<br />a". 1f he fails to nay- any sum or keep any co+•enant provided far ir. this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at
<br />its option, may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum
<br />oaring on the above note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided
<br />for in the principal indebtedness.
<br />7, t"pon request. of the .llw•tgagee, '4iartgagor shall execute and cleliser a supplemental note or notes
<br />for the sum or sums advanced by Mortgagee for the alteration, ntoderuizatiun, or improvement made at
<br />the Mm•igagor`s request; or for maintenance of said pretn}ses, or for taxes or assessments against the
<br />same, and for arty- outer purpose elsewhere authorized heretander. Said uote or gates shall be secured
<br />hereby on a parity +vith and as sully as if the advance evidenced thereb>- +vet•e }ttcluded in the note first
<br />deseribc~d above. Said supplemental Hate or rams shall bear interest at the rate provided far in the prin-
<br />cipal Indebtedness ar.d sha}I be payable in approxima*.e}}- equal mitnthly p.tymcnis far such period as may
<br />be agreed upon by *.he \lortg:tgee: and \iortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity. the +ehale of the sum
<br />or stints sa advanced shall be due and payable thirty t:~01 days after demand by the Mortgagee- In no
<br />erenT shall the maturity' extend beyond the ultimate nuttnritc of the note tirsr described above.
<br />5. LIe her,~bs assigns. transfers xnd sets ever to Lhe _llartgagee, to be applied toward the payment of
<br />the Hate and aL sums si~ured hereby- in case of a default iu the. performance of any of the term. and coudi-
<br />tii,ns of This mortgage or tttc said note, all the rents, revettui>s and ini•ome to be derived from the mort-
<br />gaged premises during such lime as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain mtpsid; and The Mortgagee
<br />shay: haw e ptnrer To appoint anv agent ar agents it mar desire f or the purlx,se of renting ttte same and col-
<br />._~ting the rents. recenu~s and income, and i*. a.ay pas out of said incomes all n+~cessary .ommissions and
<br />expenses incurr<<t ir. rentir:g and managing the same and of rol?ecting rentals therefrom: the balance
<br />r~•rtaining, i f any-. to he applied ia++-ard the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness.
<br />9- Ile still c~ontittuaaaly- maiutaain Hazard lost?ranee. of such tope art> pes and smct:a,ts a, Mortgagee
<br />n,av from time t~ time ~+~ .;ire, on the intprav-emenis na+v or hereafter an said premises and except when
<br />~r ntt :,,: i. .,tri„n,. h~~ t_h:~» r.,r_',~r,~ b~,ett made undo. ((-d) of ttarag raph :? Hereof. ++ill pay
<br />pea;rtptl>- ;rhrn due any I+r~•ntiunts ther~ior. L'lii,n driault thereof, \Iortgager mac pa> the same. All
<br />. ctranee shay. be rarrird in eompanic_¢ approc~l be the Mortgagee anri the p,dicies trod renewals thereof
<br />stroll Lh ltek4 be the 31or:y*tgi•a and have attached thereto I,~~s pa}-ab]e Blau;~~s in iacor r,i and in form
<br />a.Yeptahle to. the Mortgagee. In went of lose ~Iertgagor +sill give immediate notice by mail to the Riort-
<br />gagee_ erho mac nt:ake pr,xif ai lass ii not made prompt}y by 9iurtgagcu-, and each insw ant~_ company con-
<br />erned is }t_•relay autltarize+i and directed io make pay;nent for such loss airecth to the ~fi,rtgagee instead
<br />c,f is the Mortgagor and the Mortgagee iointlr, artd tha insurance peace ~:. ar any part thereof.
<br />near be apP1i~~I L,y the Mortgagee at its op*_ion either to the reduction of the indebtrdr.ess }terebp : ecured
<br />ur to tlta rcotaration or r epsir of the p.operty damaged. In event of fatz closet e of this mortgage. m other
<br />transfer of tltie is the mza i~;3~c=d prr,pertr iu eatirguishment of the indebt•~dn,=ss sa.~urrd het~by, all
<br />right, t.it}e and interest of the tilartgagar in and to am insurance pali~ies th.n ir, force shall paes to the
<br />pu~rltaser or grantee.
<br />30. As addiaonai ~,nd t ollateral secnr-sty for the payment of the note de~rri',~ d, anti all aunts to come
<br />due under this mortg<tgi-. the'_4i:,rfgag++r :,ereby assigns to the Mar-tgagc~• all l,~as,• lx,ttuses, pratiL, rrer_
<br />nur•~, royalties, t•ighis, :tttd +,ther t~nefits accruing to the \icrtgagur under any rutd ail ail amt gas leaes
<br />Han- ar during the life +,f this nturtgage, exc~uted an said premises, with thc• rig}tt ,, r.-: ~ ice-and r<~ceipt
<br />tier t3te sanre and al,}.ly them to aatd indebteilnc-ss as swell before a; after ,?efautt izz t! _ ; .editions of Lhis
<br />±n<,rtgage, :nd the \3i,rtgag=~~ near demand, sue for and tx~•o+-er any such payment, n't:rz; ,iao and pay-
<br />ah:e, but saali r;c>t Lx ::7tuired u~ to do_ This assignment is u, terminate and tx•ctsme t;uii and void upon
<br />release of this mortgage.
<br />~,. 7-7e a'hittt ni,t _.-,___ it ~_r p;~rmit +i'?Ste? a_nd ghail maintain tit. n _ _; rt i~ i„ •_ _ _.--'~I :. ...7 tt:Un ..3 at
<br />Itresent, reasatrat,le ++earyat:,': tear exeepteci. L'ptm a•t}- failure to st, mamt,in. ~t :g,.grh•. at its option,
<br />may +•ausr reasona_t<e n:aint~narce work to be performed at the it,st of 3for•?iragar. .any- amount3 paG-1
<br />t:hrrefcr i, Mi..•tgai, ;hell bear interest aL dte rate prorided for itt the- l,rzttri}cti irrdoi,?edness• shat
<br />tl:ereupan bc`~ome a part of the ir_ciebtednzes secured hy- this instrument, t atalrly att,i an as p:tritg whit all
<br />other lode}tteinea src~ured }acerb., asd shall be payable titirtc t[>01 days after demon+4.
<br />1~. if the },remise>, i,r :,ny- }~;rt thereof, L~ t•candemned under the pa++,=r .,f <minent dotru~in, ar
<br />acquired fi,r a public tie, the .izxmaf-e_, awarded, the prncti~c•ds for tht~ +_aking +,t or tht~ crttsiacration for
<br />sorb ar+~uisiti++rt. 2u tl:e ext,ttt ;_f the full antaurt of the remaining unluri,i in~l:-t,+-rdness arvured by this
<br />m+-rag-,tg~, t,t° hereby :~.signt+:i t_~ t_ISe Aiorig*agee, and shall ix pain tat-th:vit^ i<, =...;d ?tiortgag~~e. to be
<br />appiirxl e=n amount of tltr last maturing installments of such indebtedness.
<br />l3. If the yiuttgag,r ;ails to make any- pa>-menu when due, or to cr,ni+±rm to arttl comply with any
<br />of the ctsnditions t,_ agreement= c.,ntainrd in this mortgage, or the notes ahirh it secures, then the
<br />~nLire princiiroat sun: a..~, accrued in?trc~t shall °t anre bhome due and payable, at t. election of the
<br />?,i+~rtgagee: and this mortgage may thereupon be fot•eclosed it»mediateiy for the whale of the indebted-
<br />ness ltxnrt~hx- secured, i._eluding ihr coat of ext?ndirg the abstract of title ft•r=tn the elate of this mort-
<br />gage? io the time of commencing such soli, a reasonable attorneys fee, and arty runts paid b> the 'etc eons
<br />Administratiara an aietiunt of the guaranty or insurance ai the indebtedness tirrtrted herrb>, all of which
<br />shall he inciudecl in the decree of fareciass:rre.
<br />24. If the iri3ebtedztess s•u~ur~i hereby be guarantc~ d ar insured under Title ;3A, United States Code,
<br />such Title and $egvlatiuns issued thereunder anal in effcti~t on Llte date hereof shall ga~'ern the rights, duties
<br />and Liabilities trt' the parties hereto, and any provisions of this or other instruments exrruted in connection
<br />with said indebtedness ahich am ine~ansistent with said Title or Pegtrlatians are hereby arnendetl to
<br />conform titereGa.
<br />The covenants herein cant*•'ned shs3l bind, and the 6enetits and advantages shall inure to, t}u•
<br />