br /> (o)7he�sate.L�ar.aier,lease,asslyement,ccR�eyance o�surther encumbrance ol atl or eny pa Y
<br />'=�� Property, either voluntarily or involunmrily,without tha exp�rss written conse�t of Lender; p►ovlded that Trustor SR�Gt be
<br /> - - pKmiited to ez�cute a lease ot ri�e Rroperry that doea not ccaL•an an opGon to purchase ac�d the term of whlch doas ncc exc�d
<br /> one year, �
<br /> � (q 1lbandonment a!the Praperty:or
<br /> _ (�!t Trustor is not an Individual,the iswanca,sale,trancter,aasiflnmenL conveyance or encumbrar.c�of mOre than a tota!
<br /> �� cf o-._.percent of pt a Corporation)its issued and outstandlr►p stock or(!1 a partn�csh.:p)a total ot perce�t of
<br /> � ptrt�rshlp intsresb ddrinp the period this Deed of Trust re:nalne a lien on the Property-
<br /> .— �p, R«n�diw;Ac�aM�allpn Upon DNwK.In the event of any Event of De�ault Lenda�m.��v.without noUce exceptas re�i.t"ued bY
<br /> �� law, dectare atl lndebtednesa secured hereby to be due ond payable and Ihe same shals thereupon become due and paysbto
<br /> — w!lhout any presentment damand,protest a notice ot any ki�d.Thereafter Le�scE�r n+aY
<br />- °`� (a) pgmand t2tat T�ustee exerCise the R�P:ER OF SAI.E pranted h�ei+�, and Trustae shall thereafter causs Trwtor's
<br /> iMerest in tha Property to be s�ld a��d the proceeds to be dlbtrlbuted.aU�n ihe manner�srovidad in the tJObraska Trust 06eds
<br /> .,o� qc�
<br /> � (b) ExetciseanyandallriphtaprovidadforinanyottheLc�nRocwnenLsorbYlawu�rtaxu►renceofanyEu�entofti�auli:
<br />=�� �(c) Commence sn action to forectose this Qaed olTrustas a mortgaye.�point a recelver,or speGfica::y entorce any o1 the
<br /> =`� covonants hereof.
<br /> s�� No remedy herei�conterred upon or reserved to i'r.:s:ee or lercer is ineendeG 4o be exclusiva of anr o�-�rsrn°dy!te�'etrt,I�►the
<br /> --, Loan Documenta or by law provided or permitted,but each sha�r be cumut�tive,shatl be in additbn to every other ramedy yiv�en
<br /> — hereunder.in the Loan Documents o►now or heteatte�existit��caw o►in aquity or by statute.and may be exetcieed ConCURenUy.
<br />'._�• independentty or success+vely.
<br />=��. 13. TrwiM.The Trustee may rest�n at any time without cause,and lo�s�tar may at eny tirt►a �od wi�out cause appolnt a
<br />=•�' sucCessor or substitute Trustee.Trustf�e shall not bo liabte W any parry,includir�g w+thout limitation Lender.Borrower,Truator or any
<br />•�y., purchaser o1 tne Property,tor any los9 or damaye unless due to recxtess or witifui misCOnduc��srsall no1 be requlrod to take any
<br />-_:�, actlon i� connection with the enforaomeM o1 thia Deed of Trust untess Indemnified, in wnting,tor all costs. Compansation ot
<br /> axpenses which may be assoclated therewith.In addition,Trustee may become a purchaser ac e�y sale of the Properry�udicial or
<br /> under tha power of rale granted hereln):postpone the sate ot all or any portion of the PropeAy,as provided by law;o►seU iAs
<br /> s Proparty as a whde,or in sepsrate pucals or lots at Trustee's discretion.
<br /> 14. F�os and Exp�nt�s•�n the event Trustee sells the Property by exercise of power ot sate,Trustee shatl be entitled to apply
<br /> any sate proceeds first to payment ot all costs and expenses ol exercising power of sale,tncluding atl Trustee's fees,and Lender'e
<br /> a�x!Trustse's attorney'a toes,acwatty Incurred to extent permitted by applicabte law.ln the event Bor�ower or Trustor exercieas eny
<br /> rlpht provldod by law to Cure an Event of Default.Lender th,all be en6Ued to recover lrom Trustor all costs and expenses actually
<br /> incurred aa a rwult of Truator's default includinp without limifatton all Truztee's and aBOrney's tees,to ttw�xtent permitted by
<br /> appUca6le law.
<br /> r
<br /> _J !
<br />